Arriving in Abkhazia, having enjoyed the local sun and the beauty of the beaches, splashing in the sea water, you can think about what to bring from Abkhazia as a gift. The country of beauty and unforgettable landscapes offers its guests many excursions that are simply impossible to miss. And it is on such excursions that you should look for a gift for relatives, friends and a loved one.

Abkhazia. What to bring home?
So, you are going to rest. And for those who are interested in the question of what can be brought from Abkhazia as a gift, you can answer - absolutely everything.
You can make a huge list of all kinds of household goods and household items, products and various souvenirs. Gifts that can be brought from Abkhazia are such interesting and diverse products that it can be said with full confidence that it is almost impossible to leave the resort empty-handed.

Gift Ideas
Ever since ancient times, Abkhazia has been famous for its handicrafts from vines and boxwood, andalso many souvenirs made of shells, sea pebbles and bamboo.
One of the popular answers to the question of what to bring from Abkhazia as a gift would be wicker furniture and decorations.
There is a large variety of wicker furniture that will become relevant not only in the house, but also in the garden for a successful summer holiday. In addition, the fair sex in Abkhazia is very fond of making ceramic dishes, and it is worth noting that they have significantly succeeded in this matter. Guests are offered to take away various ceramic products, embroidered handbags and many handmade jewelry. Such souvenirs can be offered at every local market and on the way to the beach, and their cost is quite affordable and acceptable for the average consumer, and of course, do not forget that bargaining is always appropriate. Local residents are always happy to make concessions and discounts.
September, sun, beach… What can you bring from Abkhazia in September?! Wine, of course.
Today, there are not so many real wines that have been famous for generations. Practically in all shops, where "homemade wine" will be offered, there will be powdered products. It has nothing to do with the wine the poems were about.
But still, there is a local population that still offers guests of Abkhazia their own home-made products. However, you should be careful, it is better to listen to the reviews and recommendations of experienced tourists. The Sukhumi winery is famous for good wine, which offers products at quiteaffordable prices. In addition, quality products can be purchased at private distilleries, the location of which can be obtained from the local population.

One of the great options for those who don't know what to bring from Abkhazia is chacha.
Chacha is a rather specific product, the taste of which is still being debated. But nevertheless, it is recommended to purchase alcoholic beverages either in specialized stores from the manufacturer (not to be confused with coastal stalls), or from the local population (but only from trusted ones). Otherwise, "self-burnt" chacha can be easily poisoned. Gourmets advise drinking chacha separately from all alcoholic beverages, otherwise you can get poisoned or severely intoxicated.
But real delicious cognacs and wines especially for tourists can be bottled in beautiful souvenir bottles made of clay or glass.
What to bring as a gift from Abkhazia? And you don’t have to think about it - you can just walk along the streets and choose, since all kinds of souvenirs are sold almost everywhere. Abkhazia is famous for its juicy variety of fruits, for example, in almost every market you can buy tangerines or figs at an affordable price. It is worth noting that dried figs are characterized by unique healing properties.
In addition, from Abkhazia you can take with you a suitcase of dried persimmon, which has an original taste and appearance.
Quite often you canmeet sellers of churchkhella, which is an original sweet made from dried fruits and various nuts strung on a string, which are covered with thick grape juice on top. Due to the fact that churchkhela can be stored for a long time, it is a very original present from sunny Abkhazia.
For those who like to treat themselves to a cup of coffee in the morning, there are various handmade Turks. It is in these Turks that freshly brewed coffee acquires an original taste and unforgettable aroma.

Souvenirs for children, grandchildren and other relatives
Especially for the youngest visitors, there are excellent winter gifts - warm boots and mittens made of sheep's wool.
About what souvenirs can be brought from Abkhazia, the inhabitants of this region can talk endlessly. For hostesses, there are all kinds of gifts and souvenirs made of wood, for example, kitchen utensils: spatulas for cooking, cutting boards, mortars and pesto for spices and much more. For men - wonderful backgammon, checkers, etc.

Spices that can be brought from Abkhazia is a separate issue, since there are a lot of them, and each type has a special, original taste. Surely there will not be a single tourist who has visited Abkhazia who would not bring spices. Almost all sets are characterized by an affordable, optimal price, there are beautiful gift packaging for sets with originalfilled with grinds. It is thanks to spices that Abkhazian cuisine occupies a separate place in cooking and is famous for its unforgettable taste and aroma of dishes.
There are a lot of laurel bushes here, from which it is simply impossible not to make yourself a wreath of the winner or bring such a unique and original gift to relatives, colleagues.

Recently, it has become very relevant - as a gift from Abkhazia - large-leaf tea, which will warm you on long winter evenings and remind you of a wonderful vacation, of the scorching sun and beaches.
Medicinal herbs and fees
Due to certain climatic conditions, Abkhazia offers tourists all kinds of unique homeopathic remedies and healing decoctions, collections, ointments based on natural ingredients. This is due to the fact that in every region of the country all medicinal herbs that can only be found in the medical literature sprout. But you should be very careful: before you buy anything, you must at least consult or independently find out exactly how what they are trying to sell looks like, otherwise you can buy a very expensive herbarium, and completely useless for medicinal purposes. That is why the question of what to bring from Abkhazia is quite complicated, since the offered assortment is so large that you want to take almost everything with you as memories and souvenirs.
For example, in Abkhazia, in almost every market or store you can buy suchrare in our latitudes Adam's fruit, which is ideal as a remedy for sprains, bruises or joint problems.
Besides this, you can bring mountain honey as a souvenir, which has unique healing properties and a very original taste that cannot be confused with anything. Also, all kinds of nuts will be an excellent gift or souvenir: walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews and many others, which are very numerous on open sale at an affordable price.
Of course, adjika is the pride of the Eastern peoples, which will not only be an excellent addition to meat dishes at home, but also a wonderful gift for guests for the holidays or work colleagues. After all, as you know, nowhere and no one, no matter how hard they try, does not get such homemade adjika as the local population of Abkhazia. Perhaps the ingredients are not the same, but perhaps there is not enough Abkhaz flavor and a broad soul.

For guests and tourists, Abkhazia offers various suluguni cheeses, sauces for meat and fish dishes, as well as sweet jams.
Many tourists bring here smoked quails, which are considered the most common bird in almost all regions, natural tangerine juice, as well as fresh and dried fruits and delicious pastries.
What to bring from Abkhazia in September?
In September, the velvet season begins, during which those who could not get out on vacation in the summer come to warm countries to soak up the sun. And Abkhazia is no exception.
ManyI am interested in the question of what it is possible to bring them to Abkhazia in September, because I want to please relatives, work colleagues with something warm, tasty and pleasant. So, it is best to choose wine, honey, sweets or souvenirs, because it will be problematic to bring fruits, especially if you take a train home for more than a day.
Before choosing what to bring from Abkhazia as souvenirs and gifts, you need to know that, for example, homemade cheese and mountain honey can be bought and eaten right there, but since 2010 there has been a law prohibiting the export of these goods abroad. Unfortunately, now one can only tell friends and relatives about honey and cheese, conveying feelings and memories.
Before you go on vacation, ask your loved ones about what souvenirs to bring from Abkhazia as a keepsake.