Reviews about Pereslavl-Zalessky are in demand among those who are going to move to this city in the Yaroslavl region for permanent residence or visit it as a tourist. Recently, there have been more and more such requests, because this is an ancient settlement that is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Now this direction is becoming popular not only for tourism, but also for country life and permanent residence. More and more young people and representatives of the middle generation come here from the Far East, the North, even from capital cities and from abroad. In this article, we will tell you what attracts them to this city, what are its features and attractions.
Reason for moving

According to reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky, you can compile a list of the main reasons why people move here. In some ways they are similar, in some ways they are different.
Someone is looking fora quiet and peaceful corner with classical Russian nature, which is famous for its natural beauty here. Some seek to develop their own business. The most attractive areas, in addition to tourism, are the IT industry and industry.
Others want to get permanent jobs at local businesses or construction companies. We are talking not only about guest workers, but also about active residents of other regions of Russia who seek to change something in life when the current state of affairs does not suit them.
The city has an attractive geographical location - only 140 kilometers from Moscow. Therefore, many open their own business, focused on the capital's residents.
Proximity to the capital has identified another popular destination among those who often visit this city. This is the construction of dachas within the boundaries of Pereslavl-Zalessky, in its immediate vicinity or in the Pereslavl region.
It is worth noting that the city itself is quite small. About 40 thousand people live in it on a permanent basis. At the same time, by the beginning of the 2000s, about the same number existed in the area of dacha farms. Of course, most of their owners were residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, where the level of earnings is much higher than in the Yaroslavl region.
On stream
Since then, at least several hundred temporary dacha and capital buildings have been added annually. In reviews of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, many note that the industry of building country houses is put on stream here. So the buildingsgrow like mushrooms after the rain.
Currently, in the city itself and the region, there are several dozen organizations that are engaged in the construction of private houses. These are not only cottages, but also capital buildings in which you can live all year round. Among them are large companies, very small firms, as well as construction teams, mainly from the former republics of the Soviet Union.
Accommodation Options
According to the reviews of those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky for permanent residence, one can get a complete impression of what options for resettlement exist here today. As a rule, these are apartments in high-rise buildings, wooden houses, cottages and summer cottages. Townhouses are found in the Pereslavl district, but so far very rarely. This type of property has not yet gained popularity in the Yaroslavl region.
It should be noted that the difference between a country house and a cottage for year-round use is often purely symbolic or conditional. In this case, it will be more relevant to talk about the materials that were used in the construction, all kinds of structures, and methods of insulation.
When a family moves from another region, they are not ready to invest in the construction of a high-rise building at the foundation stage or develop a house project. They need housing. This eliminates many domestic and economic problems. Consider each option separately.

In the reviews of those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky for permanent residence, many admit that they initiallyThe goal is to buy an apartment. This is one of the most common options. In this case, the family has a personal space with all the amenities, but you need to understand that in this case it is necessary to make allowances for local features.
In Pereslavl-Zalessky, most houses have central heating, cold and hot water supply. At the same time, all networks are old, and, according to reviews, they often fail. So it is not surprising that residents have to stay for several days without heat, even during the winter months. In summer, hot water is completely turned off for maintenance work for at least a few weeks.
Apartments with individual heating are sold in new buildings. At the same time, the quality of such housing is much higher than in Soviet-built houses. This is especially true for infrastructure and insulation.
Private houses

In reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky, many write that they would like to buy a house in the historical part of the city. This is indeed an enviable and attractive property in many respects. The city still has many small streets with unique historical views. But at the same time, the cost of housing in such areas is quite high, in this it is even inferior to apartments in new buildings.
In the center of Pereslavl-Zalessky, the houses are predominantly wooden. You need to understand that such housing cannot meet modern quality standards in terms of layout, insulation and comfort.
At the same time, within the city there are already quite a lot of relativelynew and modern cottages that have appeared in the last few decades. These houses are built thoroughly and thoroughly, so their cost is quite high.
Many advise to build a house in Pereslavl-Zalessky. According to reviews, for relatively little money, such a project can be implemented in the city or in a nearby village, at a distance of 10-15 minutes.
There are a lot of villages and villages around the city, from which it will not be difficult to get to Pereslavl-Zalessky. For example, the village of Yam practically adjoins urban development. At the same time, it mainly has asph alt roads, and from the southern part of the city you can go directly to the ring road.

