MS-21 aircraft is the pride of the Russian aviation industry

MS-21 aircraft is the pride of the Russian aviation industry
MS-21 aircraft is the pride of the Russian aviation industry

The MS-21 aircraft is a large-scale and very promising project in the Russian aviation industry. Most of the components are manufactured at enterprises that are in the department of the Rostec organization. The development of a new Russian airliner is carried out in a highly competitive environment. The main rivals of the MS-21 are the domestic Tu-204 aircraft, as well as Boeing and Airbus. What are the features of this airliner? Can it compete in the international market?

MS-21 aircraft: photo, development history

The history of the new Russian airliner begins in 2010, when TsAGI tested air intakes for aircraft engines. As a result, modes were identified that ensure the safe operation of the aircraft.

In September 2011, Alexey Fedorov, the President of the Irkut Corporation, announced that the company would focus on the production of airliners with a layout for one hundred and eighty seats, since it is it that is most in demand among buyers.

In 2012, government customers - the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs,Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB - presented the MS-21 aircraft with domestic PD14 engines. In the same year, an agreement was signed with the American company Pratt & Whitney for the supply of PW1400G engines.

Assembly of the first prototypes and their initial tests were made by August 2014. June 8, 2016 was marked by the presentation of the latest Russian aircraft. This event took place in one of the workshops of the Irkutsk aircraft plant.

aircraft ms 21
aircraft ms 21


The abbreviation MS-21 stands for "main aircraft of the 21st century". A distinctive feature is the use of the latest technical developments from the fields of aircraft engineering and security. In many respects, the airliner is significantly superior to the most popular foreign-made aircraft.

MS-21 is a medium-haul aircraft designed to carry out passenger and cargo air transportation on domestic and international routes. The chief designer is Konstantin Popov. In parallel, the development of models MS-21-300 and MS-21-200 with layouts for 160-211 and 130-176 passenger seats, respectively, is underway. The domestic project of the Yak-242 aircraft was taken as the basis for the development.

The fuselage is designed by Irkut and the Yakovlev Design Bureau, and the wings are designed by the Aerocomposite Corporation. At the request of the customer, both PD-14 and PW1400G engines can be installed on the aircraft. According to official information, the new MS-21 aircraft is planned to be commissioned and certified by 2018, and by 2017 the first serial copy will be produced. By 2020 production targetshould reach forty units a year.

ms 21 medium haul aircraft
ms 21 medium haul aircraft

Main flight performance parameters

  • Fuselage length - 42.3 m for 21-200 and 33.8 for 21-200.
  • Wingspan - 36 m.
  • Height – 11.5 m.
  • Cabin/fuselage width - 3, 81/4, 06 m.
  • The maximum takeoff weight is 79.25t for 21-300 and 72.56t for 21-200.
  • Limit weight when landing - 69.1 t and 63.1 t for 21-300 and 21-200 respectively.
  • The maximum level of refueling is 20.4 tons.
  • The maximum range of air travel is 6000 km.
  • Maximum capacity for dense packing is 211 and 176 passengers for 21-300 and 21-200 respectively.
new aircraft ms 21
new aircraft ms 21


Currently, more than two hundred agreements for the supply of these airliners have been concluded with the following carriers and leasing companies:

  • Cairo Aviation (Egypt).
  • Crecom Burj Berhad (Malaysia).
  • "Aviacapital-Service".
  • "Azerbaijan Airlines".
  • "Aeroflot".
  • "VEB Leasing".
  • "Ilyushin Finance",
  • "IrAero".
  • "NordWind".
  • "Red Wings".
  • "Sberbank Leasing".

Most of the carriers that have signed "firm" contracts have already paid the advance. Russian leasing companies and airlines have ordered 175 aircraft.

Russian aircraft MS 21
Russian aircraft MS 21

Russian MS-21 aircraft: competitive advantages

The main competitive advantage of the new domestic airliner is a large carrying capacity, reaching 211 people on the 21-300 model. Thanks to this, the aircraft can serve the growing passenger traffic, and its operation remains commercially profitable even for low-budget companies.

The MS-21 aircraft was designed in accordance with world standards using the latest materials, including composite ones. Due to this, the weight of the aircraft and fuel consumption have been significantly reduced. Noise and harmful emissions into the atmosphere are reduced to a minimum. Thanks to the new on-board maintenance system, the aircraft remains reliable even after downtime.

The passenger compartment is equipped with modern wide-spaced seats, making it comfortable for people of all sizes. A wide aisle between the seats allows two passengers to diverge freely. Humidifiers, filters, temperature controllers are installed to support the microclimate.

The new navigation system ensures the safe operation of the aircraft in all weather conditions. Diagnostic equipment ensures timely failure detection.

airplane ms 21 photo
airplane ms 21 photo

Competition with Boeing and Airbus

The global air transportation market has long been tacitly divided between the main companies - Airbus and Boeing. Will the MS-21 aircraft be able to compete with them? Manufacturers suggest that this is quite real. These corporations have long ceased to introduce breakthrough technologies andgradually improve existing models. Russian equipment is more reliable at a relatively low price and is traditionally used in the Asian and Latin American markets.

MS-21 is a Russian-made medium-range aircraft of a new generation. This is a real breakthrough in the field of civil aviation. The airliner can compete with Boeing and Airbus and, according to preliminary estimates, take up to 10% of the world transportation market.
