In the 18th century, many luxurious estates were built in Russia, but only a small part of them survived. One of them is Znamenskoye-Raek. The estate is located in the Tver region, near the city of Torzhok.
This is the work of the architect Nikolai Lvov, the author of the projects according to which the Nevsky Gates and the Holy Trinity Church in St. Petersburg were built. Description of the Znamenskoye-Raek estate, the history of the estate, the current state, how to get to the architectural monument of the 18th century - all this is presented in the article.

Znamenskoye-Raek estate is located 40 km from Tver and 15 from Torzhok. You can get from Moscow along the M10 highway. You need to pass Klin and, before reaching 20 km to Torzhok, turn left near the village of Mednoye. There are signs in the direction of the Znamenskoye-Raek estate. You can also get there by public transport.

From Moscow to Tver, electric trains leave every day from the Leningradsky railway station. You can get to the end, and from there order a taxi. The train from Moscow to Tver takes 1 hour 40 minutes.
Traveling by rail is, of course, not the only way to get to the estate. Transport links between Moscow and Tver are excellent. You can also get by bus to Znamenskoye-Raek.
How to get to the estate? There are many options. Buses run from Paveletsky railway station, Novoyasenevskaya, VDNKh, Krasnogvardeiskaya, Tushinskaya bus stations, from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station. You don’t need to get to the final one - get off at the stop "Derevnya Maryino". You will have to walk another three kilometers to the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate.
The attraction is located a little away from the Leningrad highway. This is one of the most beautiful estates in the country. For many years, restoration work has been carried out on the territory of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate. The current state of this architectural monument is slightly above average. Although there are many visitors here, especially in summer. Guided tours are held regularly.

"Znamenskoye-Raek" is a word that is fraught with many mysteries. Researchers argue about its origin to this day. There is a version that the name of the Znamenskoye-Raek estate in the Tver region comes from the word "paradise". The places where this architectural complex is located are painfully picturesque. There is a legend that Catherine II, having been here, enthusiastically exclaimed: "This is a paradise!"
What else can the name of the estate mean? "Raek" is an archaism. ATDahl's dictionary gives the following interpretation: "a box with mobile pictures." In other words, puppet theater.
Znamenskoye-Raek is a manor that really resembles something fake. It is surprising that the filmmakers ignored the architectural ensemble, immersed in emerald greenery in summer. It seems that sophisticated Turgenev young ladies should live in such a manor.
Many sad events in the history of the estate. Znamenskoye-Raek, perhaps, will soon serve as a backdrop for some historical film. But restoration work is still underway.
Master of the estate
The estate was built in the 18th century. Ivan Fedorovich Glebov, who in the middle of the 18th century held the position of Governor-General of Kyiv, is not the only resident of the Znamenskoye-Raek estate. His relatives lived on the estate for some time. But little is known about them.
Great festivities were once held here, balls. The estate was visited by the most famous people of Moscow and St. Petersburg. After the death of Glebov, the estate brought a good income to his widow.
It was one of the family estates of the nobility, of which many were built in Russia. In the second half of the 18th century, people who did not leave a mark on history lived in it, and therefore it is worth telling more about the first owner.
Ivan Fedorovich Glebov, as already mentioned, was the Kyiv governor-general. He held this position from 1762 to 1766. Later he became Governor-General of St. Petersburg.
Since 1751, Glebov was engaged in the resettlement of residents from Serbia in Russia. During the Seven Years' Warserved in the army, took part in the battle of Zorndorf. Here he distinguished himself and was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.
Glebov spent his last years in the Tver region. For several years he lived in the estate, which is discussed in this article. But he was buried in Staritsa, on the territory of the Assumption Monastery.
The main object on the estate is the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God. This temple was built in 1766. About six years later, the wife of the former governor-general of Kyiv took the veil as a nun. Glebov made a family division of the estate. There has never been a luxurious palace with a colonnade here.

