Monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. History of occurrence, features

Monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. History of occurrence, features
Monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. History of occurrence, features

Events related to the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik

A small and inconspicuous from afar figurine made of bronze of Chizhik-Pyzhik attracts the attention of walking couples and tourists. By the way, one cannot fail to say that this cute bird is the smallest sculpture in the whole world and is only 11 centimeters high. Since the creation of the monument, they tried to steal it and stole it many times. Each kidnapper had his own reason for this. Someone tried to sell non-ferrous metal, and someone wanted to take such an original souvenir from St. Petersburg and keep it as a keepsake. Of course, the main monument was and returned to St. Petersburg. The monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik was once stolen without return, and the sculptor Rezo Gabriadze re-cast an exact copy of a pretty bird from bronze. At the same time, the St. Petersburg authorities proposed to build a new sculpture from wood or granite, but the sculptor opposed and explained his refusal by saying that wood or granite would take grace and grace from the bird, which means that the sculpture would no longer be accurate.copy of the exclusive bird.

Local features

height of the monument chizhik fawn
height of the monument chizhik fawn

Currently, the monument is monitored around the clock, and therefore, all attempts are immediately prevented. Today, no one risks stealing this value of the city. The monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik is well guarded. The area itself gained great popularity in a short time. Many people come here to take some photos as a keepsake. The bird never ceases to delight visitors with its originality. Now the embankment of the Fontanka River, surrounded by exclusive mansions, beautiful descents and ascents, and, undoubtedly, with the sculpture of Chizhik, recreates the very original charm of the times of Imperial Russia. And if you remember, then once, even during the construction of the city, this place had not only a special meaning, but even its name. And today the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik is the best place where you can have a good rest, make a wish, celebrate a holiday. And you can be sure that you will spend your time there unforgettable.

A bit of history

monument to chizhik fawn
monument to chizhik fawn

Only after the Summer Palace was built there in the 17th century, did the Fontanka not only become the border of St. Petersburg, but became a place for festivities of the local nobility. Near the palace, gentlemen close to the palace began to build their mansions. And be sure everyone tried to create their home much better than the rest. Now it is a true architectural monument to secular St. Petersburg, which makes every tourist and vacationer feelall the majesty of the city. In 1835, the Imperial School of Law was built on the Fontanka. His pupils had an unusual uniform, made in yellow and green colors, and in winter this outfit was also complemented by fawn hats. For this they were nicknamed "chizhik-pyzhik". That is why the appearance of a bronze sculpture on the embankment is so symbolic. Every tourist, having arrived in St. Petersburg, is simply obliged to visit the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. The very history of the appearance of the monument is fraught with some mystery, which attracts many tourists.

Creating a Monument

In 1994, at the Golden Ostap Festival of satire and humor, the famous writer Andrey Bitov proposed to install a memorial sculpture of Chizhik-Pyzhik. The others liked his idea so much that it was decided to start making a Chizhik model.

st petersburg monument to chizhik fawn
st petersburg monument to chizhik fawn

The sculpture of Chizhik-Pyzhik in St. Petersburg was set on November 19, 1994. At the moment, this is the smallest monument not only on the Neva, but throughout the world. The Chizhik-Pyzhik monument is 11 cm high and weighs only 5 kg. Its authors were architect Vyacheslav Bukhaev and sculptor Rezo Gabriadze. Why exactly it was decided to erect a monument to Chizhik is described above. There is also a different story of the emergence of the second part of the famous nickname. According to this version, the bearing of the pupils was too pompous and therefore they were called Fawns. In their free time, the students liked to visit the nearest tavern, after all, a rhyme appeared, which todayknown to almost everyone:

Chizhik-fawn, where have you been?

Drank vodka on the Fontanka.

Drank a glass, drank two -

Spinning in my head.

Despite the fact that the school was closed in 1918, the quatrain continues to live to this day. Moreover, such a small rhyme is known not only to the elderly, but also to young people. The monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik has gained good popularity among many tourists.

Monument Popularity

monument to chizhik pyzhik address
monument to chizhik pyzhik address

After the sculpture was made, it instantly acquired many legends and signs. The most famous one says that you need to make a wish and try to throw a coin on the pedestal so that it does not fall into the water and remains there. If it was possible to do this, then the wish made will certainly come true, and this will happen as soon as possible. Therefore, people carefully aim and throw a coin so that it cannot fall.

Chizhik-Pyzhik is also known among newlyweds. According to tradition, the groom needs to tie a glass with a rope, then fill it and slowly and carefully, without spilling a single drop, lower it to the sculpture and clink glasses with the beak of a bird without breaking the glass. If these complex rules are observed, then the future family life of the newlyweds will be prosperous and happy and will not be overshadowed by any problems. In addition to the newlyweds, people come to see Chizhik-Pyzhik from other cities and even countries, because this architectural monument is known all over the world. Everyone knows where the monument to Chizhik is located -Pyzhik, the address can be asked from any resident in the city.

Wish Monument

monument to chizhik fawn photo
monument to chizhik fawn photo

Many tourists believe that if you make a wish near the monument, it will come true. And indeed it is. Some tourists have repeatedly boasted that after returning to their homeland, their wishes came true. In order for the wish to come true, it was necessary to approach the monument and throw a coin after it was made. Someone throws coins and makes a wish, someone just watches the graceful execution of the sculpture and admires how the sculptor was able to convey to the monument the grace and originality that are inherent in a real bird. Despite the fact that they tried to steal the sculpture 7 times, it still continues to delight us with its presence on the Fontanka. Be sure to visit the monument to Chizhik-Pyzhik. Don't forget to take a souvenir photo. By the way, not many people know that once the monument had to be made anew, because no clues could be found about where the real sculpture disappeared. Prior to this, the bronze Chizhik was found at non-ferrous metal acceptance points more than once. And now, perhaps, it has long been melted down. And in its place stands a newly cast sculpture.
