Santa Clara, California: description, photos, features

Santa Clara, California: description, photos, features
Santa Clara, California: description, photos, features

In total, the US state of California has 58 counties with 480 cities, including Santa Clara, which occupies part of Silicon Valley. It is the oldest settlement that was founded here in the second half of the 18th century by the Spaniards. The article provides information about the city of California - Santa Clara.

Part of Silicon Valley (City of Santa Clara)
Part of Silicon Valley (City of Santa Clara)

A bit of history

At a time when Catholic missions began to appear on the lands developed by Europeans with the aim of converting the Indians to Christianity, one of them gave the valley and the settlement this name. This area is still known as the Santa Clara County.

In the place where the Catholic mission actively operated in the 17th-19th centuries, today the private University of California (Santa Clara) is located.

University building
University building

The settlement until the middle of the 20th century was surrounded by ranches, gardens and agricultural land. But after the arrival of high-tech companies, natural landscapes began to be replaced by industrial zones and office establishments. Once a picturesque area covered with magnificentnatural landscapes, gave the name - Silicon Valley. It currently houses the latest production facilities, including the following well-known companies in the field of new technologies: Applied Materials, Agilent Technologies.

Geography and climate

The settlement is located on a hillside, located at a distance of 51.7 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean and 71.5 kilometers from the Caribbean Sea. The area of the territory is 514 sq. km, the population is more than 237 thousand people. The city borders with the following municipalities: Rancheulo, Camajuni, Manicaragua, Chifuten and Placeta.


Despite the remoteness of the city of Santa Clara (California) from the equator at 2500 km, it is characterized by a tropical climate. The average annual air temperature is +30°C. Throughout the summer, it stays at around +32°C, and in winter it drops to +17°C.

General information

The locality of Santa Clara California was founded in 1777 as the Catholic mission of Santa Clara de Asis (Spain). In 1852, it had the status of a city whose patron saint is St. Clare of Assisi.

It is located in the very center of Silicon Valley. It houses the headquarters of well-known companies Intel, Sun Microsystems, Applied Materials, Nvidia, Agilent Technologies. The San Francisco 49ers football club, which is part of the National Football League, is also based here.

City Hall
City Hall

Architecture Features

One of the features of the city of California - Santa Clara (photopresented in the article) - historical estates, where excursions are held on the eve of the New Year holidays. Such events are held here every year. Information about upcoming tours is provided in advance by the local media. Every year, a community made up of residents of old houses selects 5 buildings in the old part of the city for tours.

old manor
old manor

Each estate has its own history, architecture, and each of them is endowed with its own traditions. For example, one two-story estate built in the style of "Indian bungalow" recently turned 100 years old. Such architecture was at the height of fashion in the 19th and 20th centuries. There is also a Colonial Revival mansion with four pillars supporting the porch roof and original cornices and an oval medallion decorating the façade.

Other attractions

The city has an institute of technology, 3 universities and 3 colleges, highlighting the versatility and sophistication of the student city.

Spanish mission
Spanish mission

Santa Clara University (California) and the Jesuit School, which was founded in 1851, are the oldest operating universities in the state. The very center of the university campus is occupied by the same Spanish mission (the eighth in a row in California). It was founded in 1777. As before, it remains a beautiful quiet place in which to indulge in reflection. Another religious place is Our Lady of Peace Shrine, which has a statue (10 meters high) facing the highwayHighway 101.

The Silicon Valley-based Intel Museum is located right on the company's premises. Museum exhibits introduce guests to the history and products of this organization, as well as give a general idea of semiconductor technology. For information on the art and history of Santa Clara, visit the city's Triton Museum of Art and Saisset Museum.

Levi Stadium, home to the San Francisco 49ers (American football), is one of the many modern landmarks. To see the nature of this area, you should be in the Ulistac Natural Area and San Tomas Aquinas Creek Trail.

Concluding time in Santa Clara California

The time difference between this city and Moscow is +11 hours. For example, on January 30 at 8:45 Santa Clara time, in the capital of Russia - 19:45.
