What to bring from Tallinn as a gift?

What to bring from Tallinn as a gift?
What to bring from Tallinn as a gift?

The ancient and very beautiful city of Tallinn is not only rich in high culture with all its European values: it also satisfies all shoppers. Question: "What to bring from Tallinn?" almost every tourist asks, because the eyes truly run wide. This article is intended to slightly streamline knowledge about this particular side of the beautiful city.

What to look for

what to bring from Tallinn
what to bring from Tallinn

So, what to bring from Tallinn so that it is not burdensome in terms of finances, dimensions and weight, but at the same time looks original and can give a long memory of the trip? You may not believe it, but in the capital of Estonia, such gifts can be found on almost every corner. It is noteworthy that not only souvenirs are good in this city, which will be discussed in more detail below, but also wardrobe items, sweets and alcohol, dishes and, of course, fine jewelry.

Tourists who have already visited this region say that here you can dress in the latest fashion, purchasing clothes of excellent quality and not spending too much on it. You can bring friends and relatives excellent chocolate and delicious liqueurs - these products are alsoare, as it were, the face of the city, as well as the famous amber jewelry.

Shopping while walking

what can be brought from Tallinn
what can be brought from Tallinn

Souvenir shops are scattered all over Tallinn often and everywhere, so there are no problems with the search, any gift or souvenir can be bought literally at every step. The guides prefer to lead their groups around the Old Town, Viru street directly and in the nearby lanes.

However, further, and in any direction, you can usefully stroll: the city is beautiful everywhere, and in shops the farther from the town hall, the richer, more original and, what is important, better and cheaper souvenirs. Therefore, it makes sense to walk along Viru Street to the end, and look further along the lanes, only then it will be possible to decide what to bring home from Tallinn.


what to bring from Tallinn photo
what to bring from Tallinn photo

Souvenir shops almost everywhere in Tallinn offer a wide selection of juniper crafts. These are not only beautiful and useless trinkets for memory, there are also very durable utensils, as well as magnificent caskets and unique key rings. Kitchen accessory sets are not just beautiful - they fit uniquely into any interior style.

But almost every tourist buys knick-knacks, without thinking about what to bring from Tallinn, because even a souvenir gathering dust on a shelf will always remind you of the wonderful days of communication with an old, unique European city, when everyday bustle remained somewhere far away, and rest daysaccompanied by peace and beauty.


Practical housewives definitely buy Estonian linen. These products - both bedding and kitchen - will certainly serve for a very long time, and their environmental friendliness is guaranteed by the material itself. These are hand-embroidered tablecloths, all kinds of napkins, and kitchen towels decorated with national patterns.

Embroidered linens will be the envy of everyone for years to come - linen is one of the most durable fabrics. There are also linen dresses, shirts, sundresses with beautiful embroidery, which are also always in high demand. Don't know what to bring from Tallinn as a gift to your loved ones? Pay attention to things like this - you won't go wrong!

For warm memories

souvenirs from Tallinn what to bring
souvenirs from Tallinn what to bring

Handmade natural wool and wool products are also a very popular area of traditional Estonian hospitality. Knitwear is popular everywhere, and the local ones can compete with the Orenburg fluff in terms of sales. It is no wonder that most tourists, having familiarized themselves with the range of local products, no longer puzzle over what to bring from Tallinn. A photo of woolen products with patterns, bright drawings or ornaments will surely help others to choose a memorabilia about this city.

Literally everything a person wants is sold in stores and souvenir shops: from patterned sweaters and funny hats with ears or horns, from scarves, capes, shawls and mittens to huge blankets made of thicknatural handmade yarn, also decorated with national ornaments. Souvenirs from Tallinn are very diverse. What to bring - everyone will decide for himself, there is a choice for every taste, and, moreover, the richest.


There are no patterns: these are not only traditional deer, cats and lambs, but also trimmed with ribbons, braid, cord or rhinestones. Estonian national patterns are known throughout Europe, and warm hand-knitted sweaters are highly valued there - about the same as the textiles of the Krenholm factory, known in our country since Soviet times.

Since these products are distributed throughout Europe and almost never reach the shelves of Russian retail outlets, it is a must to buy them in Tallinn: this is not only a memory, but also an excellent investment. These things will serve faithfully for a long time. From what you can bring from Tallinn as a gift, Krenholm textiles are truly the best choice.

Colored glass

what to bring from Tallinn as at
what to bring from Tallinn as at

In Tallinn, products of glass-blowing workshops are especially popular, and the process of their manufacture can be observed live: how a unique little thing appears from a molten drop of liquid glass, which you can buy while still warm. Shops at the workshops sell amazing vases, sets of glasses, wine glasses and other ceremonial dishes, as well as window pendants, various figurines and wall decorations.

It is rather difficult to decide on your own what souvenirs to bring from Tallinn, because the choice is huge. There are the simplest glass trinkets, andstained glass author's works, and all sorts of nice gifts - from simple fridge magnets to functional exclusive products. But each of them is a symbol of the Estonian capital, and therefore the memory of it will not be erased over the years.

