One of the recognizable images of Russia, defining the bright meanings of its past, has long been rightfully considered a noble estate. Defeated in the bloody decades that followed 1917 and broke the entire established way of life, it still exists today. In the minds of current generations, the noble estate has been preserved not only as a myth. It is a very real legacy of a once great culture - its surviving buildings, parks, landscapes, collections of old books and portraits can be seen with your own eyes, you can touch them. A meeting with them is experienced as an introduction to the life of long-familiar and beloved heroes, as a reminder of the involvement of each of us in the noisy fateful events.
Raiki Estate (Shchelkovsky District): how it all began
On one of the picturesque banks of the Klyazma, in unusually beautiful places in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, not far fromthe village of Sverdlovsky, the village of Rayki is located.
It is known that this name is not the original - once this settlement was called Ivankov. Historians retell the legend, according to which Empress Catherine II, passing through this region, admired its beauty, called the village of Ivankovo that she met a paradise. Since then, it has become known as Raikovo, or Raiki. And, as you know, this paradise on earth is far from the only one. In addition to the Raiki estate, there are other memorable places in the Moscow Region. They are so beautiful that Russians have long associated with ideas of an earthly paradise. These include the estate in the Serpukhov district "Rai-Semenovskoye", as well as the estate in the Tver region "Znamenskoye-Raek".

Raiki: A Brief History
The village of Rayki once belonged to the Davydovs, then to the Kondrashovs, and later to Ivan Nekrasov. It is known that the famous poet Boris Pasternak spent several years in this estate.
For all the time of its existence, the estate "Raiki" has seen many outstanding personalities, musical works and paintings were written within the walls of the estate. Currently, its territory is used by the boarding house "Youth" and the sanatorium. A. M. Gorky. In the 70-80s, modern residential buildings were built here for the needs of these institutions. Unfortunately, many magnificent buildings of the 19th century have been destroyed by time, but something has survived. Even now, visitors to the Raiki estate can admire the remains of the "hanging" gardens in the formerstepped park, a preserved ancient pond with islands, as well as trees that have always adorned the legendary estate.
It is known that from 1811 the Davydovs were the owners of this earthly paradise, in 1852 the estate became the property of the landowner Haggey Abaza, from 1890 the estate passed into the possession of the silk manufacturers Kondrashovs, and then became its owner I. I. Nekrasov, a well-known gold miner. It is with him that historians associate all the most significant events in the life of the "Raiks". The last estate was owned by the manufacturer S. I. Chetverikov, who emigrated with his whole family to Europe after the revolution.
At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, designed by architect L. N. Kekushev, a number of interesting buildings in the Art Nouveau style are being built here. Unfortunately, in a fire in 1996, the pearl of the architectural complex burned down - the main house with an octagonal turret built according to the project of a famous architect. Among the wonderful creations of L. N. Kekushev also includes a residential building in the park, the so-called "American house" in the half-timbered style and other buildings, each of which has its own unique style.
Dutch (American) house, arch. L. N. Kekushev (1901)
According to experts, the symmetrical and compact American (or Dutch) house, which has two floors and an attic, deserves special attention. In each of the rooms, the details are thought out to the smallest detail, and the design of the external decor evoked a lot of pleasant romantic associations. The decoration of the facades of the building was made of marble, and the roof was laid out with Marseille tiles. It is known that in 1907-1909. it was here that the family of the famous poet Boris Pasternak spent their summer holidays.
Also in 1911, the family of the famous engineer and inventor Bari stayed here for the summer. Ten years earlier, in 1901, the famous Russian artist Surikov worked here on his painting “Stepan Razin”. Artists K. Bedrosov, V. Denisov, P. Konchalovsky and many others also worked and rested in the estate. In different sources, this building is called differently: it is called a half-timbered cottage, and a Dutch, and an American house…

In the photo you can see that the facades of the building with a wooden frame are visually divided into rectangular fields. The building simplisticly reproduces the general Victorian style trends. Connoisseurs say that the general silhouette of this building is more of a style characteristic of the time of Queen Anne, and the wall decoration refers the visitor to the times of Tudor and Elizabeth. Unfortunately, today on the facade you will not see the dark stripes characteristic of half-timbered houses - they were painted over with light paint.
The building, built in just one year, was recognized by the architectural community as a model of a new style. The house has become a recognized standard of comfortable suburban housing. It is known that electricity, water supply, gas were installed in the building. The wife of the owner of the Nekrasov estate, Anna Timofeevna, who was seriously fond of painting, liked to live in this comfortable cottage for a long time. In Soviet times, V. M., who was in disgrace, sometimes stopped here. Molotov.
From the oldThe furniture has preserved a bookcase, which today stands in the library, and a dressing table. There are several suites in the house itself, as well as in a modern annex, in which visitors can stay.
Finnish house, arch. L. N. Kekushev (1900s)
According to experts, this beautiful wooden building somehow imperceptibly resembles the later creation of L. N. Kekusheva - Moscow residential building of the merchant V. D. Nosov, built in 1903. In the register of architectural monuments, the building is called a Finnish house, in other sources - a wooden house in the Art Nouveau style, as well as a magnificent example of Franco-Belgian art nouveau. Be that as it may, this architectural creation is beautiful. According to reviews, it is unusually pleasant to sit in front of this masterpiece, looking at every detail of it … The house invariably brings peace and tranquility to visitors.

