The Kingdom of Jordan is not yet the most popular tourist destination. Our compatriots generally avoid traveling to the Middle East due to the unstable political situation in the region. But for those who like a holiday in Jordan, the reviews of experienced travelers can be very useful. In this article, we tried to collect the most important information about the country and options for recreation in it. Let's get to know each other!

Kingdom of Jordan: the pearl of the Middle East
Keep in mind that vacations in Jordan are not always fully disclosed by tourists. Each traveler has his own travel experience and baggage of impressions, so some see unprecedented beauty and friendly people in Jordan, while others only notice the poverty of the local population and devastation in small towns. All these reviews can mislead prospective tourists, so it's best to decide on a trip and make up your mind about own opinion.
Be sure that you will get a lot of impressions in Jordan. This country is ready to offer tourists a vacation in the Dead and Red Seas, excellent diving and an excellent excursion program, which is simply not equal anywhere on the planet. Many tourists have already appreciated the hospitality of the locals and sincerely consider this country to be the pearl of the Middle East. And this is not surprising, because to see all the beauties of these lands, ten days are clearly not enough for you, which are usually offered by travel agencies to our compatriots.
Rest in Jordan (tourist reviews): safety
Most of all travelers are concerned about safety issues during the trip. And this concern is well founded. Over the past decades, the situation in the Middle East has been extremely unstable, military conflicts often break out here, which, of course, does not benefit the tourism industry.
Every tourist wants to get the most comfortable vacation in Jordan. Traveler reviews can convince anyone that it is more than safe to rest in this country. The kingdom is one of the most stable countries in the region, there is a fairly low crime rate, and police patrols are found in large numbers in all resort areas. Religious strife is also not typical for Jordan - such conflicts have long been exhausted, and all confessions live quite peacefully.
The only danger is tap water, so never drink it. In hotels, tourists always getenough bottled water. Also be careful when buying food on the street. Poorly fried meat or fish can significantly harm your body and ruin your entire vacation.

When is the best time to visit Jordan with kids?
Very often Jordan becomes a cherished dream for couples. Holidays with children, reviews of which can be found in many sources, seem to them a fun adventure. Keep in mind that it is better to go to a hot country with a child in spring or autumn. During these seasons, the weather is quite comfortable, and the water temperature does not drop below twenty-one degrees Celsius.
Many travelers prefer to buy a tour for the summer season. At this time, hot and dry weather reigns in the resorts. Differences in night and day temperatures become almost imperceptible, and swimming turns into a real pleasure. But in the summer it becomes almost impossible to visit the Wadi Rum desert: the scorching sun will not allow you to do this.
Jordan is also quite friendly in winter, but less suitable for families with children. In the center of the country, the temperature during the day does not rise above ten degrees Celsius, and in the desert in the afternoon it becomes extremely cold. Tourists say that you can freeze during the tour even in a warm jacket and a few sweaters. But still, the sunset in Wadi Rum is worth this inconvenience. The differences between night and day temperatures are very noticeable. If during the day you can bask in the warm sun, then in the evening it becomes very cool in the shade.
Judging byreviews of tourists, you can relax in Jordan with children, but it is better to choose spring or autumn for this purpose. In addition, it is worth considering that with kids you are unlikely to allow yourself numerous excursions. And in this country, the excursion program is one of the best in the world.
The cost of holidays in Jordan
When going to this country, keep in mind that holidays here are not budget. It is chosen by people who are ready to spend an amount above the average. After all, most of the hotels in the country are chain hotels and are ready to provide an extremely high level of service.
Choosing a hotel can make a big difference in your holiday in Jordan. Reviews of guests of chain hotel complexes allow us to conclude that if there is such an opportunity, you should opt for the best and most prestigious hotels. They can order all-inclusive meals, use several swimming pools, cinema halls, sports grounds and other services for free. Many travelers with children prefer not to leave the territory of the complexes at all, where it is so cozy and comfortable. In addition, even the beaches in the country are protected and extremely convenient. The approximate cost of living in a five-star hotel (and there are most of them in the country) ranges from 4,500 rubles per night per person. Family holidays will be significantly more expensive.
If you really want to visit Jordan, but can't afford to spend a lot of money, then look at small hostels. They are present in the country, but not very common. In this case, almost any person willholiday in Jordan is available. Tourist reviews about hostels will help you make the right choice and avoid unsanitary conditions that will definitely ruin your vacation. A cheap hotel or hostel is one where the cost starts from 2000-2500 rubles. For this money you will be offered an air-conditioned room and a rich breakfast.
Keep in mind that excursions in Jordan can be safely bought from street vendors. They will be much cheaper than the tour operator. For example, a trip to Petra will cost tourists 100-120 dollars per person, and a day in the desert will cost about 150 dollars.

