There can be many reasons for moving to Germany for permanent residence, but obtaining the right to permanently reside in this country is not an easy task. The German government has established rather strict laws, according to which it is possible to obtain permanent residence only in a few cases.

For those who want to know how to go to Germany for permanent residence, it is worth noting two real opportunities: late settlers and the immigration program for Jews. Of course, you can enter Germany on a visa and later obtain the right to permanent residence in the country, but more on that later.
The late settlers are ethnic Germans, people whose one parent is German. To find out how to go to Germany to live, someone who considers himself an ethnic German must contact the embassy and fill out the appropriate form. As a result of its consideration, a late migrant may receive the right to reside in Germany, and later German citizenship. Consideration of the questionnaire can be delayed for quite a long time - up to 5 years.
For those who immigrated to Germany under this program, the state providesquite significant support: housing, language courses, social benefits and more.

The next option on how to go to Germany is Jewish immigration. Jews also receive a permanent residence permit in the country. But since 2005, the movement of Jews from the countries of the former USSR has become somewhat more complicated, so moving to Germany under this program has not become so easy. To find out how to leave for Germany for permanent residence, you need to suppress an application on the website of the German Embassy. It is worth noting that the verification of belonging to Jewish nationality is now very strict, and one entry in the "nationality" column in the passport is not enough. Additionally, you will have to confirm the Jewish roots of the parents with documents: present extracts from books in synagogues, old photographs, and so on. In addition, compulsory knowledge of the German language is required, confirmed by the appropriate certificate. Jews receive a three-year residence permit in the country. Then it is extended, but under a number of conditions: the presence of a permanent job, knowledge of the language at a high level, etc.
Other citizens who want to know how to go to Germany for permanent residence must first enter the country on a visa. Then, after a certain period of time and subject to certain conditions, they can expect to obtain the right to permanent residence in Germany.

Until Germany was part of the European Union, German citizenship became possible only after 15 years of permanent residence in the country. Now most of the immigration laws have undergone a number of changes. It has become much easier to obtain citizenship - it is enough to live in Germany for eight years.
The easiest answer to the question of how to go to Germany for permanent residence is marriage or family reunification. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the spouse (a) has sufficient we alth to support the partner. He is en titled to social assistance.
Whatever option you choose to move to Germany, you should consider that a good knowledge of the German language is a prerequisite in all cases. In addition, you should be aware that dual citizenship is prohibited in Germany and you will have to renounce citizenship in other countries within a year after taking German citizenship.