Savior Cathedral and Mitrofanovskaya Church in Penza

Savior Cathedral and Mitrofanovskaya Church in Penza
Savior Cathedral and Mitrofanovskaya Church in Penza

The city of Penza is located on the Sura River, seven hundred kilometers from Moscow, if you go southeast by rail.

Penza arose as an outpost on the southeastern borders under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The first mention of the erected fortress was in a letter about sending weapons to the construction site in 1663.

Temple building

The history of Penza is marked by the construction of churches in all parts of the city. Each settlement had a parish and a parish church, which was maintained on a voluntary basis. Each such church kept a common treasury, as well as letters, decrees and other important documents.

The first churches in Penza, as was customary at that time, were built simultaneously with the construction of fortress walls and city buildings.


The church was the center of the spiritual and everyday life of the townspeople. Here they got married, appointed to a position, took an oath, tried criminals. Here they gathered for the holidays, baptized and buried. The dead were buried near the church.

Now in Penza, with the exception of monasteries and prayer houses, there are 15 cathedrals andchurches.

Mitrofanevskaya Church

Penza in the XVIII century is gradually becoming a European city. So, in accordance with the new decrees, it was forbidden to bury in church fences.

But in places specially designated for urban burials, according to Orthodox canons, churches were built and parishes were created. Today the oldest cemetery in Penza is the Mitrofanovskoye cemetery. It got its name from the church built here in 1836.

In 1834, a petition was filed for the construction of a cemetery church. Construction progressed quickly, and in 1836 the built church was consecrated in honor of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh.

Mitrofanovskaya Church
Mitrofanovskaya Church

The central altar was consecrated in the name of Mitrofan of Voronezh, who was distinguished by zealous service and led a pious and temperate lifestyle.

The Mitrofanovskaya Church keeps a local shrine - the miraculous image of the Kazan Mother of God.

Many famous people of the city are buried near the cemetery:

  • creator of the local history museum and botanical garden I. I. Sprygin,
  • composer F. P. Vazersky, who made a great contribution to the development of support for opera art in the city,
  • director of the art gallery and founder of the art school K. A. Savitsky and other prominent citizens.

Savior Cathedral

Speaking of temple construction in Penza, one cannot fail to mention the main temple of the city.

The first church built was the Church of the All-Merciful Savior. Now in this placethe central square of the city is located, on which the Spassky Cathedral rises.

The first church in Penza was wooden. The stone cathedral was erected from 1800 to 1824. at the expense of parishioners.

Spassky Cathedral in Penza before the revolution
Spassky Cathedral in Penza before the revolution

The architecture of the temple is designed in the style of classicism of the early 19th century. The temple began to be called the Cathedral, and the square in front of it - the Cathedral.

The cathedral has a rich history that echoes the history of Russia. From these walls the militia of 1812 went to war.

A memorial plaque has been preserved in the temple, reminiscent of the stay of the last Tsar Nicholas II here. Other autocrats also attended prayer services in the cathedral.

In 1924, after the closure of the parish, the building housed the archive.