Where to go in Jordan?
The Kingdom of Jordan is not the largest country, so getting from one region to another is quite easy. The most important resort cities of the country - Amman and Aqaba - are separated by only three hundred meters.
The capital of the kingdom - the city of Amman - is located in the northern part of the country, it can amaze with beautiful architecture and fairly developed infrastructure. A European will be quite comfortable here, because the inhabitants of the city are friendly to tourists from all over the world.
Aqaba belongs to the southern resorts, it is a fairly small town where you can freely walk the streets. Snow-white beaches stretch for several kilometers. Most of them are private and make your stay in Jordan unforgettable. Tourist reviews about beach pastime allow you to form an opinion about the level of service in hotels and the variety of entertainment.
Most excursions in resortsare visiting, because the most beautiful places of the kingdom are located between the two most important cities of the country.

Jordan Attractions
Coming to this country, get ready to move often and a lot, otherwise you just won't see anything. The beauties of Jordan are scattered throughout the kingdom, but they are worth the time spent exploring them.
Most tourists note the ancient city of Petra, built in the gorge, as a must-see item on the program. In the sandy cliffs you can see temples, amphitheaters and numerous residential buildings. The Bedouin tribes still live in such houses and with all their might resist any attempts by the authorities to relocate them to more comfortable housing.
The Wadi Rum desert will give travelers who are not afraid of risk, unique landscapes that change color depending on the lighting. This makes it completely different from all other places on the planet. An excursion to the desert takes a whole day, but it is simply impossible to forget everything you see.
History buffs will appreciate the ancient city of Jerash, reminiscent of settlements from the time of Roman rule. But Christian pilgrims must visit Madaba. In its vicinity there are numerous shrines that are dear to the heart of every believer.

Holidays in Jordan, Aqaba: reviews
Aqaba is the youngest resort in the kingdom. It is completely focused on the European tourist and can please with a wide range ofservices at the hotel. For many who choose Aqaba to spend their long-awaited vacation here, the kingdom of Jordan forever sinks into the heart. Holidays on the Red Sea reviews of tourists are always extremely positive. Aqaba is located in the northern part of the Gulf of Akkaba, and the relief of the seabed is suitable for diving.
There are more than six major diving centers in the city, they provide several training programs for tourists with different levels of training. There are several historical monuments and museums in the city itself. You can visit them on your own or as part of a group.

Dead Sea: wellness vacation
It is the mud of the Dead Sea that attracts many of our compatriots to Jordan. Rest on the sea, reviews and comments about which tourists leave in large numbers, seems to be extremely simple and relaxing.
The fact is that there are practically no villages and entertainment centers on the coast. The beach strips are divided between hotels and are equipped with everything you need. If you decide to pick up some dirt to take home, for a small fee, the hotel staff will show you the most convenient places to collect and help you through the process.
If you do not plan to stay at a hotel, you can relax on a paid beach. It is also well equipped and children have a discount.
Reviews about holidays in Amman
The most controversial reviews after a trip to Jordan tourists leave about Amman. The capital of the kingdom is unofficially divided into twoparts - east and west. They are diametrically opposed and produce different impressions. The eastern part of the city is fully consistent with the idea of a Muslim quarter. Everything here breathes antiquity and resembles the classical East, as a European sees it. But the western part of Amman is completely Europeanized. It is filled with boutiques, cafes and entertainment venues. No one will be bored here, but you won’t be able to enjoy the oriental flavor either.
There is practically nothing left of ancient Amman in the capital, but tourists can visit the restored ruins of the fortress and numerous museums that will tell a lot about the culture and art of the country.
Jordan in winter: holiday features
Winter is the low tourist season in the kingdom. But if you have the opportunity to come here only in winter, then plan a vacation in Jordan in February. The reviews of our compatriots about traveling to the country this month are the most favorable.
Despite the fact that winds often blow and it rains, you can swim and sunbathe in Aqaba. But in the evening it is better not to go out without a jacket and trousers. The average temperature in February does not rise above seventeen degrees.

Spring in Jordan: holiday in March
Spring is a magical time in the country, so you'll enjoy your travels by planning a trip to Jordan in March. The reviews of tourists are filled with delight, because at this time you can enjoy any excursions.
The coldest place in the country in spring is Amman, so you can't do without warm clothes. In the rest of Jordan, the daily temperature is kept at the level of 20-25 degrees Celsius.
Jordan travel in April
What will the holidays in Jordan be like in April? Traveler reviews indicate that it is magnificent. In the spring, the high tourist season begins, which affects the cost of tours. But on the other hand, the air and water temperatures are incredibly comfortable, especially if you go to the Dead Sea. In some regions of the country, the thermometer shows thirty degrees during the day. This weather is conducive to long evening walks.
A trip to Jordan is truly an unforgettable journey. It will give you simply fabulous sensations and good memories that will warm your soul and heart for a long time to come. And if you leave a review about your vacation, then perhaps you will help someone make a choice in favor of this incredibly beautiful country.