Elizaveta Petrovna Streshneva
This lady was known in Moscow society primarily for her tough temper. She was a representative of the old boyar family of the Streshnevs. But most importantly, it was thanks to this woman that the estate appeared, which today is included in popular excursions in the Tver region.
When Glebov made the division of the estate, a luxurious architectural ensemble was not yet in his plans. The idea came later. The estate was built according to the project of the architect Lvov for Elizaveta Petrovna Streshneva, the second wife of Ivan Fedorovich.
She was the daughter of the chief general. They named her in honor of the then ruling Empress, the daughter of Peter. The Streshnev family had nine children. All of them died at an early age, except for Elizabeth. The old nobleman was very fond of his only daughter, indulged her in everything. The first and only time he showed strictness was when his seventeen-year-old daughter announced her intention toto marry Glebov, who by that time was 34 years old. He was against this marriage.
Nevertheless, Elizaveta Petrovna married the former Governor-General of Kyiv. Their wedding took place a year after Streshnev's death. She did not aspire to marry Glebov out of great love. Elizabeth realized that this man is the only man she can manage while respecting him.
Glebov was in love with his young wife all his life. For her sake, he built a luxurious estate in the Moscow region - Pokrovo-Streshnevo. For his beloved wife, he ordered from Lvov the project of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate.
Glebov hoped that in the estate, among the Tver forests, the beautiful Elizabeth would belong entirely to him. He was extremely jealous. However, Streshneva did not live long in this estate.
After the death of her husband, she moved to an estate near Moscow, which eventually turned almost into a museum. Pokrovo-Streshnevo was rebuilt in the classical style. The rooms of the house were decorated with portraits of representatives of two noble families - the Streshnevs and the Glebovs. But that's another story.
But let's get back to the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate, more precisely, to the man, thanks to whose talent this unique architectural ensemble appeared. Documents that would confirm the authorship of Nikolai Lvov have not been preserved. However, just look at other buildings designed by this architect, and all doubts dissipate.

Nikolay Lvov
Architect of the estate Znamenskoye-Raek at the endXVIII century was widely known in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He was a very versatile person. He found time not only for the main activity, but also for literature. In addition, he was fond of music.
Nikolai Lvov was born into the family of a poor Tver landowner. At the age of 18 he entered the Preobrazhensky Regiment. From a young age he was engaged in self-education, and by the time the estate was built, he was known in Moscow and St. Petersburg as one of the most witty and erudite people.
The most famous architectural works of Lvov are concentrated in St. Petersburg. There are several temples in the Tver region built according to his designs. For example, Borisoglebsky Cathedral in Torzhok.
Lvov was a fan of Italian art. Proof of this is the Znamenskoye-Raek estate. Description and photos are presented in this article. They are very reminiscent of descriptions and images of Italian estates.
Nikolay Lvov paid great attention not only to decorative elements, but also to ventilation and heating. He wrote several monographs on construction. One of them is dedicated to stoves and fireplaces.
Architectural structures in St. Petersburg, built according to the designs of Nikolai Lvov:
- Post Office Building.
- Church of Saint Elijah the Prophet.
- Holy Trinity Church.
- The estate of Gabriel Derzhavin.
In addition, more than twenty buildings have been preserved in Moscow, Gatchina and Torzhok.
Construction of the estate
Preparatory work began in 1781. Six years later, the foundation was laid. It took to buildtwelve years old. This process was led by Lvov's colleague Franz Ivanovich Butsi. Three more architects took part in the construction, among which was an Italian master.
The ceremonial illumination of the estate took place in 1798. This event resulted in a celebration that lasted three days. The ball, the owner of the estate Raek, organized a grandiose one: with fireworks, boat rides and other entertainments that were fashionable at that time. Even the most sophisticated guests were amazed by the luxurious interior of the palace.
The estate and surroundings at the end of the 18th century, of course, looked different, not like today. But something has remained unchanged. A wide alley led from the Petersburg tract to the estate. It ended at the front gate, which resembled the Arc de Triomphe.
The structure was decorated with elegant vases on the attic. Approaching the gate, the travelers saw a huge oval courtyard with outbuildings. Tourists travel the same way today. True, there is no longer a luxurious garden, and in one of the wings there is a hotel.

It was hard to surprise guests of the estate, representatives of noble families, with the garden and the front gate. The main attraction of the estate was the colonnade. This unusual building, made in the Doric style, is still seen by tourists visiting the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate.
A double colonnade connects the wings with the main house. Single - with a gate. The unusual gallery consists of 136 columns. It is not known how much the construction of the estate to Glebov cost. But surely hehad to spend a lot of money in order to build this "golden cage" for his young wife.
The architecture of the main house is presented in a restrained style. The building and other buildings form a single architectural ensemble. Columns of different heights. However, they all have the same diameter. The architectural composition impresses with clarity and thoughtfulness. clarity of form.

