The tradition of keeping wild animals at home comes from ancient times, and the pharaohs of Egypt and the emperors of China sought to start their collections. However, their goal, like many modern institutions, was the desire to satisfy curiosity in learning new information, and simply the need to have favorite pets.
Zoo (Yaroslavl) differs from other Russian organizations in its conceptual component. The fundamental factor in its construction was the awareness of the need to create conditions for the stay of animals, similar to the natural environment. Unlike cage-type organizations, the landscape version of the institution allows all pets to feel comfortable and meets their needs as much as possible.

Zoo (Yaroslavl) provided the best conditions not only for animals to live, but also for their reproduction. The area of the facility, exceeding 123 hectares, made it possible to build spacious enclosures and equip them with everything necessary for a full-fledged stay of pets. The quality of life of the smaller brothers here is much higher than in other small cage zoos, not to mention touring around the countryorganizations.
In addition to the main function of preserving the gene pool of rare and endangered animals, the employees of the Yaroslavl Zoo are doing a great educational work aimed at developing spiritual values, aesthetic perception of the world, and raising the level of environmental literacy. The scientific research carried out here contributed to the creation of a modern educational base for students of Russian universities. In the near future, it is planned to open zoological and environmental clubs, because schoolchildren and students love feeding and caring for animals, studying their biological characteristics and psychological traits.

Yaroslavl Zoo makes a significant contribution to nature conservation. Captive breeding programs are being introduced for the black stork, osprey, short-toed eagle, peregrine falcon, golden eagle and other rare animals, which will allow restoring natural populations in the future. Zoo (Yaroslavl) is ready to become a home for the European mink, desman, lynx, common crane, boreal owl and other endangered representatives of the fauna.
Great educational leisure
The team of the organization has developed and implemented a variety of educational programs that are popular with visitors of all ages. New in-depth knowledge of the behavior and needs of animals, innovative exhibition design technologies make visiting this island of wildlife attractive for local residents and visitors.
The living conditions of most people in largemegacities have deprived them of the opportunity to communicate in their natural environment with wild, and sometimes with domestic animals, which has led to the fact that entire generations have a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bthe amazing kingdom of fauna and flora. Zoo (Yaroslavl) has become a favorite vacation spot for citizens and tourists, where all conditions are created to escape from daily worries and feel the pristine beauty and power of nature.

Good location, proximity to the city center, well-developed transport links, the presence of a clean reservoir and a picturesque forest park are excellent amenities for regular quality rest for the whole family. And in addition - the contemplation and study of animals, the minimum cost of excursions acceptable for the family budget. And the main result of the visit is the delight of children and adults, the desire to come here again. A cozy, clean area with spacious enclosures has been created here, where animals live freely and visitors feel comfortable.
Animal diversity
Vacationers will remember communication with birds, including white stork, common pheasant, mute swan, domestic duck. You will be amazed by the acquaintance with the graceful flamingo, which has slender long legs, a flexible neck and noble plumage, the color of which is white or red. A distinctive feature of these graceful birds is a massive beak curved down.
Mobile and energetic ostriches became unusual for Russia: African and Emu.
The animals of the Ark are presented in a unique theriological exposition, wheresmall and medium-sized mammals that belong to various orders of marsupials, insectivores, bats, rodents, carnivores. There are both "foreign" mammals, indigenous people of Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australia, and local representatives of the fauna.
Although wolves are predatory and dangerous animals, these zoo residents attract a large number of spectators. It is interesting to observe the habits of a clumsy brown bear. Communication with energetic representatives will give you a boost of energy: ponies, red deer, European fallow deer, spotted and northern deer, Kanna antelope, Przewalski's horse, zebra.
Exotic pets for the region are Bactrian camel, llama, Bennett's kangaroo.

For many visitors, acquaintance with the cheetah and bison will happen in the Yaroslavl zoo. Naughty squirrels became the favorites of the children. Here you can compare and study the differences between the domestic pig, wild boar and their relative - the Vietnamese pig.
Where is this island of nature located?
Useful for those who want to visit this wonderful corner will be information where the zoo (Yaroslavl) is located. Object address: st. Shevelyukha, 137. You can get here by bus No. 21, 25 and 121 or fixed-route taxi No. 93 and No. 148.
You can get detailed information by phone. (4852) 71-01-91, 71-01-96, 74-38-44. Find out about the proposed options and book excursions easily and conveniently by phone. (4852) 74-32-21, 71-01-07.
Internet connection also available.
You decided to visit the zoo(Yaroslavl)? The official website of the organization will offer more complete and up-to-date information about their pets, ongoing events, services, work schedule and cost of excursions.
When is it possible to visit it?
You are wondering when is the best time to come to the zoo (Yaroslavl). The schedule is very convenient for visiting, because the organization works seven days a week and a lunch break. The main territory is waiting for guests from 10.00 to 21.00. Those wishing to make an amazing walk are waiting for horseback riding from 11.00 to 16.00. Employees of the demonstration and training center "Ark" will conduct exciting educational excursions from 10.00 to 20.30. Expositions in the "Zooexotarium" are open from 10.00 to 21.00 (tickets are sold until 20.00). A visit to the "Ungulate Park" is possible from 11.00 to 20.30, (ticket office - until 19.00).
The ticket price is available for all categories of the population. Discounts available.
Zoo (Yaroslavl) has collected a collection of animals of great educational and scientific value. And the well-being of its inhabitants depends not only on employees, but also on each visitor.