Station "Pushkinskaya". The Moscow metro cannot but be of interest

Station "Pushkinskaya". The Moscow metro cannot but be of interest
Station "Pushkinskaya". The Moscow metro cannot but be of interest
pushkinskaya metro
pushkinskaya metro

Station "Pushkinskaya"… At first glance, the Moscow Metro may seem the most ordinary. However, if we talk specifically about the premises of the specified station, the stages of its construction, internal design, the project of entrances and exits, then it turns out that all this is the result of a huge investment of effort, skill, talent and, of course, time.

Let's dwell on these points in more detail.

"Pushkinskaya". Underground. General information about the station

In the very center of the Russian capital there is a very popular metro station named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Such a well-known name, consonant with the surname of a classic of the Silver Age, is of great interest to foreign tourists. Yes, and the location in the immediate vicinity of Pushkinskaya Square gives a certain status.

St. metro station "Pushkinskaya" belongs to the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya branch. Passengers have been using it since December 1975. At the same time, on the section "China-city"-"Barrikadnaya" and "neighbor" "Pushkinskaya" - the station "Kuznetsky Most". This central section made it possible to combine the Krasnopresnensky and Zhdanovsky radii into one line.

metro pushkinskaya moscow
metro pushkinskaya moscow

"Pushkinskaya". Underground. Design Ideas & Specifications

Pushkin theme is sharply felt throughout the design of the station. Against the background of the white scale of the walls there are copper embossings. Most of the works are devoted to St. Petersburg, and only two are directly related to Moscow.

Here you can see the Tsar's Lyceum, Mikhailovskoye, the monument to the Bronze Horseman, the Svyatogorsky Monastery, where the poet is buried, and even read lines from Pushkin's immortal works. Two more coins contain information about the talents of Alexander Sergeevich. Every passenger can get acquainted with it while waiting for a train or a friend who is late for a meeting.

"Pushkinskaya" among the other stations of the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line is considered the deepest, the level of its foundation is fifty-one meters underground. The distinctive features of the three-vaulted building with high columns include the presence of one island-type platform and the reverse vault of the central hall.

The station has not one, but two underpasses. Moving along the western lobby, you will certainly find yourself on Tverskaya. Two rectangular halls connected by short passages lead to trains following the Zamoskvoretskaya line. You can exit to Tverskaya street and to the underground passage underarea of the same name.

Through the eastern vestibule it is possible to proceed to the trains of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line. Having passed along a wide corridor with a low ceiling, which is illuminated by square-shaped xenon lamps, passengers enter the Chekhovskaya station platform. You can exit through the underpass under Strastnoy Boulevard.

"Pushkinskaya". Underground. Key Features

Art. metro pushkinskaya
Art. metro pushkinskaya

Pushkinskaya has long been assigned the status of an extremely busy station. More than four hundred passengers begin to descend into the metro after 5.35, and this flow does not dry up until 1.00 am.

By the way, it should be noted that users of telephone services of MTS, Beeline, Megafon or Skylink, even being so deep underground on Pushkinskaya, always stay in touch.

Leaving the metro station "Pushkinskaya" (Moscow), you can easily and quickly get to several famous places at once. Fans of classical productions prefer theaters to them. Stanislavsky or Pushkin, as well as "Lenkom". Parents with kids usually visit the musical theater of the young actor. Museums and places where famous cultural figures once lived are also nearby.
