Green natural islands in the middle of a stuffy and noisy metropolis like oases in a hot desert. Fortunately, today in all major cities there are certainly several parks. And, of course, the capital of our country is no exception. There are more than a dozen parks here, but the central one is especially noticeable among them - Gorky Park, whose address you will find out below.
Moscow. Gorky Park

Despite the fact that this oasis in the stuffy desert of the Russian capital is located in its very center, once here, you just forget about it. If you wish, you can easily find a secluded place here. Gorky Park, whose address is Krymsky Val Street, 9, invites all Muscovites and guests of the capital to spend a few hours of pleasant rest on its territory.
What to do when you come here? Gorky Park is the largest entertainment area, here everyone will find what they like. Even before the name of the great writer was given to him, the first sports pavilions were opened here. Sports orientationhas been preserved to this day. Yoga classes are held in the park, there is a running club. There are all conditions for playing tennis, including table tennis, football and beach volleyball. On any day of the week, you can rent a velomobile, scooter, roller skates, a balance bike, a bicycle, etc.
If you are far from sports, but respect contemporary art, then you definitely need to visit the Garage Center. Shows and exhibitions of experimental works by contemporary young artists, various master classes and film screenings are held here with enviable regularity.
And again we return to the sport. Winter pleasures are also offered in variety by Gorky Park (address: Moscow, Krymsky Val St., 9, - it does not change in winter). The skating rink beckons with colorful lights. Its area is 18 thousand m2. Snowboarders will definitely like the specially created for them slide, which is equipped with a set of various figures for jibbing. There are areas for athletes with different levels of training. The track is covered with artificial snow, so it works all winter without problems.
What about for kids?
Little visitors also have something to do, despite the fact that the rides in Gorky Park were dismantled 3 years ago. There is a "Green School" here. In this place, boys and girls will be happy to meet the heroes of their favorite cartoons and fairy tales. The Mamalish club is also open for children here. It will be interesting for children to feed the squirrels in the squirrel cage (special feed machines are provided) and watch the animals in the mini-zoo.

BIn general, it is possible to list all the possibilities for recreation in Gorky Park indefinitely. But it's better to see once, isn't it? You can get here by metro. From the station "Park Kultury" or "Oktyabrskaya" you will need to walk only 10 minutes.
Gorky Park here is also called the City Garden. The time of its creation is the middle of the 19th century. By the beginning of the next century, the park became a real natural gem, the main dendrological attraction of the city. The Great Patriotic War did not spare this picturesque corner either. The park was almost completely destroyed, but the city authorities and landscapers made sure that it was reconstructed. Gradually, he acquired an attractive appearance.

Another park
Gorky Park, whose address is Krasnodar, Postovaya Street, 34, greets guests at the entrance with a monument to "Reconciliation and Consent". It is dedicated to the locals who became victims of the civil war. One of the main attractions of the park is the giant oak, which is considered to be the same age as it. This is a kind of symbol of the park, which embodies the connection of times and generations.
Krasnodar residents and guests of the city love to visit here. Communicating with nature always brings peace and joy. Shady alleys and cascades of fountains invite you to plunge into a pleasant atmosphere and feel light and comfortable. But people do not come here for peace. Here you can have some good fun. Numerous rides, a shooting range and cafes await visitors. This year there wasnew ferris wheel installed. Its height is 57 meters. At the same time, 144 people can ride it, and the “journey” will last eleven minutes. There is also a dolphinarium, amateur concerts are held on weekends.
You can get here by bus (routes 127a, 126a, 124a, 107a, 101), tram (2 or 4) or fixed-route taxi (7a and b, 49, 44, 177).

Let's leave the Russian Federation and move to Kharkov. It should be noted that Gorky Park, whose address is Sumskaya Street, 81, is the largest corner of nature in this city. The first plantings here were made in 1893, and the grand opening took place already in 1907, when these trees grew. The park owes its appearance to the residents of Kharkiv, thanks to whom 98 hectares of forest were allocated for beautification.
Today, many Kharkiv residents call Gorky Park the local Disneyland. Here is the largest Ferris wheel in Ukraine, the height of which is 55 meters. Roller coasters, a rope park, an autodrome, a house of fear and other fun and breathtaking rides are waiting for children and adults. In total, you can count about 40 types of various entertainments here. This natural corner was created especially for families.

Easy separation
Each visitor can easily navigate the park. Its entire area is divided into 5 zones, each of which is dedicated to a separate theme: retro, French,extreme, medieval and children's. Representatives of the older generation will definitely like the retrozone - dances are held here daily in the evenings to the music performed by a live orchestra on a covered stage. Everything breathes the atmosphere of the middle of the 20th century. It is impossible to describe all the opportunities that Gorky Park offers its visitors. Kharkiv (the address of the park, we recall, is Sumskaya St., 81) is waiting for guests and invites them to spend unforgettable hours in a unique green corner!
And now let's move to the capital of Belarus. The local Gorky Park was founded more than two hundred years ago - in 1805. True, then it was called the Governor's Garden, because it was the governor of the city, Z. A. Korneev, who created it. At that time, it occupied an area of 18 hectares. Comfortable benches and picturesque alleys made the Governor's Garden the most favorite place of rest for the townspeople.
Gorky Park has had its current name since 1936. Minsk (the park's address is Frunze Street, 2) also remembers the period when the former Governor's Garden was renamed Profintern. It happened in 1917, after the end of the October Revolution.
Minsk Gorky Park today

Today, the park is spread over as much as 28 hectares of land. It is famous for rare garden and park plants, which include cedar pine, European larch, California fir and others. Among the variety of attractions offered, one can single out a ball pool, a Ferris wheel, a chain carousel, a race track, etc. You can laugh heartily in the “Roomlaughter", and to feel the chilling horror - in the "Room of fear". The great attendance of the park is facilitated by its convenient location - in the very center of the city, in close proximity to Victory Square.