The distance from Kyiv to Minsk in a straight line is 433 km. You can overcome the path between the two capitals by car, bus, train or plane. Depending on the type of transport, the travel time will be from 1 to 12 hours. On the border between Ukraine and Belarus, it is necessary to go through customs control.
Distance and travel time
The distance from Kyiv to Minsk by road is 575 km. The estimated travel time by car is 6-8 hours plus the time it takes to cross the Ukraine-Belarus border. The optimal road route from Kyiv to Minsk runs along the highways: E271, E95, M-01. The road goes through the cities of Brovary, Chernihiv, Gomel, Zhlobin. The terrain in this region is flat. The road goes through fields, forests and meadows. The condition of the roadbed varies throughout the route. There are a lot of potholes on the Kyiv-Gomel section of the road, at speeds above 70 km / h the car shakes violently. The roadbed on the Belarusian segment is predominantly of high quality. There are toll sections of the road.

How to get there
Eatseveral ways to get from Kyiv to Minsk:
- by private car;
- by train;
- by bus;
- by plane;
- on a ride.
The trip by car will take 6 to 8 hours. But you need to add to them the time of passing the Ukrainian and Belarusian customs. It's still at least 1.5-2 hours. To the cost of a road trip, in addition to money for gasoline, you need to add the cost of a green card - an insurance policy, the cost of travel on toll road sections, possible fines for traffic violations.
The distance from Kyiv to Minsk by rail is 630 km. Travel time takes from 10 to 14.5 hours. On the route Kyiv - Minsk, trains run 2-3 times a day. Ticket prices start from 2,500 Russian rubles. Traveling by train is more convenient and cheaper than by car. It is possible to warm up, ride lying down or sitting. By train, you know exactly when you will arrive at your destination. Traveling by rail is considered the safest.
There are buses between Kyiv and Minsk. Travel time will take from 10 to 11.5 hours. A ticket costs from 1,100 Russian rubles. There are up to 10 buses per day on the Kyiv-Minsk route. If the passenger prefers to sleep on the road, then you can buy a ticket for an evening flight.
The fastest way to get from Kyiv to Minsk is by plane. The flight time is only one hour. At the same time, it is also the most expensive mode of transportation. Tickets cost from 6,300 Russian rubles.
The cheapest way to get from Kyiv to Minsk is on a ride. You can find a company for a trip on special websites or withapplications.

Crossing the border Ukraine - Belarus
There is a simplified border crossing regime between Ukraine and Belarus. To enter a neighboring state, you do not need a passport or visa. It is necessary to pass only customs control. Citizens of Ukraine and Belarus cross the border for work or tourism purposes, visit their relatives. Customs must be cleared regardless of which mode of travel is chosen.
To fill out documents, you must have a pen. It is better to exchange money in advance, because the exchange rate at the border is unfavorable. You should first familiarize yourself with the customs requirements of the two states. Find out what you can bring across the border and what you can't. The speed of crossing customs control depends on the season, day of the week, selected crossing point.

Documents required to cross the border by car
- Passport of your state, birth certificate for children.
- The driver must have a valid driving license. They can be both domestic and international.
- Documents confirming ownership of the car or power of attorney to drive.
- International insurance - the so-called green card. It can be issued both in Ukraine and Belarus.
- Declaration for the import of a car and migration card (issued on the spot).