Having your own dacha in the Pereslavl region has long been a sign of good taste. Most of those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky strive to build a small house for country living. In the reviews, they note that such housing should be chosen carefully and carefully.
Recently, companies that build up entire villages and lines of houses in an open field or in a forest have become more active, where it is not so easy to lay the communications necessary for a comfortable stay.
Therefore, many prefer to choose from those options that are part of various dacha societies and partnerships.
Dachas, designed for partial or permanent residence, are an excellent opportunity to spend a weekend in nature in comfortable living conditions. Most of these holiday villageshave all the necessary infrastructure, which includes electricity, gas, even in some cases running water. Of course, the roads in such settlements leave much to be desired, only if the locals do not monitor them and constantly repair them.
Quality of life

Those who moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky for permanent residence note in their reviews that life here is not as attractive and hassle-free as it might seem to a tourist who came for a couple of days to get acquainted with the sights. There are many problems in the city that are solved with great difficulty.
For example, these include a crisis that has long been outlined in the housing and communal services, an overflowing solid waste landfill, problems with street cleaning, lack of places in schools and kindergartens.
At the same time, if you are looking for a quiet place, which is also located almost within walking distance from the capital, then this is the best option. This is in the reviews of Pereslavl-Zalessky noted by many who moved here.

Pereslavl-Zaleski is a famous ancient city that annually attracts a large number of tourists. The first mention in the annals of it dates back to 1152. Due to the fact that the settlement is included in the Golden Ring of Russia, about 300 thousand tourists visit it annually.
Tourists who stay at least for a couple of days are sure to stay in hotels. By the way, this is the best option for those who are going to move here.for permanent residence, but will not make a final decision. For a few days spent in the city, you can try to feel like a local resident, understand if you really like it here, learn more about local problems.
In reviews of hotels in Pereslavl-Zalessky, visitors often admit that they prefer the Azimut Hotel. This is a large international hotel chain, which has its own representative offices in 28 cities of Russia, Germany and Austria. Works in the mid-price room fund. Considered one of the fastest growing brands in this business area.
Today it is a large hotel operator, which originally appeared in Russia, but has long gone beyond its borders. The hotels have a single booking system, uniform service standards and a common corporate culture.
Rates of rooms
This hotel offers standard rooms. True, it is not easy to settle in them. Due to the low cost, they are booked in advance.
Therefore, at the service of a slow traveler - a superior with a balcony for 2500 rubles for two per day. A junior suite with a balcony will cost 500 rubles more, a two-room junior suite will cost 3,500 rubles.
There is also a very fashionable option. This is a spa cottage for 7,000 rubles per day for two guests. At your disposal will be your own house with one bedroom, kitchen area, spacious living room and sauna.
The room has everything you need, including everything you need to visit the Finnish sauna.
Hotelpositions itself as a 4-star. In reviews of "Azimuth" in Pereslavl-Zalessky, tourists note that, in general, they are satisfied with the service provided here. The hotel is new, located on a huge and well-groomed territory. Helpful staff tries to help with any issue.
Tourist interest

Most often you can find positive feedback from tourists about Pereslavl-Zalessky. Visitors note a large number of amazing sights, the opportunity to learn more about the ancient history of the country, learn about the once great city, which, being founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, was to become the capital of North-Eastern Russia.
Tourists definitely come to the local Red Square in the very center of the city, not far from the city rampart. It has existed since the 12th century, at that time it was here that Veche regularly gathered.
In Soviet times, wooden buildings along the perimeter were demolished. According to the new project, the main axis was directed from Sovetskaya Street towards the Transfiguration Cathedral, pedestrian paths appeared.
Pereslavl Kremlin
Judging by the reviews of the sights in Pereslavl-Zalessky, the Kremlin of the ancient Russian city is considered the main one.
He appeared in the XII century. At that time, double wooden walls with towers were placed along the entire crest of the rampart. Later, the Kremlin was repeatedly rebuilt. It was often captured and robbed, including during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols.
In the middle of the XVIII century, the wooden walls were dismantledbecause of their uselessness and dilapidation. Today, here you can see earthen ramparts, the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century, the Church of Peter the Metropolitan of the 16th century, part of the preserved buildings of the Bogoroditsko-Sretensky Monastery built in the 13th century.