Arkhangelsk is a city with a long history, a major sea and river port. Its inhabitants successfully master all the most modern technologies, but at the same time remain true to the traditions of their ancestors. The city will delight tourists with an abundance of historical sights and entertainment for every taste. What to bring from Arkhangelsk as a souvenir of the trip for yourself, as a gift to friends and colleagues?
The northern bird is a symbol of happiness

Chunked souvenirs in the form of bird pendants are made and sold today in many cities of our country. But the true homeland of this craft is the Arkhangelsk region. Several centuries ago, every Pomeranian man, going to sea, made a figurine of a bird from wood and hung it in the red corner of his house before sailing. The bird of happiness was not at all a decorative object and home decoration for our ancestors. Such a craft was considered a powerful amulet of its creator. People believed that the dove would bring good luck to its creator in his work and protect his entire family from harm. Going to sea without making a bird was considered badomen. Today, the Pomeranian dove is sold in all souvenir shops in the city and is considered a full-fledged symbol of Arkhangelsk. The bird of happiness is made in different sizes, you can find options with or without artistic painting. Nowadays, it is customary to hang this souvenir in the hallway.
Kargopol toy
The Arkhangelsk region has its own clay industry. It is believed that the masters from Kargopol began to sculpt their figurines with a sacred meaning, trying to appease evil spirits. And only much later, the Kargopol folk toy became a souvenir and fun for children. The figurines amaze with a variety of shapes and beauty of painting. Usually, a Kargopol toy depicts some everyday sketches: women in headscarves, men with beards, children on the stove, horses and other domestic animals. The most colorful character is the Slavic centaur Polkan, who was once considered the patron saint of ordinary people. Kargopol toy will be an excellent present for people who are fond of folk crafts. You can give such a souvenir to a child, because all the figures are bright and beautiful.
Birch bark, wood and bone carvings

The Arkhangelsk region is famous not only for the Kargopol fishery. Another full-fledged brand of the region is Mezen wood painting. From time immemorial, in the city of Mezen and its environs, craftsmen have been making unique dishes and interior items, painting them in just two colors: red and black. Souvenirs made in this ancient technique can afford todayto be purchased by every guest of the city. No less popular are folk products made from birch bark. Some craftsmen paint birch bark boxes, baskets, boxes and kitchen utensils, emphasizing the natural pattern of wood. Arkhangelsk craftsmen are famous for their artistic bone carving. In this technique, large wall panels, candlesticks, combs, women's jewelry are made. All these souvenirs are made entirely by hand, just like at the dawn of the craft. The cost of large works is corresponding, but everyone can afford cute small-sized crafts without prejudice to the wallet.
"Roe" is the most delicious symbol of Arkhangelsk

What to bring from Arkhangelsk for lovers of edible souvenirs? The first place in the list of the most unusual and delicious delicacies of the region is occupied by traditional roe gingerbread. These are baked figured bakery products decorated with icing. Their secret is in a unique recipe and an unusual method of preparation: sugar syrup brewed in a special way is added to the dough at the kneading stage. Pomors say that every family has its own secret cooking recipe. Today, "roes" are made in the form of toys, figurines of deer and other animals. Many tourists think that they named the delicacy after its shape, and the most traditional gingerbread is in the form of horned animals. This is not a completely correct opinion, in fact, the name of the delicacy comes from the Pomeranian word for “curl”. Initially, such gingerbread was baked only at Christmas as a special treat. Ready-made edible figurines were often decorated with a Christmas tree, and then they were eaten. These days Arkhangelsk painted roe gingerbreads are sold all year round, so you don't have to wait for a special date to try them.
Fish delicacies and other seafood

During a trip to the seaside town, you should definitely try fish and seafood dishes. Arkhangelsk is a real paradise for lovers of seafood. Fish delicacies are sold here in a huge assortment and at reasonable prices. Sterlet, halibut, salmon, ruff, cod and many other popular types of fish are sold fresh and cooked in local markets and supermarkets. What to bring from Arkhangelsk to a connoisseur of seafood? Smoked, s alted or dried fish is an excellent gift. It is most convenient to purchase the product in vacuum packaging. For the inhabitants of Arkhangelsk, seafood is not only fish, but also algae. Some species of underwater flora are mined here on an industrial scale. Algae is used to make food products, even confectionery - for example, special marmalade and even chips. They are also used in the production of cosmetics, medicines and dietary supplements. Edible algae or face cream with their extracts can complement a present for any person.
Berries of the North

Cloudberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries and blueberries - residents of many regions of Russia have never seen these berries fresh. In Arkhangelsk, they are sold in kilograms during the season, they are used formaking jams and fruit drinks. The freshest and most delicious should be found in local markets. Each northern berry has its own, unique taste. One can talk about the beneficial properties of the gifts of the northern forest for an infinitely long time. All these berries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It is not easy to bring fresh northern berries from Arkhangelsk as a gift. If the road home is long, you can choose jam or fruit drink from cloudberries, lingonberries or cranberries as a tasty souvenir. Concentrated juices from northern berries are also sold in Arkhangelsk.
Strong drinks are a nice souvenir for adults

Arkhangelsk also has its own distillery, which recently celebrated its centennial anniversary. Liqueurs and herbal balms are considered the most touristic products of this enterprise. It is believed that drinks in this category have beneficial properties. What to bring from Arkhangelsk as a gift to a connoisseur of unusual alcohol? The best choice is Lomonosov Balm. The drink is prepared according to a unique recipe, insisted on the collection of herbs and roots with the addition of berries and honey. The range of the distillery includes a variety of wines, cognac and vodka.