Going to exotic countries, we want not only to relax, but also to bring something interesting with us. Pleasant little things will be a wonderful reminder of a good time and will serve as gifts for relatives. In order not to run around in search of obscure goods, it is necessary to study in advance the assortment of popular souvenirs of a particular country. In our article, we want to talk about what tourists bring from Vietnam. The exotic country is very popular among beach lovers.
Pleasant shopping
Shopping in Vietnam is a fun experience that even non-shopaholics will enjoy. However, exotic countries are so rich in a variety of fruits and things that your eyes just run wide. In order not to get lost in the local markets, it is necessary to study in advance what tourists from Vietnam are bringing. This will save valuable time that can be spent on something.other. It's much easier to look for gifts when you know what you need.
Shopping in Vietnam is a real pleasure: the choice of goods is huge, and their prices are reasonable.
Coffee is what tourists from Vietnam bring most often. The fact is that the country ranks second in coffee imports in the world. In Vietnam, Robusta and Arabica are grown, as well as rarer varieties - coolies and excelsa. What coffee to choose? Most often, as a gift, tourists buy luwak, which is deservedly considered the most expensive in the world. The high cost of coffee has a completely logical explanation. The fact is that the product is obtained from Arabica, which undergoes fermentation in the stomach of an exotic animal musang. The cost of 150 grams of luwak reaches 60 euros (4500 rubles). However, in Vietnam, such coffee costs only 15 euros. Other varieties can be bought even cheaper. Inexpensive coffee can be purchased for 1.5 euros (75 rubles). Such a low cost does not affect the quality at all. The best brands are Trung Nguyen and Me Trang. Their products can be purchased at any supermarket or shop.

If you want to see how coffee trees grow and are harvested, you can go on a tour of coffee plantations. You can also buy coffee there, but the price may well be too high.
What do tourists bring from Vietnam? Tea can be a great gift. It can be presented not only to friends, but to colleagues. Vietnam has a wide variety of green and black teas. The product canbuy in pure form or with additives. Jasmine, ginger, lotus, artichoke, chrysanthemum and mountain herbs are most often added to teas.
In Vietnam you can buy very high quality black tea. In the process of its production, the leaves are dried in the sun, which allows you to prepare a drink with a rich taste. Any tea from Vietnam has excellent taste and aroma. There are no fakes here, unlike our markets.

Herbal tea from Vietnam is of particular interest. A drink made from such a mixture can reduce blood pressure, cleanse the body, and also increase the tone of your body.
You can buy teas in shops, souvenir shops and supermarkets. The cost of a kilogram of green tea is 4 euros (300 rubles). Mixtures of natural ingredients are a little more expensive - 6.5 euros (450 rubles). Coconut candy with lotus can be a nice addition to the drink.
Exotic fruits
Exotic fruits from Vietnam are a wonderful souvenir. The choice of outlandish goods in local markets is simply amazing. Here you can buy pineapple, lychee, longan, mangosteen, durian, dragon fruit, etc.

Such fruits tolerate transportation well. It is best to take unripe fruits that will ripen on the road. Some tourists recommend using special plastic baskets. They can be purchased at fruit stalls. Finding fresh produce in Vietnam is easy. Fruit stalls can be seen on everystep. Yes, and in the markets their choice is great.
What do tourists bring from Vietnam? Of course, fragrant spices. And this is not surprising, because the Asian country is one of the largest producers of black pepper. The volume of exports of spices in the world market reaches 40%. From Vietnam you can bring not only pepper, but also lemongrass, cilantro, coriander, basil. You can buy spices in the markets or in specialized shops, where you can find up to forty varieties of spices. If you have not yet decided what goods to bring from Vietnam, pay attention to the sets of spices in beautiful jars. Such seasonings are not only useful in the kitchen, but also look beautiful. The cost of such souvenirs usually does not exceed 5 euros (370 rubles).
The country's exoticism doesn't end with fruits. Local drinks are no less unusual than other products. If you want to give a gift to a man, you can bring alcohol from Vietnam. Local drinks are of good quality. You can buy rum, which is made from cane and coconuts. The cost of a bottle of such a drink is 6-8 euros (600 rubles).

Vietnam is a former colony of France, so winemaking is widely developed in the country. The quality of wine drinks is not inferior to good European brands. The city of Dalat became the center of winemaking. It produces drinks from manufacturers such as Vang Phan Rang and Vang Dalat, Dalat Superior. The cost of a bottle of wine ranges from 5-10 euros (700 rubles). Such a gift will be appreciated by true connoisseurs of gooddrinks.
If you want to get something exotic, pay attention to snake tincture. It is sold in bottles along with scorpions and snakes. The cost of such a present is two euros (150 rubles).
Asian cosmetics
Vietnamese facials should be a must on your shopping list. Tourists have long appreciated the excellent quality of products that are made from natural ingredients. Cosmetics are sold in any specialized stores and souvenir shops. If you don't know what to buy, pay attention to the following items:

