Almost everyone travels at some point for a variety of reasons. Many people, for one reason or another, are faced with the need to use the services of air carriers.

Why rules are needed
But not everyone knows how to behave properly on an airplane during takeoff, landing, flight and during check-in. But there are rules of conduct on the plane for passengers. In order not to get into a mess, you should first familiarize yourself with them, and also be guided by the advice of the accompanying stewards and stewardesses during the flight.

As already mentioned, there are rules of behavior on the plane. Of course, many of them are slightly different for different carriers, depending on the category of flights and on different airlines, but there are points that are the same for everyone. For example, there are restrictions on the presence of certain items in personal luggagein the aircraft cabin. You need to know that luggage is called “hand luggage” on the plane, that you can’t take a number of items with you, for example, a large amount of liquid and sharp objects. But more on that later.
Airport check-in rules
So, a person gets to the airport terminal to check in for his flight, buy a ticket, check in his luggage. Many people visit duty-free shops along the way, where you can buy original quality goods at a minimal cost.

Experienced passengers often have pre-printed boarding passes in their hands. All they have to do is go through customs and check in their luggage. To do this, go to the drop-off stand. Sometimes baggage is accepted by the machine, where it is checked out and weighed. For different flights, there are different rules for air transportation of baggage regarding its weight, quantity and size. This should be consulted in advance. If the flight is included in the "low-cost" category, then the cost of checked baggage is paid additionally and is limited to 30 kilograms per 1 passenger.
If a passenger checked in online but did not receive a boarding pass, they should go to the counters marked online check-in. In cases where the passenger has not previously issued any documents for the flight, he should contact the attendants at the counters with the inscriptions “business class” or “economy class”, depending on the chosen category of flight and its cost. Airport employees often go to online check-in countersinvite unregistered passengers so as not to create unnecessary hustle and bustle. But if a person with a registered ticket appears, he must be skipped the line.

Unwritten rules of conduct on an airplane
Not many are now ready to spend extra money on flights for comfort. Therefore, when using the services of an economy class air carrier, you should follow some “unwritten” rules of conduct on an airplane. This will help avoid conflicts with other people.
- In order not to be dissatisfied because of the uncomfortable seating position in the cabin, you should purchase seats in advance. To have a choice. You should first familiarize yourself with the layout of the cabin. After all, it is different for different aircraft models.
- For regular customers, the airlines themselves offer better seats. This should be taken into account if you often have to use air travel.
- Don't use too many perfumes and colognes before planting. This may cause a negative reaction from others.
- If the flight is long, it is recommended to bring a pair of clean socks with you. When you need to take off your shoes, they will come in handy.
- Before the flight, you should pay attention to personal hygiene. Otherwise, the surrounding people and the passenger himself will experience discomfort from the abundance of unpleasant odors.
- You need to know what is on the top shelf of hand luggage on the plane. That you can’t leave it on the side, blocking the passage. The size of hand luggage must correspond to the dimensions of the top shelf forluggage to avoid falling.
- For hand luggage there is a niche on the top shelf, corresponding to the passenger seat. You can not take other people's places for hand luggage. Surplus things taken into the cabin (if the airport staff allowed it) are placed in front of them at their feet, between the rows of seats. After the full landing of all passengers, before the take-off of the aircraft, with the permission of the steward, you can place excess baggage in the free niches of the upper shelf.
- Do not recline the seat back abruptly and without warning. This can lead to an incident if the passengers in the back are drinking or eating at this moment.
- Do not turn on loud music in your player or tablet. This can provoke the creation of a conflict situation.
- When the liner lands, you cannot occupy the passage with your whole figure, waiting for the ladder.
- Don't use your phone often. The fact of your conversations will be unpleasant for many. Sometimes it annoys others. It is recommended to use the phone in case of emergency and only with the permission of aircraft attendants.
- It is not recommended to bring perishable food, food with strong flavors. Many airlines do not allow food bags to be brought on board at all. If lunch is not provided by the air carrier, then in the form of a snack, you can take snacks, sandwiches with sausage, cookies with you.
- Be careful when eating. Don't risk getting splashed or dirty.
- In the toilet of the aircraft cabin must be observedelementary rules of ethics and hygiene standards. The bathroom on the plane is a common area. Leave him clean and tidy after you.
- It must be remembered that stewards and stewardesses are not servants for whims. They ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. You can not press the call button without a reason. If you want to contact the flight steward, you can go to him. During the flight, movement within the aircraft cabin is allowed.
- If a passenger violates the rules and regulations during the flight, violations of the carriage of luggage on the plane, the passenger can be considered a delinquent and be blacklisted. In this case, the brawler will be denied further use of the services of the air carrier. Violation of the law and the Code of Contraventions can result in a prison sentence or a hefty fine.

