Reims Cathedral in France: photo, style and history. What is interesting about the cathedral in Reims?

Reims Cathedral in France: photo, style and history. What is interesting about the cathedral in Reims?
Reims Cathedral in France: photo, style and history. What is interesting about the cathedral in Reims?

Reims Cathedral (France) is not just a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. In addition to the value of the artifact, this building has another, more important meaning. Once all the monarchs of France took the coronation in it. Myrrh (aromatic oil) was kept here, according to legend, sent by God himself from heaven for baptism and anointing to the kingdom of Clovis. And although France has long been a republic, the cathedral is a kind of symbol of the greatness of the country and its glorious past. For connoisseurs of medieval architecture, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims is also of considerable value. Unlike Notre Dame de Paris, which mixed different styles, the cathedral in Reims is an excellent example of high Gothic. Despite the fact that the building was erected by a whole galaxy of successive architects, all parts in it form an organic whole. Let's take a closer look at this monument of medieval architecture, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Reims Cathedral
Reims Cathedral

Reims Cathedral prototype

On the site of the building during the conquest of Gaul by Rome, there were baths. The harsh nature of Champagne made the legionnaires build in Reims and interestingForum: unlike other cities, it is covered, which allowed citizens to gather under the protection of the walls from rain and cold. When Christianity became the state religion, the first cathedral was built on the site of the term. The Bishop of Reims, Blessed Nicasius, consecrated it in honor of the Mother of God. At the end of the 5th century, in 498, the leader of the Franks, Clovis, was baptized in this cathedral from the hands of Remigius. Later this conversion from paganism to Christianity became associated with the coronation. After all, Clovis I was called the monarch of France. In 816, Louis the Pious also chose Reims as the place of his coronation. He led the entire Holy Roman Empire. To back up their claim to power with the will of God, royal propaganda launched the legend of the Holy Glasser. Say, at the time of Clovis's baptism, a dove descended from heaven, carrying a vial of peace in its beak.

Cathedral in Reims
Cathedral in Reims

The current Reims Cathedral: history

The golden legend of the glass case, as well as another miracle performed by Remigius (they say that he, like Christ in Cana of Galilee, turned water into wine), strengthened the political power and power of the Archbishops of Reims. The Roman Church already then laid claim to investiture. To become a legitimate ruler, one had to be crowned in this cathedral. The building has been expanded and rebuilt several times. By the beginning of the 13th century, it was a wonderful example of Romanesque architecture. But in 1210 there was a fire that almost completely destroyed the cathedral. The Archbishop of Reims, Aubry de Humbert, ordered the ruins to be dismantled and a year later, on May 6, 1211, he laid the first stone in the constructionnew building. The architects worked on the cathedral, also dedicated to the Mother of God, for 64 years. It was built, as they say, from scratch. That is, the Romanesque buildings were completely dismantled and not included in the complex.


Given the significance of the cathedral for the French Crown, the best architects of that time were invited to build it. The plan of the building was developed by the first architect - Jean d'Orbe. According to his plan, it should be a three-nave basilica, crossed by a transept. The temple was to be decorated with seven turrets with pointed spiers. And at this point, the idea of the first architect was never implemented. Now the temple is crowned with only two towers, the upper tiers of which were completed in 1427. But they were never covered with sharp-angled tents. The rest of the main architects "with great care and diligence" (according to the chronicler) continued the work of Jean d'Orbe. In 1231 he was succeeded by Jean le Loup, and in 1247 by Gaucher of Reims. A great contribution to the construction was made by Bernard from Soissons, who came up with the idea of a huge rosette on the western facade. Two towers and the Gallery of the Kings were created at the beginning of the 14th century by Robert de Coucy. Despite the long construction and creative ambitions of eminent architects, the style of Reims Cathedral remained intact. Only the western façade can be classified as "flaming gothic". But he does not violate the stone symphony. After all, the general style of the cathedral is classical Gothic.

Gothic cathedral in Reims
Gothic cathedral in Reims


The building is 140 meters long and almost 30 meters wide. Thus, this is the largest sacred building in France,aged in the Gothic style. However, the massiveness of the building is imperceptible due to the many pointed openwork arches, pyramidal spiers, and steep gables. From afar, it seems as if the temple soars into the sky. One of the two towers serves as a bell tower. The Gothic cathedral in Reims, like other churches of this style in Strasbourg, Chartres or Cologne, was decorated with many sculptures. Most of them, alas, have been lost - the Great French Revolution and especially the First World War turned out to be harsh on the sacred buildings of Champagne. However, what remains can be viewed for hours. The most famous sculpture, which has become the hallmark of not only the cathedral, but the entire city of Reims, is the Smiling Angel. It is worth paying attention to the figure of Atlas, who inspired V. Hugo to create the image of Quasimodo. The portals of the temple are decorated with scenes of the coronation of the Mother of God, the Passion of Christ and the Last Judgment. The Gallery of Kings is a row of 56 giant statues.

Photo reims cathedral
Photo reims cathedral

Greek moment of gothic sculpture

What experts advise to pay attention to is the composition of Mary's meeting with Elizabeth. This relief is located to the right of the main entrance. Two female figures are so close to the canons of Ancient Greece that this never ceases to amaze art critics. Unfortunately, the name of the brilliant sculptor who took part in the construction of the temple around 1220 has not been preserved. But his genius is also felt in other statues and bas-reliefs. The cathedral in Reims is decorated with amazing stained glass windows and classic gothic roses. Particular attention should be paid to the windownorth facade, which tells of the creation of the world.

Reims Cathedral style
Reims Cathedral style

Meaning for France

Reims Cathedral has repeatedly become the scene of major events for the fate of the country. So, in 1429, with the active participation of the Virgin of Orleans Joan of Arc, the coronation of Charles VII took place here. This event was a turning point in the Hundred Years War. In the 16th century, the Archbishop of Reims received the Slavonic Gospel by unknown means. For a long time, all French kings swore allegiance to the Cyrillic manuscript, as to mysterious writings. The last anointing ceremony for kingship took place on May 29, 1825. But the restoration period did not last long, and soon Charles X left the political arena.

reims cathedral france
reims cathedral france

Cathedral and time

Despite the fact that the temple of the XIII-XIV centuries looked like it is now in the photo, Reims Cathedral is to some extent a "remake". During the First World War, the famous Battle of the Marne turned the city into the very center of hostilities. The cathedral was almost completely destroyed as a result of German bombardments. Remains or fragments of the original sculptures were moved to the nearby episcopal palace (Palais Du Tau). And over the cathedral itself, long restoration work began. They ended only in 1938. The stained-glass windows were restored (with the help of sketches by Marc Chagall) only in 1974.