- Snail cream. A remedy is made from the mucus of snails. This cream relieves the skin of irregularities and gives tone. Similar products are produced by Korean and Vietnamese brands. The cost of the cream is 4-15 euros (300-1100 rubles). Snail cream from Vietnam is definitely worth bringing.
- Mask with turmeric. The tool effectively copes with dry skin and inflammation on it. It contains many useful vitamins that moisturize the skin well. A wonderful cosmetic product has a symbolic price, it can be purchased for only 1.5 euros (75 rubles).
- Pearl mask. The composition of such an unusual product contains pearl powder, which is often used for the production of cosmetics. The mask gives a good regenerating effect, moisturizes the skin and relieves swelling. A small tube of a wonderful remedy costs 2.5 euros (150 rubles).
- Sac Ngoc Khang is the mostwell-known Vietnamese manufacturer of facial cosmetics. The brand offers masks, creams, tonics, washing gels. Such Vietnamese products are also sold in our stores, but they are significantly overpriced.
The choice of Vietnamese cosmetics is very large. We have mentioned only a few products that are worth paying attention to. Tourists also recommend paying attention to products with aloe vera, algae and coconut oil.
Experienced tourists strongly recommend bringing medicines from Vietnam. You should definitely buy the asterisk balm, a tincture for insomnia, which is made from mulberry. You should also pay attention to Meringa. It is said that the capsules perfectly increase immunity. If you want to bring a gift for the older generation, you can buy White Tiger or Cobratoxan ointment, which help to cope with pain in the joints and muscles. Such ointments are suitable for the treatment of colds.
Medicines purchased in Vietnam are usually represented by ointments, tinctures, which are made from insects. Preparations based on lemongrass, ginseng and other herbs are also actively used. You can buy medicines not only in pharmacies, they are also sold in shops and on the market.
Besides, it is worth bringing natural oils from Vietnam. They are not only good for aromatherapy, but also suitable for making homemade beauty products.
Artichoke from Vietnam
If you want to get something useful, medicines are what you need. Among themthe artichoke deserves attention. From Vietnam, you can bring dried leaves, extract or resin. The drug is very popular all over the world. It contains many useful substances, as well as B vitamins. Artichoke resin from Vietnam has hepaprotective properties. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and also helps in weight loss. True, the resin must be properly prepared, otherwise it will not have miraculous properties. Do not save on the purchase of resin. Its preparation requires special conditions that cannot be created at home.
Pearl jewelry
The best souvenir from Vietnam for a woman can be pearl jewelry. The fact is that the country is one of the largest pearl miners. Local shops are overflowing with jewelry that amaze with its variety. Nowhere else will you see so many pearls as in Vietnam. Local pearls impress with a variety of shades. Here you can see not only white or pink, but also purple and green shades.

Jewellery made from good quality pearls is expensive, but you can find more budget options. The largest selection of products can be found in the jewelry stores of Nha Trang. Artificial pearls are grown in the south of the country on farms, which is why they are inexpensive. Tourists recommend shopping in jewelry stores, as merchants on the street and on the beach may offer you a fake.
In addition, you can buy silver jewelry in Vietnamwith precious stones. Products with sapphires, jade, aquamarines, rubies, amethysts are popular.
Quality silk
Quality silk is a wonderful souvenir from Vietnam. The city of Dalat became the center of fabric production. His factories produce clothes, paintings, bedding and many other silk products. Such products should definitely be brought from the country. A meter of good silk costs about 80 euros (6,000 rubles). Bathrobes or a dress made of fabric cost 150-200 euros (11-15 thousand). The price of silk paintings varies between 10-150 euros (up to 11 thousand rubles).

Genuine quality fabric is best purchased from the factory in Dalat. In shops for tourists, you can buy a fake, which you will be offered as the original. If you do not set yourself the goal of buying a real shell, and it is enough for you to have a similar product, you can go to the market where you can buy a budget option.
Vietnam is an exotic country that attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is home to many tropical plants. A wonderful orchid brought from a distant country can be a wonderful reminder of a vacation. If you love these beautiful flowers, tubers can be purchased from the famous Flower Garden in Da Lat. They are quite inexpensive, and it is not difficult to bring them. You can purchase a wide variety of orchids to decorate your home.
Most often, tourists bring non pointed hats as a souvenir. In addition, women getnational costumes, which consist of a tight-fitting blouse and loose trousers. No less popular are leather products made from python and crocodile - wallets, bag belts and wallets.
Vietnam souvenir shops are full of all kinds of gift trinkets that are quite inexpensive. Having visited one of these shops, the eyes run wide from such a variety.
Local craftsmen create colorful sand paintings. Colorful compositions are created using sand, painted in different shades. The paintings are made using a special technology, pouring a loose mixture into glass cells. The result is very picturesque work.
In addition, local craftsmen make beautiful lacquer and popular prints. Such compositions are considered works of national art. The works are painted with natural paints, creating simple plots.
Tourists also get flip flops as a gift. A much-needed summer accessory is always a must. Such shoes are the national symbol of the country. Although they were invented in Vietnam, they are now worn all over the world.
No less popular gifts are bamboo products and mahogany products: caskets, figurines, home decorations, photo frames. Such cute little things can be not only useful in everyday life, but can also be a wonderful decoration for your apartment. Handmade masks made from coconut and bamboo are no less colorful gifts.

Experienced tourists recommend that beginners definitely visitlocal markets. What they don't have. Here you can not only buy nice little things, but also get acquainted with the arsenal of gift items. As souvenirs, you can buy chopsticks, hand-painted greeting cards, tablecloths, napkins, coasters for hot dishes, amazingly beautiful caskets with silk inside, badminton and shuttlecocks made of natural feathers, silk lanterns and hammocks.
Music lovers can purchase: flutes, maracas, brass gongs and bamboo xylophones. Even if you don't play musical instruments, they will be a good home decoration.
Clothes and shoes
Tourists note that in Vietnam you can profitably buy industrial goods - shoes and clothes. Things are made here of high quality, and they are much cheaper than ours. For example, the cost of shoes is five times lower than in domestic stores. In addition, well-known global brands such as Adidas and Nike manufacture their goods in Vietnam. Therefore, quality products can be purchased at an affordable price. So, for example, sneakers can be bought for as little as $50, and a T-shirt for $10. In Russia, you will have to pay much more for similar products of well-known brands.