How to travel the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk

How to travel the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk
How to travel the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk

Volgodonsk and its environs cannot boast of special attractions, with the possible exception of the Tsimlyansk reservoir. But for residents and guests of Rostov-on-Don, it will not be difficult to get to it if necessary.

But getting from Platov Airport to Aksai is harder. It is best to go to Rostov-on-Don first.

Rail and air travel

abandoned airport in Volgodonsk
abandoned airport in Volgodonsk

Unfortunately, the Volgodonsk airport has been closed for over 30 years, and there are no flights.

The city's railway station suffered the same fate as the airport. It stopped working about 20 years ago. Now only transport trains go along the tracks, passenger traffic is completely stopped.

Buses and fixed-route taxis

Bus station in Rostov-on-Don
Bus station in Rostov-on-Don

From the Rostov bus station, which is conveniently located near the railway station, direct flights to the desired city depart regularly, on average every hour. It is better to check the schedule before the trip on the website of the station. Most often, trips are made in comfortable eight-seater minivans.

Butduring busy hours, minibuses of different types can be used. You can try to check the proposed transport model with the representatives of the carrier at the bus station.

Additional information can be obtained at the information desk from 8.00 to 22.00.

Travel time - from two to four and a half hours. The distance between Rostov-on-Don and Volgodonsk is about 240 km. The final destination is the bus station of the city of Volgodonsk.

Bus station in Volgodonsk
Bus station in Volgodonsk

Children under 5 travel free of charge unless seated separately. Otherwise, a child ticket is purchased for them (with a 50% discount). A child from 5 to 12 years old will also have to travel for a fee. The fare for children over 12 years old is paid in full (the ticket price is about 500 rubles). You must have your original birth certificate with you.

You can also use passing buses from Krasnodar and Novocherkassk. They go much less often, but there is more space in the cabin.

Taxi and passing cars

To reduce the time to overcome the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk, you can use the services of a taxi, which can be ordered either by phone or found directly at the bus station. However, such a trip will cost much more.

You can try to save money by using blablacar. Locals often travel this route, so there is a good chance to find fellow travelers.


The distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk can be traveled on two roads.


A less successful option is the way through Aksai and Novocherkassk. ATIn this case, the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk will be about 250 kilometers, but due to the fact that you have to pass through large settlements, the speed will be noticeably lower, and the journey will take more than 4 hours.

Another option is the route through Bataysk. In this case, the distance from Rostov to Volgodonsk is only 10 kilometers shorter - about 240 kilometers. But due to the fact that the settlements remain on the sidelines, you can drive it in a little more than three hours.

The road is relatively good, but only two lanes. Therefore, in case of bad luck, you will have to follow a slow truck for quite a long time. Gasoline consumption will be from 24 liters.