Garden Sculptures
The park has also preserved two objects, the authorship of which is given to the architect L. N. Kekushev (or his students). They are two wonderful garden sculptures - "Lioness with a lion cub" and "Lion with a sacrifice." The attribution of these works has not yet been proven. But still, many tend to consider her the author of the "lions" of the famous master - after all, the appeal to the "lion" theme is his hallmark.

About the Yunost boarding house
The boarding house is located along the Shchelkovo highway, some 23 km from Moscow. The territory of the boarding house is surrounded by an old landscape park with terrenkur paths laid along it. The boarding house has three separateresidential buildings, a restaurant complex, a he alth center with a sauna and a swimming pool, an entertainment center and its own ski lift. Boarding house working hours: around the clock.
Vacationers are invited to take advantage of a wide range of services: visiting the sauna, swimming pool, massage, beauty salon, s alt room. Guests can play table tennis or billiards here. Green forests and picturesque ponds create a unique atmosphere that inspires you to make pleasant walks.
Vacationers are offered a wide range of accommodation options: from a 1-bed standard to an exquisite suite with Empire style furnishings. All rooms have a TV, a comfortable bed and a private bathroom.
Meals for guests (three meals a day, included in the price) are organized in the dining room of the boarding house. In addition, the Imperial restaurant is available for vacationers, where mass banquet events are held.
The distance from the boarding house to the Moscow Ring Road is 23 km, so getting to it is not difficult. Belorussky railway station is 38 km from here, and Vnukovo airport is 63 km away. Boarding house address: pos. Yunost, Schelkovskoe sh., For those who are interested in how to get to the estate, experts recommend using the coordinates: n.l. 55.91790100, east 38.12895300.
How do guests feel about staying at the boarding house?
According to reviews, the natural and architectural beauty of these places has an unusually positive effect on vacationers, gives unprecedented strength to spiritual uplift. Vacationers here usuallythere are a little more than a dozen, mostly pupils of children's schools of martial arts and dances are accommodated.
Food is not on the menu. And even more so, as the authors of the reviews note, it is inappropriate to expect a buffet format here. Mostly guests eat what they give. There is not much food, but it is edible, the guests assure. The territory of the boarding house is clean and well-groomed, with many bright flower beds.
The public comes to the boarding house mainly for fishing (fish are bred in the local ponds). For barbecue lovers, there are special brick barbecues and very civilized parking areas.
Many connoisseurs of antiquity regret that the boarding house does not provide for a museum or even an ordinary stand that would tell about the history of these places. Often vacationers do not even realize that they are in a place that keeps the remains of a rich history and culture. It is known that the administration of "Youth" began to seriously think about it. Nevertheless, experts say that for the construction of the main building of the boarding house in the 70s, a neoclassical building was destroyed (exactly the one in which Pasternak once lived with his family).
The authors of the reviews say that at the entrance here you can see a sign that says that you can enter the territory only with a boarding house card. But it's not. The guards easily let you in here, they allow you to inspect the surroundings. It is noticeable that they are very proud to work in such an important historical place. Lovers of antiquity note that you can just come to the estate and walk here. It would be nicebring nuts for squirrels. You are also allowed to sunbathe and fish in the pond (not free).
About the Manor Express project
This project was initiated by the well-known blogger Vadim Razumov (the author of the Chronicle of the Russian Estate). At one time, the initiative was supported by Central Suburban Passenger Company LLC, the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region and the Afisha Podmoskovie portal. The project invites connoisseurs of Russian history to travel around the old Russian estates in Fryanovo, Grebnevo, Torzhok, etc. One of the places where the participants of the trip can not only visit the most interesting excursions, but also stop for a while, have lunch and take a walk, is the Raiki estate. Tourists speak with great enthusiasm about the excellent opportunities provided by the project.
About the sanatorium. A. M. Gorky (settlement Yunost)
The natural landscape of the territory of the institution is a huge park array of deciduous and coniferous trees. According to reviews, the cleanest air here is filled with an incomparable forest aroma. The fragrance of pines, flowering lindens, thujas, blue firs, etc., shady alleys of maples, a picturesque natural pond - all this creates an atmosphere of calm and serenity, which is an ideal condition for relaxation.