Ceramic and forging

what to bring from Tallinn photo
what to bring from Tallinn photo

Ceramic products are still as traditional for modern Tallinn as they were in the Middle Ages. Products that tourists buy are still unique: these are ceramic copies of the most famous buildings, souvenir plates with images of the most remarkable places in the capital and the country. And just like on woolen sweaters, socks and mittens, national ornaments triumph here - ceramics, glassware, and linen towels accept them equally gratefully.

In addition to beer mugs, colored glasses and souvenir plates, look at forged products. What can be brought from Tallinn from this category of goods? Among people who are not constrained by means, figurines of animals and knights are in demand. Yes, they are quite large and heavy, but they will decorate an apartment or a country house, making the interior truly unique. Can't afford this purchase? No problem! Tallinn is full of smaller forged ashtrays, coasters and vases.


what can you bring from Tallinn as at
what can you bring from Tallinn as at

The delicacy, which consists of sugar and almonds, was invented in the Middle Ages as a medicine, it was made and sold only in pharmacies. This is mentioned in written sources of 1422: the Tallinn Town Hallthe pharmacy began to sell a new drug invented there - mithridacium, which cured a seriously ill ratman from the city council. It was invented, according to the legends, by a very smart student Mart, since the pharmacist who was entrusted with the manufacture of the medicine fell ill. The student used completely different ingredients, which he considered the most delicious. The author of the drug had to try the first dose, so as not to expose the noble patient to the danger of poisoning. If the medicine is bitter, the ratman may well refuse it, looking at how the pharmacist's apprentice winces. And if so, let's add some sweet…

Naturally, the patient liked the drug. And not only. Almonds relieved him of stomach pains. Further, the medicine began to be called March bread. Over time, special forms for baking and … marzipans with the image of the coat of arms of Tallinn appeared in the town hall. In addition, the production of marzipan figurines began. The healing properties of almonds are well known today, it is literally a panacea. Student Mart was right about the ingredients. And this delicacy has become the hallmark of the city and the country.


what to bring from Tallinn from products
what to bring from Tallinn from products

Estonian sweets are known all over the world, and this is not only marzipan, but also Kalev chocolate. Having visited the museum-shop of marzipan, every tourist will learn what delicious things to bring home from Tallinn. That's why the old cafe Maiasmokk on Pikk street, building 16 is a must-have item in the plans of every guide.

Here everyone can sculpt a figure from a sweet mixture on their own and to their own taste. Which one thenbuy chocolate? The most famous and prestigious brands in Estonia are Kalev, Kalevipoeg, Linda. If you have friends who have a sweet tooth (and who doesn't?), be sure to bring them one of the best gifts in the national style. More than sixty varieties of sweets and chocolates of the mentioned firms are bought in the store at 7 Roseni Street.

More delicious food

Another national food product, considered (and still considered) by many to be medicinal, is the Old Tallinn liqueur, which has become the same symbol as marzipan. It is purchased by tourists from all over the world. The drink is in no way inferior to the famous Riga Balsam from neighboring Latvia, in any case, it is no less popular among the guests of the capital.

what souvenirs to bring from Tallinn
what souvenirs to bring from Tallinn

And what else to bring from Tallinn from products? First of all, fish products - sprats and spicy herring. And, of course, great Estonian cheeses. Tourists willingly buy them in large quantities - both for themselves, and for friends, and for relatives. Fragrant honey, delicious marshmallows and a variety of jams, brewed according to old recipes and only from hand-picked seasonal berries and fruits, are often brought to different countries from Estonia.

Glycerine soap

what delicious to bring from Tallinn
what delicious to bring from Tallinn

Handmade soap is always a great souvenir, accepted with gratitude as a gift. Especially if it is a soap of high quality and attractive appearance. Tourists especially appreciate glycerine, cooked inTallinn. It is cooked at home, flavors, spices and all other ingredients are used only natural and he althy for the skin. Especially liked by all Tallinn glycerin soap with cinnamon, which is called "Christmas Cake".

It is produced only in small batches, despite the high demand. It contains only natural oils, spring water, honey, milk, dried flowers and herbs, spices, natural vegetable glycerin. It is these components that help soften and refresh the skin. Tallinn soap foams well, has good washing properties and is absolutely harmless. Such a tool is sold everywhere - both in souvenir shops and in the markets.

Shops and stores

The most popular shops are the "Craftsmen's Yard" in Katarina Lane and the "Krambude" shop, where gift sets and souvenirs are made according to medieval patterns, which means they have a special flavor. The Eesti Käsitöö store in the Old Town is also popular.

Tourists also love the nearby Rewill shop, where handicrafts have "settled". Stained glass workshops are located in different places, but the products of Dolores Hoffman enjoy special attention. It's in the same place, in Katharina's alley.
