The Republic of M alta (Repubblika ta' M alta) is an island state in the Mediterranean Sea. Since the archipelago lies at the crossroads leading from Europe to Africa and the Middle East, it has been inhabited for a long time and has long been the subject of territorial disputes and wars. We can say that M alta became the penultimate colony in Europe. She gained independence from Great Britain only in 1964, but until 1979 the Queen of England was considered (albeit nominally) the head of the islands. The Republic of M alta became in 1974. What attracts tourists to a small island nation? Yes, almost everyone. Tourists claim that here is the most comfortable climate. On the territory, which is smaller than the Moscow bypass automobile ring, a huge number of historical and natural attractions fit in. In addition, M alta is known as a business travel destination. Judging by the reviews, people come here mainly to improve their English. After all, such courses are much cheaper than in mainland Europe. The Republic of M alta is also known for its thalassotherapy centers. The Mediterranean Sea cannot be compared with the Red Sea in the splendor of its inhabitants. However, so many medieval ships, Turkish galleys and other vessels sank off the coast of M alta that divers from all over the world come here to dive into the local depths and look into the underwater grottoes. But even for those who do not know how to handle scuba gear, an unforgettable beach holiday awaits in M alta. In a word, a tiny state requires the most detailed study. Which will be done in this article.

M alta is almost invisible on the map of Europe and especially the world. A small speck on the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, upon closer inspection, turns into a small archipelago. The largest island in it is M alta. Its size is twenty-seven by fifteen kilometers. Next comes the island of Gozo - it is half the size. Several dozen people live on Comino, two kilometers long. And the tiny islets of Filfla, Filfoletta, Cominotto and St. Paul are completely uninhabited. There are no permanent rivers and natural lakes in M alta. All fresh water is extracted from underground. The highest point of the archipelago is the low hill of Ta-Dmeyrek (two hundred and fifty-three meters above sea level). This mountain is located on the southwestern tip of the island of M alta. The country appeared on the map of the European Union in 2004, and the Schengen zone - at the end of 2007. The euro replaced the local lira in January 2008. The capital of the state is Valletta, located on the island of M alta. Tourists refer to it as a city full of various attractions.

A small archipelago located inthe center of the intersection of sea routes from Africa to Europe and Asia, has long attracted various kinds of conquerors. The very name of the island and the state comes from the ancient Phoenician word malat, which means "refuge", "safe haven". Indeed, two vast and cozy bays in the northeast gave shelter to sailors during prolonged Mediterranean storms. But even before the arrival of the Phoenicians (in the eighth century BC), the archipelago was inhabited. Mysterious Neolithic tribes built here megalithic temples and fortified villages. The Phoenicians were followed by the Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Arabs and Spaniards. Charles V handed over the island in 1530 to the possession of the monks of St. John. According to its “headquarters”, this militant monastic order began to be called the M altese. In those days, not without the assistance of one of the commanders of the monks-St. John, the current capital of the island, Valletta, appeared. M alta was under the command of the order until the conquests of Napoleon. The "Little Corsican" abolished monastic power, expropriated the treasures of churches, and at the same time abolished slavery. Culturally shocked, the M altese did not appreciate Napoleon's reforms and called on Britain for help. The British occupied Valletta in 1800. But legally, the archipelago became part of Great Britain only in 1814, according to the clauses of the Paris Peace Treaty. Traveler reviews say that at every step on the islands you can find ancient buildings. In the modern world, the Republic of M alta, having ceased to be a naval base of Great Britain, immediately reoriented itself to tourism. Now it is the backbone of its economy.

Climate of M alta
The archipelago is located between Sicily and Tunisia. Therefore, the sultry breath of Africa is softened by sea winds. The authoritative publication International Living recognized the climate of the M altese archipelago as the best in the world. According to the scientific classification of Köppen, it is typically Mediterranean. This means that the weather in M alta is always comfortable for a person. The average temperature in the year is + 23 °C. Even in the coldest month (January), the thermometer during the day fluctuates in the range of +12 … +20 ° С. The greatest “frost” in the entire history of climate observation reached … +2.6 °С. Precipitation on the islands is not very much - 550 millimeters per year. It rains mostly in winter. But this is not a "wet season" at all - the reviews assure. Showers are intermittent, as is cloudy. In summer, the weather in M alta is moderately hot. Average temperatures at this time of the year are +26 … +28 degrees Celsius. The hottest month of the year is August. Then the thermometer fluctuates between +20 … +24 ° C at night and +28 … +34 ° C during the day. The record maximum was +43.1 °С. As for a beach holiday in M alta, it has its own characteristics. The deep Mediterranean Sea is warming slowly. Therefore, it will be cold to swim in May. Yes, and in June, water is suitable only for hardened natures. But autumn in M alta is a fertile season. The sea is deep and cools slowly. Even in October, it pleases with warm water (within 25 ° C). Humidity ranges from 65 percent in summer to 80 percent in winter.