In the sanatorium you can not only forget about the bustle of the city, escape from everyday problems and worries, relieve work stress and get rid of chronic fatigue, but also qualitatively and fully restore yourhe alth. The institution has all the necessary conditions for high-quality and complete treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, neurological, etc. The medical and diagnostic base of the sanatorium is equipped with the latest technical equipment.
On the territory of the sanatorium, guests can use the services of the library, visit the Finnish sauna, play billiards, swim in the pool. Excursions are organized for vacationers, concerts of invited pop stars are held, etc.
Guests are accommodated in rooms with all amenities, equipped with modern furniture, TV, refrigerator, shower (some rooms have a bathtub).
For vacationers of the sanatorium 5 meals a day are organized (ordered system). The quality of the food of each of the guests is under the close supervision of a nutritionist. Persons with overweight, heart diseases and diabetes are fed on special diets. But, as the guests assure, the diet food in the sanatorium pleases with its variety and taste.
Guest Experiences
In their reviews, guests thank the staff of the resort for their care and attention. Vacationers note that the institution is located in the Stalinist building in the style of a Russian estate. Many reviewers report that they really like everything here: food, accommodation, various procedures, and the very favorable atmosphere of the sanatorium. Nature is called wonderful, truly fabulous. Guests note the effectiveness of treatment in the sanatorium, selected for each individually.
According to reviews, unlike "Youth", in the sanatoriumQuite noisy due to proximity to the highway. The territory is cleaned unreasonably - on it you can see bags and bottles lying around. It’s beautiful inside, a good repair has been made, but everywhere there is an unpleasant smell of the hospital and the “canteen”. In the sanatorium Gorky, visitors note, nothing remains of the Raiki estate. Nevertheless, many express the hope to come here again and confidently recommend this sanatorium for rest and treatment.
How to get here?
You can get here (address: Schelkovsky district, Yunost village) by public transport:
- Electric train departs from the Yaroslavl station, go to the station. "Chkalovskaya", then transfer to a fixed-route taxi No. 25 and continue to the stop. Biocombinat Village. Checkpoint sanatorium them. Gorky is located directly near the bus stop.
- From art. m. "Schelkovskaya" buses run, as well as fixed-route taxis No. 321, 320, 429, 378. Go to the stop. Biokombinat Village.
On your car, you can follow the Shchelkovo highway in the direction of the village. Chernogolovka (21 km from Moscow Ring Road), to the village of Yunost.
Returning to the conversation about "heaven on earth" (see the beginning of the article), it should be noted that, in addition to "Raikov", there are other old Russian estates, with their beauty and tranquility evoking thoughts of paradise in visitors. The association with paradise, one way or another, was reflected in their names. One of these places is the estate "Rai-Semenovskoye" in the Serpukhov region. For many decades, the village of Semenovskoe belonged to the boyars Ordin-Nashchokin. At the turn of the XVIII-XIXFor centuries, the owner of the estate was Pavel I's marshal A. P. Nashchokin, who created a magnificent architectural ensemble in the estate and proudly called it "Paradise". In 1803, the owner opened a hydropathic clinic in the estate, which later became widely known. Unfortunately, the resort buildings have not survived to this day. After the revolution, Rai-Semenovskoye gradually fell into disrepair.

Manor "Raek" (Tver region)
Another real "paradise on earth" is located near the town of Torzhok in the Tver region. It takes only 3 hours to get there from Moscow. The Znamenskoye-Raek estate (photos are presented in the article) is a truly amazing place with an unusually rich history. From a bird's eye view, the complex resembles a precious necklace, adorned with large diamonds, with a clasp where the gate is located. It is known that the Raek estate in the Tver region is a filming location for several documentaries and feature films. The film "Prisoner of the Old Manor" (dir. Marina Suleymanova, 2014) was filmed here last
Historians say that at one time the unique suspended floor of the estate in Tver, at the owner's ironic whim, forced the beauties, w altzing, to cling closer to their gentlemen. Visitors enjoy admiring the local rich park area, a picturesque lake with a romantic island of Love. Usadba Raek in Tver offers a restaurant and a mini-hotel. Here you can have fun with horseback riding and barbecue.

The history of the Znamenskoye-Rayek estate dates back to 1746, when its construction was started by order of General-in-Chief Fyodor Glebov. The estate complex was built according to the project of Nikolai Lvov. It was assumed that the monarchs would stop at the estate in Tver on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Construction here was carried out on a truly royal scale.
A brief history of the Raek estate says that the owner F. I. Glebov did not have a chance to live to see the completion of the estate. His widow rarely visited the estate. Heir, hussar officer P. F. Glebov-Streshnev, died in the Battle of Borodino. After his death, the estate was sold, after which it gradually began to fall into disrepair. After the revolution of 1917, park buildings gradually disappeared. Much of what H. A. Lvov has not survived to this day. The last loss of the estate "Raek" in the Tver region was a beautiful gazebo-rotunda that collapsed in 1991.
Homestead today
Unfortunately, today only a small part of the former landscape and architectural delights has been preserved in Raika. Once the tenants carried out restoration work, a restaurant and a hotel functioned in one of the outbuildings of the complex. It is known about the current mode of operation of the Raek estate in the Tver region that at the moment the restoration is suspended here due to financial difficulties. It will not be possible to live in the estate yet, but if you wish, you can still explore the territory (duration of the tour - 1 hour).
Many tourists believe that the estate "Rayek" in the Tver region is a place thanks to which it is possible to accuratelyrealize why you are traveling in your native land.