Sapsan train: car diagram

Sapsan train: car diagram
Sapsan train: car diagram

More recently, the train was perceived as an uncomfortable means of moving around the country. But over time, the level of comfort for passengers began to grow. On long-distance trains, it has already become the norm when the amenities include napkins, towels, and hygiene items.

But the movement speed remained the same. New generation trains are designed to change travel times and improve the quality of service.

Sapsan: fast transport

The newest high-speed train is called "Sapsan". So the railroad company shows that the new rolling stock is as fast and swift as this bird from the falcon family.

Specially for the Russian corporation Russian Railways, the German machine-building concern Siemens designed the Sapsan train, the scheme of which is fundamentally different from the usualfor many Russians. The design maximum speed of the new car reaches 350 km/h.

The new trains were based on the Velaro platform, a modification of ICE 3 trains. When designing, the requirements of standards and the climatic conditions of Russia were taken into account.

peregrine falcon wagon scheme
peregrine falcon wagon scheme

Trains are actively operated on two directions "Moscow - St. Petersburg" and "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod". Moreover, on the last branch of the train, as a rule, two-system trains, where, with a route length of 436 kilometers, the maximum speed reaches 160 km/h. Whereas single-system trains of the first direction move at speeds up to 250 km/h with a length of 645 km.

"Sapsan" - a new generation train

In contrast to the usual layout in Sapsan trains, the scheme of the car is fundamentally new. And as such, the locomotive train is no longer here.

In Russia, there has already been an attempt to develop its own train with speed characteristics up to 350 km/h. Since 1992, for seven years, the Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering "Rubin" has been preparing for the release of the first high-speed Russian train - "Sokol-250" (ES-250). And by 2000, a prototype was assembled.

Design solutions "Falcon" had no analogues in the practice of domestic engineering. It had the following characteristics:

  • all-welded light aluminum alloy body;
  • train control based on microprocessor system;
  • improved traction drive, with a new pantograph andetc.

But the development of Sokol-250 was suspended and frozen, as it was decided that it would be easier and more profitable to use the developments of Siemens with minor modifications, taking into account Russian realities.

The Sapsan made its first flight on the Moscow-St. Petersburg route on December 17, 2009.

It consisted of 10 cars with a total capacity of over 600 passengers, covering the entire route in 3 hours and 45 minutes.

The photo below shows the Sapsan train (car diagram 4).

peregrine falcon car diagram 4
peregrine falcon car diagram 4

Where to eat?

In "Sapsan" trains, the scheme of the dining car is fundamentally different from the traditional concept of "restaurant". It is divided into two zones. One area with a buffet and stands with standing places for a quick bite, the second - with comfortable seats with tables for four passengers. Other train passengers can also order food from the restaurant, and in business class cars, food is already included in the ticket price. The lunch and service kit is similar to those offered on airplanes.

scheme of seats in the car peregrine falcon
scheme of seats in the car peregrine falcon

Extra comfort carriages

As with air transportation, Sapsan trains have a 1st class car for the convenience of passengers.

The scheme of seats in the Sapsan carriage for 1st class passengers is presented below.

peregrine train wagon scheme
peregrine train wagon scheme

In addition to a special meeting room, where seats are bought for four people at once, hereleather seats are installed for passengers. They are folding, with an adjustable back not only for the entire back, but also for the lumbar zone.

In order to increase convenience, there is individual lighting with a separate entertainment system. There is a Wi-Fi zone and the ability to recharge mobile devices.

The transitions between the cars are made by "accordions" without transitional doors, and meanwhile the passenger compartments themselves are separated by transparent sliding doors equipped with photo sensors, and therefore they open / close automatically.

When passing the entire train, from head to tail, it is not necessary to make physical efforts to open the doors. The tightness of the outer doors is made in such a way that at an outside air temperature of -20⁰, the temperature inside the cabin is unchanged and comfortable in the entire composition.

peregrine falcon wagon scheme
peregrine falcon wagon scheme

In the Sapsan high-speed trains, the car layout is thought out in such a way that large hand luggage is located in a separate compartment, and small items fit well on the upper shelves.

Where to buy a ticket?

Now it may seem strange that it is quite possible to buy a ticket not only in the station building, but also directly on the train itself.

diagram 6 peregrine car
diagram 6 peregrine car

As map 6 of the car reflects, "Sapsan" is also equipped with a special place for people with disabilities. There is a special area for wheelchairs and a number of chairs for the disabled. For the convenience of such people, the toilet is equipped with special handrails, andthe entrance door to the car is designed for the dimensions of wheelchairs. The ticket office is located in the same carriage, and for mothers with babies there is a small room with a changing table.

Entertainment System

For the convenience of passengers, the carriages are equipped with special monitors, which display both advertising information about the train itself and entertainment programs. Passengers are equipped with individual disposable headphones, a control panel is located between the seats. Use the buttons to select multiple radio channels or watch and listen to a video.

peregrine falcon wagon scheme
peregrine falcon wagon scheme

Depending on the type of carriage and ticket price, it is possible to connect to Internet services along the way. In some carriages, this service is available for an additional fee.

Also, a passenger on the route can use periodicals, which are in a special seat pocket.

peregrine falcon wagon scheme
peregrine falcon wagon scheme

Each car has a scoreboard that displays online information about the air temperature and the current speed of the train.

Law enforcement on the road

On the ticket for this high-speed train, a warning notice immediately catches the eye that smoking is strictly prohibited on the train. And this is no accident.

Below is another carriage of the Sapsan train. The layout of car 9 looks like this.

peregrine falcon wagon scheme 9
peregrine falcon wagon scheme 9

All carriages, utility rooms and toiletsequipped with sensors that respond to even the slightest smoke. As soon as the sensors work and catch signs of smoke, the entire train automatically slows down and stops moving until the cause of the smoke is eliminated.

On the path of law enforcement, a special detachment of law enforcement forces, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, is constantly watching.

In general, despite the difference in price compared to conventional trains, the Sapsan train is in great demand among passengers. If you compare the cost of flying in a budget class, the price may seem high. But we must remember that the train comes almost from the center of one city to the center of another. So for those who value their time, Sapsan is the perfect choice!