The Republic of M alta is a multinational state. The majority of residents (over ninety-five percent) are local natives. But recently the number of immigrants, mainly of Libyan, Egyptian, Moroccan origin, has been growing. Marriages with foreigners make their contribution to the multinational composition. This is every fifth union. Moreover, there is a significant number of such marriages concluded between indigenous people and girls from Russia. Recently, M alta has been chosen as a country for a peaceful old age by pensioners from the UK. According to the last census (for the period of two thousand and six), the population of the island republic was four hundred and five and a half thousand people. According to this indicator, M alta is among the most sparsely populated countries in the European Union. But the population density - due to the small territory - is significant. The figure is 1283 people per square kilometer. He brings to the fourth position in the world such a republic as M alta.
The language of the former colonizers is not forgotten. English is considered the third official language. Along with M altese, due to its proximity to Sicily, Italian is used. So, as the reviews say, you can study it. More than ninety-seven percent of the population is Roman Catholic.

Ancient and modern capitals
Valetta was not always the main city of the island state. M alta is a land with a rather ancient history. And the first stone of the capital was laid on March 28, 1566. True, not in a vacuum. But let'sin order. First, the ancient Romans founded a military fort, which already in ancient times grew to the size of a large city. When the island was captured by the Arabs, they divided this settlement into two fortified villages-fortresses: Rabat and Mdina. Their names speak for themselves. After all, Rabat is also the capital of Morocco, and Medina is present in every ancient Arab city. It was in the Palazzo Falzon in Mdina that the first Grand Master of the Order of St. John, Philip Villiers del Ile-Adam, took over the administration of the archipelago. When the tenth sultan of the Ottoman dynasty, Suleiman Kanuni, attacked M alta, the monk-knights forcibly retained the island. The then Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valetta decided to fortify the coast and founded a fortress, which he gave his last name. Now the historical part of the capital of M alta is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The city has the Palace of the Grand Masters, as well as the Cathedral, in which the remains of the rulers and the most prominent monk-knights found peace. But not only Valletta and Mdina with Rabat is notable for M alta. The cities of Birgu (aka Vittoriosa) and Victoria (the capital of the island of Gozo) also attract tourists. The first is known for the Inquisitor's Palace, the Maritime Museum and the Cathedral of St. Lawrence. Victoria is interesting for the citadel and the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady.

How to get to M alta
All year round, on Saturdays and Tuesdays, regular flights operate from the local air carrier AirM alta to the Mediterranean archipelago from Moscow. The purpose of most tourists visiting the island of M alta is to relax on the excellent beaches of the archipelago. Therefore, in the summer months, AirM alta planes also depart on Wednesdays, Sundays and Mondays. Numerous charters start from large cities of Russia to M alta during the tourist season. Sometimes, as the reviews assure, it is more expedient to fly with connecting flights. Tourists recommend KLM (with a change in Amsterdam) and Lufthansa (in Frankfurt). A direct flight Russia - M alta lasts approximately four and a half hours. The only international airport in the country is located six kilometers south of Valletta, between the villages of Gudya and Luka. By sea, M alta can be reached from the island of Sicily (from Syracuse and Pozzallo) and Libya (Tripoli). Travel time on the high-speed catamaran "Jean de La Valette" will take about two hours. Ferries run between the islands of M alta. To get from Valletta to other cities or resort villages, it is best to use the bus service. These cars are very comfortable and run strictly according to the schedule. You can rent a car in M alta if you are between twenty-five and seventy years old and have a valid driver's license. But remember: driving in the former British colony is on the left.