Basic rules and regulations
And now about the basic norms and rules of behavior on the plane. Their observance will help to avoid accidents during takeoff and landing of an airliner.
Many are interested in the question: "Can I smoke on the plane?" The answer is in the rules governing the behavior of passengers on board the aircraft.
Airplane code of conduct states what is forbidden to do on board an aircraft:
- drinking;
- smoking throughout the cabin, including the bathroom;
- during takeoff and landing do not use electronic devices, including phones, laptops,measuring instruments;
- prevent staff from serving;
- refuse to comply with the demands of the aircraft crew;
- deliberately damage and disable aircraft equipment;
- to show aggression and hooligan actions, including swearing;
- stay in the cabin if instructed to leave;
- drug use;
- to intimidate and threaten other passengers.
All actions of passengers must be coordinated with the work of the personnel servicing the airliner.
There are statistics that many aviation accidents occur through the fault of passengers because they ignore the elementary rules of behavior in an aircraft during takeoff and landing. The proximity of the earth and the minimum time for decision lead to tragedies. Surprisingly, the higher the plane above the ground, the greater the distance from it, the safer. This is what requires unquestioning obedience to the commands of flight attendants. Their standard phrases are not a tribute to fashion.

This will help to avoid overlaps and tragic accidents. Everything is quite simple, but mandatory:
- Turn off mobile phones and other electronic devices.
- Close your hand luggage placed on the top shelf in the niche.
- Adjust the seatbacks vertically.
- Fasten your seat belts.
- Fold folding tables.
- Raise the window shades.
- Turn off the music inheadphones.
Rules in detail
The need for such measures is due to the safety of the flight. Turning off mobile phones and signal-powered devices is required in order not to accidentally create problems with the magnetic field, on which the correct operation of aircraft devices depends. This can adversely affect radio devices and communications between controllers and the crew of the airliner. An exception to turning off a mobile phone or tablet is switching to a special “for flight” mode.
The vertical position of the seatbacks during takeoff and landing of the aircraft is required to enable all passengers to freely exit their seats in case of danger. If the seat back is in the reclined position, this will not work.
The flight attendant's request to “fasten your seat belts” must be observed due to a possible emergency, increased turbulence or sudden braking of the aircraft. In such a situation, there is a possibility of injury due to the separation of the passenger's body from his seat. Folded tables can also cause injury.

Open windows will help passengers to adapt to the lighting during takeoff and landing. An important factor is that the case when passengers detect deviations in engine operation through the window, for example, increased smoke or fire, is taken into account.
If you listen to music, you can miss the important message of the flight attendants and their instructions for any action.
The most important moment in flight for the crew of the aircraft is brakingupon landing of the aircraft. This is the moment when the actions of all units can be abrupt, unforeseen. Therefore, there is no need to rush things and rush to the exit. Sudden braking can cause injury if occupants are not wearing seat belts. When the plane taxis to the terminal and the gangway is given, only then should you calmly get ready for the exit.
Children flying
Special attention should be paid to the flight of persons with children. The rules of behavior on an airplane for children are not very different from the basic ones. But one should take into account the fact that the responsibility for the behavior of children under 12 during the flight is borne by the persons accompanying them.

If the passengers have a baby, it is allowed to transport a baby stroller or cradle in the cabin of the aircraft. Children under 7 days of age are not recommended to be taken on board. Flight conditions and the possibility of using a rocking chair in special places are pre-negotiated.
Children under 5 years of age can only fly when accompanied by an adult. Older children can fly the airliners on their own, provided there is proof of meeting them upon arrival. In such cases, the airline is fully responsible for the flight of children. All the nuances of such a flight must be agreed in advance. If there are no attendants at the place of arrival, the airline will deliver the child to the specified address.

Children in the cabin must follow all the rules. To fasten babies to the chair, a special belt is used.appropriate sizes. If a child flies in an economy class cabin without a separate seat, then lunch is not included in his service, only drinks. However, some airlines provide food for each of their passengers. This raises their rating and status.
Flight of passengers with animals
Some people travel with their pets. For this, there are special rules for transporting animals on airplanes.
A prerequisite for transporting an animal is that it has a special passport and a certificate of he alth. This can be obtained at any veterinary clinic. The documents must contain certificates of all necessary vaccinations. Free passage through customs control and during registration will be possible if there is a certificate of the absence of the breeding value of the animal.

If the animal is under 8 kilograms, then it is placed in the cabin in a special cage adapted for transportation during flights. The exception is guide dogs for the blind. They are transported at the expense of free baggage. For other animals, a special ticket is purchased. Large animals are kept in special ventilated containers and cages in cargo compartments. The crew of the aircraft is always aware of the events taking place in the cargo hold, through special connections and indicators.
All recommendations for transporting animals should be followed to avoid accidental death. You should first familiarize yourself with the list of “smaller brothers” prohibited for export, and if there is a special need, then you musttake care of the permission of the State Committee for Environmental Protection.

The main thing is that before you decide to fly with an animal, you need to clarify the possibility of transporting it on the flight. It is imperative to clarify whether the import of animals into the country of destination is allowed.
After arrival
These are some rules of conduct in an airplane during a flight. It is worth noting that with a favorable landing of an airliner, it is customary to thank the commander of the ship and the crew with applause for a good flight. And when you exit the plane, you need to say goodbye to the flight attendant with words of gratitude for a pleasant air journey.