During excursions in Florence, tourists are sure to be led to admire the most beautiful buildings in the city.

The hallmark of the pearl of Italy has become an ensemble of buildings in the same style. This is the beautiful Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the high bell tower next to it called Giotto and the baptistery, which will be discussed in our article.

Despite the unique marble finish, the people of Florence reacted negatively to this renovation of the city center. Florentines believe that the real "face" of the ancient city is a light brown building made of natural stones. Bright white and green marble tiles stand out against the background of other buildings in the historic center of Florence. Over time, even the most zealously protesting residents came to terms with this decoration.
General information
The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence is considered the oldest building in the center. Its construction has begunin the 5th century, it served as a place of baptism for all residents of the city. These were both ordinary residents and important people, for example, representatives of the Medici family. Like most of these structures, it was consecrated in honor of John the Baptist.

In the article we will consider the history of the construction and reconstruction of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, we will give a description of the interior decoration and appearance of the building. We will pay special attention to the world-famous gates, which amazed even the great Michelangelo. The presented photos will help you plunge into the world of antiquity and splendor of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Each pavement stone has preserved the memory of the steps of the great sculptors and artists, architects and creators of that time. Florentines are proud that their streets and squares have remained unchanged for hundreds of years, and carefully preserve this beauty for posterity.
History of Creation
The construction site of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence is considered sacred. Back in the 1st century, there was a pagan temple dedicated to the Roman god of war Mars. Over time, changes were made to the architecture of the building, in accordance with the fashion of those times, and then with the adoption of Christianity. By the 9th century, the building had turned from a pagan temple into a basilica.
In 1059, a global reconstruction began, after which the eyes of the inhabitants of the city appear octagonal baptistery, fully completed in 1363. Its dimensions are impressive - 54.86 m in height. The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence is considered the largest in the wholeItaly. In the 12th century, the building was sheathed with pale green and white marble tiles. During this period, baptismal rites were performed in the baptistery, but at the same time it had the functions of a cathedral. In the 13th century, the bell tower of Giotto was founded, standing to the side of the building.

Because of this versatility, the Florentine baptistery is equipped with three gates, which will be discussed later in the article.
External characteristics of the structure
The building's octahedron has religious significance. Each side means one of the days of the creation of the world by God, and the eighth indicates the rite of baptism, when a person is reborn. The baptistery is located on Cathedral Square, whose name in Italian sounds like Piazza del Duomo. The ensemble of buildings in white and green marble includes three buildings - the baptistery itself, the bell tower and the majestic cathedral built later.

The only drawback of this beauty in Florence is the cramped location of the buildings on the square. According to reviews, it is impossible for tourists to take photos against the backdrop of the entire ensemble. And people in the city center simply can not be counted. If you are traveling in a group, then follow the direction of the guide, as it is easy to stare at the beauty of the city streets and fall behind the group.
Interior decoration
Description of the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence will continue with an excursion inside. According to numerous reviews, when entering a modest external building, many are surprised at the beauty of the interior.decoration. The first thing that impresses is the dome of the building. All the walls are represented by beautiful columns made of marble, like the floor. You can admire the 13th century altar and the 16th century font. Inside the baptistery is a tomb made by famous sculptors Donatello and Michelozzo, antipope John XXIII, created by skilled craftsmen in 1420. A representative of the Medici family also rests within these walls. Inside the baptismal room is the sarcophagus of Bishop Ranieri.

Earlier, there was a baptismal spring near one of the inner walls of the baptistery. In its waters, the rite of baptism of the Florentines was carried out from the 9th to the 19th century. Its description can be read in Dante's Divine Comedy. However, it no longer exists.
The windows of the structure are decorated with stucco, and the rectangular pulpit is decorated with frescoes. The simplicity of the floor of the baptistery is designed not to distract visitors from the magnificent mosaic dome.
The beauty of the dome
The dome is represented by the most beautiful mosaic of the XIII-XIV centuries, which was created by famous Byzantine masters. The eight ceiling faces depict scenes from the biblical Last Judgment with the central figure of Jesus Christ. They converge at a small point in the center, through the opening of which rays of daylight penetrate, illuminating the gold of the mosaic.

Seated Jesus is surrounded on all sides by the characters of the biblical action - angels, worldly affairs and mortal sins. This scene occupies three sides. The remaining five are dedicated to other scenes fromHoly Scripture. Looking at the figures on the dome, you can recognize John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, the Heavenly hierarchy, admire the moment of the creation of life on Earth.
The dome from the walls of the baptistery is separated by a thin tier with windows alternating with images of saints. The Italian artist Coppo di Marcovaldo made a special contribution to the creation of beauty.
Baptistery Gate
According to reviews, the special attention of all tourists is attracted by the gates of the structure. These are the eastern, southern and northern gates, each detail of which can be admired for a long time. The presence of this number of gates is explained by the fact that the baptismal ceremony in Florence was held twice a year, so a huge number of people gathered on the square.

The southern gate, which was created by Andrea Pisano at the beginning of the 14th century, is considered the oldest. They have 28 bas-reliefs with scenes from the life of John the Baptist.
Northern made later, at the beginning of the 15th century, by Lorenzo Ghiberti. They have the same number of bas-reliefs, but they depict scenes from the New Testament.
The last, most famous eastern gate is directed directly to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. We will consider them in more detail later.
Gate of Heaven
This is the most famous gate, called by Michelangelo "gates to Paradise" for its extraordinary beauty. Lorenzo Ghiberti depicted scenes from the Old Testament on 10 square panels. However, you can see the author's original in the closed pavilion of the museum at the cathedral, and a talented copy of Enrico Marinelli is on display for everyone to see.

During the war, the original was hidden in the suburbs of Florence, so it is well preserved. Restoration of the gate began in 1947. The work was carried out for 27 years. Now they are stored under thick glass with a constant temperature and the necessary humidity.
Portrait of the author
In addition to the scenes of the creation of the first people - Adam and Eve, fratricide, the Flood, the victory of David over Goliath, as well as the handshake of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, the "modest" Ghiberti captured small sculptural heads located in round medallions - his own and his nephew, who helped him during the design of the gate.

They act as doorknobs. It is interesting to know that for the gates of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg a copy was made according to casts from the "gates of Paradise", so the inhabitants of our country can also admire a copy of the famous doors. However, in the domestic version, the bas-reliefs are arranged in a different order.
We introduced readers to one of the significant sights of Florence, the photo and description of the baptistery will help you better understand the meaning of the guide's story during a trip to Italy.