Tours to M alta
The island nation boasts an excellent Mediterranean climate, wonderful beaches and crystal clear waters. But not only this attracts tourists to M alta. Holidays on the coast can be combined with the study of English. M alta has world-class centers that offer you a variety of courses. Why English? Inhabitants of M altareceived an invaluable heritage from the period of British colonization - the language of Shakespeare and Dickens, undistorted by local dialectisms. English has not become rudimentary. It is owned by all the inhabitants of the country, from young to old. Thus, classes at school can be supplemented by live communication with the M altese. And prices in this Mediterranean country are much lower than in the UK itself. And, according to the reviews, it is much more pleasant to study a language surrounded by sun-drenched beaches and luscious, southern landscapes. M alta in October is the best place and time to improve your English and have a great rest. Moreover, mid-autumn pleases with comfortable weather, suitable for making various educational excursions to the sights of the country. Beach tours usually last one or two weeks. The language ones are usually longer. Russian citizens need a Schengen visa to enter the country.
Beaches of M alta
For most Russians, this island country is associated exclusively with summer holidays by the sea. And this is logical, because such a we alth of beaches is rarely found anywhere. Unfortunately, the most popular, sandy coasts intended for recreation lie away from the resorts. Tourists call the most fashionable zone a chain of villages from Sliema to St. Julians, as well as from Aura to Bugibba. But there, honey-colored rocks come to the surface. They bathe, going down the stairs into the water. The sandy beaches of M alta come in different colors. So, for example, on Melieha Bay it is snow-white, like milk. On Ramla, on the island of Gozo, it is red as purple. And on Purchad Beach - soft pink. However, many tourists appreciate the pebble beaches. They are usually located in very picturesque bays. This is Fomm Ir-Rich, Mistra Bay, on the islands of Comino and Gozo. On the latter, Mjar ish-Shini is considered especially beautiful. Tourists warn that not all hotels have their own beach. Within the city limits, resort villages of the coast are equipped with umbrellas and sunbeds. They have showers, toilets, cafes, and you can do water activities. But for lovers of solitude, there is a large selection of wild beaches. Among these stands out Paradise Bay, located near the resort of Chirkevva. Endless strips of sand stretched near the villages of Melliha and Marsaskala. A budget holiday awaits you at the resort of Birzebbuja.

When to go to M alta
Let's not be disingenuous. M alta is not Thailand or the Maldives. Winter here, although mild, is still not conducive to a beach holiday. It gets very warm in spring, and even hot in May. But the water is still cold. Summer in M alta is hot and dry. Many tourists go to the archipelago from July to September. But the abundance of people contributes to rising prices, and the heat makes excursions undesirable. Another thing is M alta in October. At this time, the heat is already subsiding, but the sea is still very warm. The weather is set to be comfortable for excursions. Prices are starting to creep down a bit. Another tourist destination (besides the beaches and learning English) is thalassotherapy. The "treatment by the sea" centers offer various programs. This is an "anti-stress" in Fortina Spa Resort 5, general he althtours at the Thalgo Marine Cure Center at the Kempinski Hotel, cosmetic tours at the Appolo Club at the Corinthia San Georges 5 hotel. Thalasso centers are even in some M altese "fours". As an example, tourists cite the Barcelo Riviera Resort and Spa in Marfa and the Maritim Antonin in Mellieha. According to some international students, language tours to M alta are best done during the winter months. Then the prices are the lowest, and nothing distracts from studying.
Sights of M alta
Once in the ancient land of the archipelago, it would be an unforgivable crime to spend your entire vacation on the beach, in thalasso centers or cramming English. M alta in January (with the exception of a short period from the 1st to the 6th) is an opportunity for a budget educational holiday. Then winter tariffs apply, there are few tourists, and you can see the best sights of the island without hustle. What is included in the Mast C list in M alta? Tourists who have visited the archipelago have already compiled a list. First of all, these are the ancient and modern capitals, Mdina and Valletta. We will not list the cultural and historical sights of these cities - it will take a lot of time and space.

Still must-visit caves are Calypso and Ar-Dalam (or Ghardalam). This last natural attraction is located in the south of the island of M alta. Ghardalam translates as "cave of darkness". It attracts not only speleologists. Under its vaults, many bones of animals that died out during the last ice age were found. For connoisseurs of the mostof ancient civilizations, it will be interesting to visit the underground complex Hypogeum and the megalithic temples of Hajar and Mnajdra. Prices in M alta may seem strange to the average European. According to reviews, a bottle of wine is cheaper than a similar container of drinking water.