When you hear about the city of Tula, you probably have memories of fragrant gingerbread, gold-flanked samovars, openwork scarves and shiny sabers. This is a rather ancient city, the first mention of which was recorded in the annals of 1146. There is definitely something to see here: the local Kremlin and other sights of Tula are waiting for you.

Tula Kremlin
The visiting card of the settlement is the Tula Kremlin. This magnificent building was built in 1514-1521 on the banks of the Upa River. The Kremlin was extremely necessary, since this territory was at that time the southern outskirts of the state and was constantly attacked by enemies. It became the center of the city and its main artery. It was thanks to this building that in 1552 the city held back the siege of the troops of Khan Devlet I Giray. The Kremlin has a rectangular shape, surrounded by brick walls with 9 towers. These are not all the sights of Tula, so we move on.
The oldest building in Tula after the Kremlin is the picturesque Church of the Annunciation. According to the inscription on the stone slab, it was built in 1692. By the end of the 17th century, the wooden church was practically destroyed, and a stone one was built in its place. According to the type of construction, the Church of the Annunciation can be attributed to the "Moscow" churches: on the west side it is adjacent to the refectory (this is the name of the warm extension), to the east - the apse, and behind the refectory there is a bell tower.

State Weapons Museum
This museum is one of the oldest in Russia. His collection contains not only samples of firearms, which were made in Tula, but also various weapons of the 17th-20th centuries, which were produced in Europe and the East. Products of Tula masters are distinguished by unique artistic processing of wood, metal, as well as excellent quality of work. Do you think that this is the end of the sights of Tula? But no!
Tula Gingerbread Museum
This museum is a fairly young institution. But already in two years of his work, he managed to gain great popularity. Here you can learn the history of this unique delicacy, as well as see with your own eyes how it is made in modern conditions. It is very pleasant to admire the gingerbread, which are made in ancient forms. There is also a giant pood copy and the tiniest one.
Sights of the city of Tula: Museum "Tula samovars"
What is the best way to eat gingerbread? Of course with flavortea brewed in a beautiful samovar. Therefore, after the Tula Gingerbread Museum, it is best to go and look at the famous products for tea drinking. This museum presents samples of the XVIII-XX centuries. The entire collection consists of 300 unique samovars.
Other sights of Tula
In this ancient city, you can visit many more picturesque places. Particularly noteworthy are such objects as the Church of the Transfiguration, All Saints Cathedral, St. Nicholas Church, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Veresaev Museum, etc.

Do you want to know more about this settlement? A map of Tula with attractions will help you explore every corner of this amazingly beautiful Russian city.