The courtyards lived in one of these buildings. The other housed a greenhouse and a theater. The courtyard was reminiscent of the configuration of Palace Square. In the center of it was a sculptural composition with a built-in fountain. On holidays, by order of the owner of the estate, fireworks cannons were installed around the perimeter of the courtyard. Peacocks roamed imposingly by the fountain.
Great social receptions were held in the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate. Here, as already mentioned, Catherine the Great once visited. Then she exclaimed the phrase, thanks to which the prefix "Raek" was added to the name of the Znamenskoye estate.
Main Hall
The estate looked like a miniature palace complex. The main house had a grand staircase, an oval-shaped vestibule, and a huge hall in which guests danced and had leisurely idle conversations in the evenings.
Architects have thought of every detail. They arranged the light ceiling in such a way that the first rays of the sun fell on the lower step. Then they gradually rose. The last rays illuminated the upper step.
In the main hall, the architect, in love with the work of Italian masters,dreamed of making an open dome. However, the Russian climate did not allow him to realize this idea. The upper dome was painted blue, and the guests had the feeling that they were under an open cloudless sky.
The decoration of the house was striking in the richness of the decoration. The doors were mahogany. Maroon marble fireplaces. The front door, as expected, was decorated with portraits of Russian rulers.
In 1813, an inventory of property was made. The extensive list includes many portraits, in addition, medallions, mirrors.
Garden and ponds
Behind the house was an English garden of 22 hectares. On the one hand, it was part of the estate composition. On the other hand, it harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. The main alley led to the river.
Ponds with cascades were arranged in the garden. In the center of the topmost one, on a small island, three pines were planted. One of them has survived to this day.
Elizaveta Petrovna Glebova was a real socialite. But this did not stop her from getting involved in painting. She painted several landscapes, including a picture depicting a pond with pines. Thanks to her work, our contemporaries know what the garden looked like on the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate in the early 19th century.
Luxurious park was once decorated with gazebos, piers, baths, pavilions. An elegant eight-column rotunda was installed near the main house. And by the river there was a small building resembling a copy of an ancient temple.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Glebov died in 1799. Elizaveta Petrovna spent several years in the estate, then moved to Moscow. She survivedher husband for forty years. They had three children, but none of them lived to adulthood.
After the death of Elizabeth Petrovna, the estate passed to her distant relative. Then the estate was owned by the widow of Admiral Dubasov. Already under the heirs, the process of destruction began in the estate.
XX century
What happened to the estate after the revolution is easy to guess. It was nationalized, but first plundered. Fortunately, they did not burn down, like most of the estates in Russia. At first, a boarding house for civil servants was located here. Later, both a pioneer camp and a juvenile colony.
During the Great Patriotic War, a hospital was set up within the walls of the Main House. It is noteworthy that the legendary pilot Maresiev was treated here.
In the eighties there was a dispensary in the former noble estate. By the end of the last century, the estate turned into almost ruins. It was in such a deplorable state that Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who visited here in 1996, remembered these places.

Restoration work began in the 2000s. They are financed by the Concor company, to which the state has transferred the estate for a long-term lease.
In Soviet times, the main building in the estate was repaired more than once, but in a very peculiar way - wall paintings of high artistic value were repeatedly covered with cheap paint. During the restoration work, the decoration of the noble house was partially restored. In 2007, a mini-hotel was opened in one of the wings.
There is a law "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation". All restoration work is carried out in accordance with it. That is, the goal of any construction activities that are carried out on the estate is to restore its former state, to recreate the atmosphere of the late 18th century as much as possible. And like any cultural monument, the estate is always open to visitors.
The Znamenskoye-Rayek estate hosts classical music concerts and exhibitions of paintings. Estate address: Torzhok district, Raek settlement.
It's easy to get to the estate on your own. But it is worth remembering that it is not open for visiting every day. If you want to visit the sights of Torzhok, and at the same time visit the legendary estate, go on a trip on Wednesday or Thursday. Tours of the manor are also held from Friday to Sunday. But there may be traffic jams on the M10 on weekends. Ticket price - 80 rubles.

How long the restoration work will continue is unknown, but even now there are many visitors to the estate. Reviews of the trip to once one of the richest estates in Russia are mostly positive.
There are many gazebos on the estate. There are pavilions and grottoes. Along the main avenue, where royal persons used to walk, you can go to the Logovezh River.
Tourists who have been here recommend taking a walk in the garden. Although he is not particularly well-groomed today, but here one feels a connection withnature. Tours are held several times a day. They involve visiting the main house and outbuildings. You can visit the park any day. Entrance - 50 rubles.
There is no restaurant or cafe on the estate. Prices at the hotel, which is located on the estate, are quite high - renting a room per day will cost from 4800 to 6700 rubles.