Moravian Karst: how to get there? Photo, description

Moravian Karst: how to get there? Photo, description
Moravian Karst: how to get there? Photo, description

The main treasure of the Czech Republic is not in vain called the unique nature. One of the most beautiful places in Central Europe is protected by the state and is a hilly area of a thousand square kilometers. The largest karst massif Moravian Karst is the most famous miraculous sight of the country.

Reserved area

On the territory of the protected zone, scientists have discovered more than a thousand caves with traces of the life of primitive people, but only four of them, equipped and illuminated, are available for tourists to visit. The rest are only open to professional speleologists.

Declared a nature reserve, the unique Moravian Karst is a wonderful option for exploring the natural beauties of the Czech Republic. A mesmerizing journey through the karst region amazes with the grandeur of the underworld.

Moravian Karst how to get there
Moravian Karst how to get there

It is noteworthy that in the protected areaspecial trains run, delivering guests to all interesting points of the reserve.

Punkva Labyrinths

The caves of the Moravian Karst attract visitors to the Czech Republic with their unusual beauty. Mysterious grottoes, picturesque canyons, deepest sinkholes, underground lakes are of great interest to enthusiastic travelers.

Labyrinths created in limestone rocks, hidden from the eyes, are known far beyond the borders of the country. The most popular cave is considered to be Punkva with the Macocha abyss and the river of the same name, along which rafting is organized.

Colonies of calcareous formations

Opened relatively recently by the speleologist K. Absolon, who went all the way to the end, the attraction receives tourists all year round. Moravian Kras (Czech Republic) is famous for its amazing beauty with colonies of stalactites and stalagmites. Limey bizarre formations, similar to the tower of Prague, stretching towards each other "Romeo and Juliet", reminiscent of a silk cape "Stole" will make the hearts of tourists beat with admiration.

Moravian Karst photo
Moravian Karst photo

Punkva is known for her most wonderful figure, reminiscent of an angel with her wings folded, who for a long time protected people and became exhausted. Tired and unable to soar above the ground, he found his refuge in the underground galleries.

Mirror Lake

In one of the halls, an underground lake with a mirror surface reveals its charms to the guests, the water surface of which does not disturb anything. Inverted stalactites are reflected in the pond, and this sight is simply unforgettable. Near the lakethe gigantic stalagmat "Salma" is located, delighting everyone who got into the underground kingdom with its size.

The most beautiful grotto

During the laying of artificial passages, a small grotto, decorated with drop-shaped and stick stalactites, was accidentally discovered. In the hall, named after the President of the Czech Republic, guests arrive on a silently gliding boat along a dark corridor filled with water. In the grotto "Masaryka" they make a stop so that all tourists can admire the limestone formations closer. The hall, resembling a human dwelling, is considered the most beautiful in the cave.

Matsocha Abyss

A fascinating walk ends at the bottom of the deepest abyss of Macocha, which is associated with chilling ancient legends. By cable car, tourists go up and inspect the failure from the top of the mountain.

Moravian Karst caves
Moravian Karst caves

A large gorge of natural origin with an underground river Punkva has a depth of 138 meters. There are two equipped bridges for the guests of the reserve, from which a charming and at the same time frightening panorama of the abyss opens.

Katerzhinska Cave

But not only the underground treasures of Punkva are famous for the Moravian Karst. No less beautiful is the Katerzhinska Cave, whose excellent acoustics are known to all guests who have arrived in the reserve. The largest "Main Cathedral" often hosts musical performances and vocal competitions.

The so-called Witch's Stalagmite, shimmering in different shades in the spotlight, makes an extraordinary impression. Seems,as if an unusual formation really became a product of dark forces.

"Bamboo Forest" is a cluster of tall stalagmites resembling wild thickets. And in one cave, researchers discovered the remains of a prehistoric giant bear.

Moravian Karst excursions
Moravian Karst excursions

Balcarka Cave

The Balcarka Cave, which is of scientific interest, is another natural attraction that tourists rush to Moravian Karst to visit. Here they found the largest number of animal skeletons of the Pleistocene period, human tools made of bone and stone. Well, the main decoration of Balcarka is the numerous stalagmite laces of bizarre shapes and colors that take visitors into a real fairy tale.

Moravian Karst Czech Republic
Moravian Karst Czech Republic

Only here are unique stone formations - helictites that grow parallel to the ground.

Slope-Shoshuv system

The two-tier complex of underground caves with domed arches and branching galleries attracts tourists with a special charm. Guests seem to enter a magical world with bizarre formations and the quiet whisper of an underground river. But the most breathtaking sight of the Slope-Shoshuv system is the amazing view from the bridge to the bottom of the Stupnovita abyss.

Moravian Kras
Moravian Kras

Moravian Karst: how to get there?

How to get to the reserve on your own? From Prague you need to get to the city of Brno (it's about three hours by bus), from there by train or public transportto Blansko.

Bus number 226 takes you to the Skalny Mlyn stop (Skalní mlýn), from there you have to walk more than a kilometer to the reserve.

During the summer, it is recommended to book tickets to Moravian Karst in advance.


You can take an excursion to Moravský kras from different cities of the Czech Republic. For example, for a tour from Prague, including the road and sightseeing, you will have to pay about a hundred dollars per person.

You can buy tickets at the entrance to the caves before the start of an hour and a half tour (170 kroons for an adult, 40 kroons for photography). Solo travelers will have to wait for the group to form. As experienced travelers say, Russian visitors should not be complex, because everything that the guide says can be found in the guidebook. The main thing is the feeling of being in the underground galleries.

Remember that you will have to pay separately for the opportunity to take pictures, however, during the exciting rafting on the underground river, it is strictly forbidden to take pictures so as not to dazzle the boatman.

All tourists agree that the Moravian Karst, whose photo perfectly conveys the magical world of a natural miracle, is an unforgettable sight. A fascinating trip to the caves and acquaintance with the protected area leave an indelible impression. A place that has no equal, it is worth a visit for everyone who is in a hurry to rest in the Czech Republic.
