The Paraná is the second longest river in South America. According to this indicator, it is second only to the Amazon. It is along it that the border of such three states as Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay partially passes. A more detailed description of the Parana River is presented later in this article.

Origin of the name
There are several translations of the name of this waterway. The most popular of these is "a river as vast as the sea." Another well-known name was the "river of misfortune." One of the ancient Indian tribes named it so because of the numerous turbulent waterfalls. Quite often in historical information you can find the name "sea mother". In general, the following fact should be noted: whatever the name of this water stream from one tribe or another, it in any case emphasized the harsh nature of the Parana River, its strength and great significance for people's lives.
It is generally believed that it was discovered by a traveler from Spain named Juan Diaz de Solis. It was he who became the first European who visited hermouth. This happened in 1515. Only five years later Magellan visited here. In 1526, S. Cabot got acquainted in detail with the features of the area. Moreover, he became the first representative of Europe who managed to enter the mouth.

Geographic location
The source of the Parana River is located in the southern part of the Brazilian Plateau, while its mouth is located on the Atlantic coast, in the Gulf of La Plata. The total length of this waterway is 4380 kilometers. As for the basin area, it is equal to 4250 square kilometers. As noted above, the water artery affects the territory of three states, representing their partial natural border. The upper reaches are characterized by high thresholds. In addition, there are also waterfalls.
The Paraná originates in Brazil. It is formed by the confluence of the rivers Rio Grande and Paranaiba. Starting from this moment, the water flow moves towards the Paraguayan town of S alto del Guaira. Previously, there was a waterfall of the same name, the height of which reached 33 meters. However, in 1982, the Itaipu hydroelectric power station was built in its place with a dam, which for a long time remained the largest on the planet. In the same place, Brazil borders on Paraguay. After that, the direction of the Parana River turns to the south, and even later - to the west. This continues for 820 kilometers. The second largest hydroelectric power station was built on this site. It is called "Yasireta", and was put into operation in 1994. It should be noted that this is a joint Argentinean-Paraguayan project.

After confluence with its largest tributary (the Paraguay River), the Parana turns south. Further, in Argentina, its width reaches three kilometers. In the province of Santa Fe, the flow deviates slightly to the east, after which it enters the final section. Its length is about 500 kilometers. On it, the nature of the course of the Parana River can be called very calm. Moving to the Atlantic Ocean, the water artery begins to break up into numerous branches and channels. As a result of this, a delta is further formed, the width of which exceeds 60 kilometers, and the length is 130 km. The Uruguay River flows directly into it, after which the world-famous mouth of the Rio de la Plata is created by two powerful streams.
Water regime and climatic features
The Parana River is predominantly rain fed. The period of the greatest flood lasts from January to May. Abundant summer rains are characteristic of the area where the upper part of the basin is located. From June to August, a strong jump in the water level occurs for the second time. In most of the basin, on average, up to two thousand millimeters of precipitation falls annually. In general, the water level is uneven. The annual flow of water is about 480 cubic kilometers. The amount of sediments carried into the Atlantic Ocean is also quite impressive. It reaches 95 million tons per year. A trace of them can be seen at a distance of up to 150 kilometers from the coast. The mouth has a funnel-shapedform. The exit to the ocean itself consists of an inner and outer zone. The first of them reaches a length and width of 180 and 80 kilometers, respectively. Its water is fresh. As for the depth, it does not exceed 5 meters. The second of the mentioned zones is characterized by the predominance of s alty sea water and a depth of up to 25 meters.

Sea ships, together with other vessels, the draft of which does not exceed 7 meters, can enter the mouth at a distance of up to 640 kilometers, to the port of the Argentine city of Rosario. The Parana River is characterized by high hydropower potential. Its total value is estimated at 20 GW. A large hydropower complex has been erected in the area of the Urubupunga waterfall. The largest ports built on the river are Rosario, Pasados and Santa Fe.
Value for population
This water artery is of great importance for the life of the population. Almost the entire southern part of the mainland is inextricably linked with it. Not surprisingly, many Argentine, Brazilian and Paraguayan cities are located on it. One of the most significant of them, no doubt, is Buenos Aires. Its population exceeds three million people. In addition to it, several more cities were built on the banks, in which more than three hundred thousand people live, as well as many small villages and villages. The Parana River feeds thousands of fishermen. All this together creates not just a huge agglomeration, but a whole macroeconomic region.

Flora and fauna
The river is a habitat for many representatives of flora and fauna. On the territory of the national parks located in the water area, there are some animals and plants that are classified as almost extinct species. Jaguars, anteaters, wild boars, tapirs live in the green forests on the banks of the Parana. More than a dozen species of birds and insects live here. As noted above, there are a huge number of fish in the waters. There is so much of it here that the catch is carried out on an industrial scale.

Tourist attraction
The Parana River attracts a huge number of tourists every year. One of the most interesting places in its water area is Iguazu, a waterfall located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Translated from the language of the Indians, its name means "big water". By itself, it is a delightful sight. The fact is that a horseshoe-shaped step was created here by the water stream, the width of which is about three kilometers. Thus, you can fully see the waterfall only from the window of the plane. It should be noted that both countries in whose territory it is located have declared the adjacent territories covered with virgin, picturesque forests as national parks. They have the same name and are both classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.