Trip Volgograd-Saratov. Distance in kilometers

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Trip Volgograd-Saratov. Distance in kilometers
Trip Volgograd-Saratov. Distance in kilometers

Both Volgograd and Saratov are located along the course of Europe's largest river, the Volga. Volgograd is located downstream, more than a million people live in the city. Saratov was built higher along the Volga, it is inhabited by a little less people - about 800 thousand.

Two large industrial and administrative centers of the Volga region - Volgograd and Saratov - have strong economic, financial, cultural and educational relations. Therefore, it is worth exploring how it is more convenient, faster and easier to get from city to city.

Distance between Volgograd and Saratov

If you draw a straight line between these cities on the map, it is easy to calculate that there are only 330 km between them. On the highway, laid along the right bank of the Volga, the distance is 370-380 km.

Volgograd Saratov
Volgograd Saratov

On the road by car

If you have your own vehicle, it is easy to get from Volgograd to Saratov. The distance by car is between 370 and 470 km depending on the route that will be chosen. And you can choose one of the following options, given that each has its ownadvantages and disadvantages:

  1. Leave Volgograd to the right bank of the Volga, the R-228 highway and calmly move along it through Dubovka. The road was recently repaired, there are no deep holes. However, the route is predominantly single-lane, there are a lot of trucks, so in general the traffic is slow. The distance will be 370 km, the journey will take about 5 hours.
  2. You can try to bypass freight transport by going from Volgograd to Saratov along the R-22 road. This route is laid through the small settlements of Ilovlya, Olkhovka and leads to Kamyshin, from where you still have to go along the R-228. Although the distance traveled will increase by 50 km, in time, usually no one loses time because of the free road.
  3. The most difficult option is to leave Volgograd on the left bank of the Volga and take the 18Р-2 local road through Bykovo, Nikolaevsk, Rovnoye, Engels and enter Saratov along the Saratov bridge. However, it should be borne in mind that in some places the road is unpaved, there are pits, and in the Pallasovka area you will have to make a significant detour, bypassing the river backwaters. By choosing this path, you will have to travel 470 km, spending more than 6 hours.

It remains to determine the amount of fuel needed for the journey. At a flow rate of 8 l / 100 km, about 30 liters of fuel will be required.

Bus Service

From the central bus station of Volgograd to Saratov, several bus trips depart daily. Buses arrive at the Saratov bus station (170 Moskovskaya St.).

Volgograd Saratov distance by car
Volgograd Saratov distance by car

The first bus leaves for Saratov in06:00, last one at 23:10. There are flights at 06:30, 15:00, 17:45, 21:30

Flights are made by several transport companies, but buses travel along the Volgograd-Saratov route all the same time - about 7 hours. The ticket price depends on the carrier and is 733-786 rubles.

By train

If you go from Volgograd to Saratov by train, you still have to spend about 7 hours on the road.

The following transit trains run between the Volga cities:

  • at 08:47 - from Adler to Nizhnevartovsk 345С;
  • at 11:50 - from Novorossiysk to Nizhny Novgorod 339С;
  • 013С from Adler to Saratov at 14:06;
  • from Kislovodsk to Kirov 367C at 15:58;
  • at 18:42 to Perm from Adler 353С;
  • last train 105J from Volgograd to Nizhnevartovsk at 23:10.

They all make a stop in Saratov. The cost of a ticket in a second-class carriage is 625 rubles.

volgograd saratov mileage
volgograd saratov mileage

Can I go by plane?

Unfortunately, the distance between Volgograd and Saratov is small, so there are no direct flights between these cities.

River trip

If no one is in a hurry, then from Volgograd to Saratov you can go on a river boat, combining rest and travel.

Note that river cruises are only available from the end of April to the end of September. Motor ships run between the cities bearing famous names: "Mayakovsky", "Kuchkin", "Chkalov", "Dostoevsky", "Suvorov","Bazhov", "Razumovsky".

A pleasant journey takes 3 to 5 days. The price for a ticket is from 5000 rubles and more, taking into account the deck, the number of seats in the cabin and much more.

volgograd saratov bus
volgograd saratov bus

An unusual journey

However, it is possible to overcome the existing distance between Volgograd and Saratov in other ways.

  1. On a motorcycle. In this case, the journey will take 3 to 4 hours.
  2. If you go on a bike trip, you will have to pedal 24 hours, taking into account the rest.
  3. And another interesting option is to travel on foot. This method is risky, you can’t do without rest on the way. With all the stops, you can walk up the Volga in a few days.

How to get from one city to another - everyone decides for himself.
