Currently, the tourist destination "Moscow - Minsk" is considered one of the most popular. A huge number of Russians rush to the "fraternal" country to see the sights of the Belarusian capital, relax here or, on the contrary, hold business negotiations. Many Muscovites go to Minsk every weekend to buy food, as they are of the highest quality in Belarus.
In a word, the tourist flow in the Moscow-Minsk direction is growing regularly, and in this regard, Russians are interested in knowing which mode of transport is best to get to make the trip the most convenient and comfortable.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.
Why Russians are happy to travel to Belarus
So, the direction "Moscow - Minsk". The distance between these two capitals is only 700 kilometers. Agree, this is relatively little.
It will be useful for beginner tourists who have chosen the Moscow-Minsk course to know that there are no administrative barriers between Russia and Belarus in order tocross the border. In other words, there is no need to issue any foreign passports and visas: it is enough to take a Russian identity document with you. It is for these reasons that traveling to Belarus is a pleasure. You can go to Minsk by bus, train, plane - everyone chooses for himself which type of transport is most preferable for him.
Certainly, the fastest and most comfortable way to travel is by plane. On it you will arrive at your destination in 1 hour 20 minutes. Attracts and acceptable cost of air tickets. A trip in the direction "Moscow - Minsk" on an aircraft will cost you 3,800 rubles (economy class). Such well-known airlines as UTair, Aeroflot, Belavia carry passengers to Belarus.
Every day, about ten trains depart from Moscow platforms to Minsk, both direct and passing directions.

Of course, traveling in a rail car is a bit cheaper than on board a ship. The cost of a ticket "Minsk - Moscow" in a reserved seat car is approximately 2,000 rubles. If a person wants to travel in a compartment, then he will have to pay all 3,000 rubles. How much time will you spend on the road? Approximately 8 to 11 hours. It is very convenient to travel by night train: late in the evening you get off in Moscow, and in the early morning you arrive in Minsk. More detailed information about the train schedule can be found on the official website of Russian Railways.
Cheap way to get toMinsk
If you are limited in funds, but you still really want to travel, it is best to go with transfers. It's no secret that the price of an international ticket is seriously overpriced.
So, let's consider the option of a trip with transfers in detail.
Moscow-Smolensk train
Beginner travelers will be interested to know that all trains running in the direction of Brest and Minsk make an obligatory stop in Smolensk.

For a ticket you will have to pay about 550 to 750 rubles. You will arrive at the central bus station, from which you need to go to the suburban one, which is very close.
Electric train "Smolensk - Krasnoe" and "Red - Orsha"
Next, you need to buy train tickets for these destinations. Moreover, to the destination "Krasnoye" you will pay 99 rubles, and to Orsha - only 15 rubles. At the same time, it is important to take into account that in Smolensk they will sell you a ticket only to Krasnoye, since this is the last settlement before the border zone. In Krasnoye, you should change to another train, already to Orsha. Naturally, tickets will be sold already in the Belarusian currency. You should also take into account the fact that if you suddenly did not have time to stock up on "local" rubles and expect to pay for the fare with Russian money, then, alas, you will not be able to do this. Belarusian auditors diligently fulfill their duties, and they cannot commit malfeasance. But the violator will be fined 54000 "local" rubles.
Train or electric train "Orsha - Minsk"
The next stage of the route is the distance from Orsha to the Belarusian capital, which can be overcome by rail. The exact train schedule can be found on the official website of the Belarusian Railways. Trains in this direction run quite often, and the cost of tickets will pleasantly surprise you.

You will reach Minsk in 2.5 hours. As a result, if you decide to go "with transfers", you will spend only 700 to 900 rubles. The only negative of this is that it will take a little longer - about 15 hours. At the same time, "Moscow - Minsk" is also a route along which buses run from the Shchelkovsky bus station of the Russian capital. They leave at night and reach Minsk in about 10 hours. The ticket price is 1500 rubles.
Of course, you can also come to Minsk by your own transport. So that fuel costs are not burdensome, it is better to travel to Belarus with friends. In addition, a trip in a company is always fun, not to mention the Moscow-Minsk route. The distance by car between these two capitals, if you drive along a straight highway, is 715 kilometers. In addition, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the road surface, which in Belarus is just perfect.
If you are traveling by your own car, then you do not need to have any additional documents other than a driver's license.

Regardinginsurance, OSAGO is not recognized in Belarus, so you need to specifically purchase a Green Card. Its cost in Russia is 480 rubles, although you can buy it in Belarus for 17 euros.
Belarusian border crossing procedure
Three years have already passed since the moment when the Russian customs left the territory of the Russian-Belarusian border. This happened against the backdrop of the creation of the Customs Union, which included Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. There is also no border service in the territories where Russia ends and Belarus begins. Only the domestic transport inspectorate operates in this zone, which checks large vehicles.