Where is the Moscow Zoo? The nearest metro station to the zoo, how to get to the zoo

Where is the Moscow Zoo? The nearest metro station to the zoo, how to get to the zoo
Where is the Moscow Zoo? The nearest metro station to the zoo, how to get to the zoo

Zoos have long become popular all over the world, only here you can see exotic animals live, watch them, take pictures. Children who are now growing up rarely even see representatives of the local flora and fauna, because there is no place for animals in the urban jungle. In the current conditions, in order to introduce the child to the living world, to give him some knowledge, and just to take a pleasant walk, you can go to the zoo. They are found in large cities, capitals. There is also a large zoo in Moscow.

A bit of history

Moscow Zoo was opened back in 1864, and, remarkably, has not changed its location since then. At the time of the opening, then still a zoo, there were more than 300 animals, most of them were specimens found on the territory of the Russian Empire. For many years, the Moscow Zoo combined the functions of a garden, a nursery and a scientific center. He worked even during the Great Patriotic War, as if encouraging the townspeople. In the late 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, the zoohas been repaired, and links with colleagues from other countries have been established again.

Zoo area

Are you wondering where the Moscow Zoo is located? It is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, a 40-minute walk from the very center - Red Square. The zoo belongs to the Presnensky district, which was once called Krasnopresnensky. The area is well developed. If earlier it could be called an industrial center, now it is a business center. Despite the presence in the immediate vicinity of such objects as the Government House of the Russian Federation and the Planetarium, it is the architecture and the idea of the zoo that sets the tone for this part of the city.

where is the moscow zoo
where is the moscow zoo

Location and metro stations

Address of the Moscow Zoo - st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 1, but, as is customary in Moscow, information about how you can get to your destination will be more important. Visitors can freely choose their route to the Moscow Zoo. The metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya" is the nearest point, it is most convenient to go from it. It belongs to the ring (brown) branch. In order to get to the central entrance of the zoo, you only need to go to the surface, cross the road through the underpass and turn the corner. The entrance to the zoo resembles a fairy-tale castle with a turret and a fortress wall, so you can't go wrong.

It happens that it is more convenient to go along another branch, but you want to get to the Moscow Zoo in time. The metro station "Barrikadnaya" in this case is also perfect. Pass here from the exit,which, by the way, is only one, you need a little more, but the journey will take about two minutes. "Barrikadnaya" is a stop of the purple line, from it you can get to "Krasnopresnenskaya" through the transition between stations, located in the center of the hall. Violet ("Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya") on its way communicates with the green, red, orange and yellow lines, which will help you get to the zoo by metro with a minimum of transfers.

moscow zoo metro station
moscow zoo metro station

Hiking trails

Of course, in good weather, especially in summer, you want not to sit in a stuffy subway car, but to take a walk on the way to the Moscow Zoo. The metro station "Belorusskaya" on the green line or "Ulitsa 1905 Goda" on the purple line is perfect for this purpose. From these stations you can walk to the zoo almost in a straight line in just 15 minutes. At the metro station "Ulitsa 1905 Goda" you need to get off the last car from the center, cross the road and go straight along Krasnaya Presnya Street. In the case of "Belorusskaya", it is better to immediately go to Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street and follow it.

If you wish, you can walk to the zoo on foot from Pushkinskaya, for this you need to follow the boulevard to Malaya Nikitskaya street, then turn onto it and go to Sadovo-Kudrinskaya. There you need to go through the underpass and go straight past the exit of the station "Barrikadnaya".

You can also get from Arbatskaya. To do this, it is better to immediately turn towards the ring, then go along it towards the Krasnopresnenskaya skyscraper, then go past it through a smallpark, and then, turning, straight to the main entrance.

Pensioners, families with young children and people with disabilities should know not only the walking route, but also how to get to the Moscow Zoo, because sometimes even one or two bus stops can significantly ease physical activity.

how to get to Moscow zoo
how to get to Moscow zoo

For those who live nearby

Those who live in the center will find it even easier to visit the Moscow Zoo. Almost any passer-by will tell you how to get there. Geographically, the central entrance is located at the intersection of Krasnaya Presnya and Bolshaya Gruzinskaya streets, not far from the Stalinist skyscraper and the Garden Ring. If you go straight along the ring towards the Arbat, you can enter the territory of the zoo through an additional entrance, however, in this case, you should check the opening hours of the box office in advance.

Lovers of ground public transport may need information on how to get to the Moscow Zoo by public transport. Krasnopresnenskaya metro station is the final stop for buses No. 4, 12, 69, 152, 850, 869. Bus No. 116 will take you from Fili station to Belorusskaya.

It is also important for motorists to know how to get to the Moscow Zoo. Of course, many now use navigation systems, but sometimes the route can be quite clear even without special equipment. Traffic on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street is two-way, as well as on Krasnaya Presnya, which allows you not to go far around the area in order to make a U-turn. FROMOn one side of the zoo, parallel to Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, there is Volkov Lane, where you can stop for a short time. It is recommended to park your car at nearby cafes and restaurants, since, alas, there is no parking at the zoo.

moscow zoo nearest metro station
moscow zoo nearest metro station

Additional information

The entrance, which is located on the ring, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya street, next to the planetarium, will be of interest to young visitors, since it is there that the children's area is located - a theater, a pet school and a barnyard.

moscow zoo how to get there
moscow zoo how to get there

Ticket offices are located at the main entrance and at the gate on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya. Additional ticket offices for visiting individual expositions are located on the territory of the zoo. It consists of the so-called old, historical, part and the new. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street runs between these sections. These parts are connected by a special bridge, which is located above the carriageway. The zoo is fenced around the entire perimeter.

how to get to the Moscow zoo
how to get to the Moscow zoo


The zoo is very well located. On the one hand - this is the center, on the other - there are many small streets, courtyards, greenery nearby. Not far from the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, there is the Nightingale cinema center, which will allow you to combine your vacation at the zoo with going to the cinema. Restaurants such as MuMu, Burger King, ToDaSe, as well as small grocery stores are within a 5-minute walk. You will always have somewhere to buy sweets for your child orice cream, so don't be afraid to explore the nearby space. For those who are still afraid of getting lost on their way to the Moscow Zoo, the nearest metro station will be the best reference point. Also inside the zoo there are recreation areas where sweets and toys are sold. Enjoy your holiday!
