The famous Bois de Boulogne (in French le bois de Boulogne) is a huge forest park that stretches along the western part of Paris. It is believed that this is an analogue of London's Hyde Park, designed in a French way. In addition, it belongs to the largest parks in the world and plays a very important role for the city - it saturates the metropolis with oxygen.
History of the forest
Today the Bois de Boulogne is just a big beautiful park. It is called the forest by virtue of tradition. But once upon a time there really was a huge dense forest in this place - the oak forest of Rouvre. The first mention of it refers to 717. It was then that Childeric II wrote about her in his royal charter.

The forest of Boulogne became in 1308. Philip V the Handsome was seriously ill, he made a pilgrimage. And it was here, in Boulogne-sur-Mer, that he was able to recover from his illness. In honor of this joyful event, he ordered the erection of the Church of Our Lady of Boulogne. Unfortunately, the church has not been preserved, but its name was transferred to the forest.
Then France was swallowed up by the Centenarywar, it also struck the Bois de Boulogne. Paris, which was in close proximity, was constantly raided and devastated by a huge number of thieves and robbers who took refuge in the Bois de Boulogne. For this reason, a huge stone wall with a gate and a permanent guard was erected around the forest.
This continued until King Francis I built his hunting castle in the forest. Then the forest was cleared of robbers and ragamuffins, and two large roads were laid through it. Then Henry of Navarre ordered mulberry trees to be planted here, and the forest turned into a plantation for the production of French silk.
Since then the Bois de Boulogne has not been so wild. In the 17th century, duels were held in it, and in the 18th century, aristocrats walked. And during the reign of Napoleon III, dying trees were replaced with pines and acacias, roads and hiking trails were laid, and the forest was given its present appearance. As a result, the forest turned into a well-groomed park and became a favorite vacation spot for all of Paris.
Bois de Boulogne today

Entrance to the park is free and open 24/7 for everyone. However, you will have to pay for access to some attractions and attractions. In addition, these areas of the park are open only at certain times. These include areas for children - the Climate Garden, Bagatelle Park with beautiful flower arrangements, the National Museum of Folk Art and hippodromes.
The forest is full of all kinds of entertainment: riding school, bike rental, bowling alley, horseback ridingboating on the Lower Lake, hiking and more.
Worth attention is the magnificent castle of Bagatelle with a rose garden spread out near it. This castle was built very quickly - in just 2 months. June is the best time to visit the Bois de Boulogne, photos among the magnificent royal roses of various varieties will undoubtedly become the gems of your collection. But at other times of the year you can also see many beautiful plants - tulips, irises, daffodils, water lilies.
Forest structure
- Two hippodromes: Longchamp and Auteuil.
- Climatic park: plants, menagerie, playgrounds and museum.
- Park and Bagatelle Palace with a huge rose garden.
- Museum of Folk Art.
- Pre Catalan Park with an ancient bicentennial beech.
- Upper and Lower Lakes.
Bois de Boulogne nightlife

The forest has always been a great place for secret love meetings. There was even a saying among the people that marriages in the Bois de Boulogne are concluded in the absence of a priest.
Illegal alliances are also made here today. With the onset of darkness, many “moths” from all over Paris flock to the forest, and men also come in cars in search of “something unusual”. And the beautiful alleys of the park, along which children walk during the day, turn into a real open-air brothel at night! Thus, inexperienced tourists who want to walk in the Bois de Boulogne in the evening will be in for a lot of dangerous surprises.