Lake Sukko (Anapa) - cypresses in the Krasnodar Territory

Lake Sukko (Anapa) - cypresses in the Krasnodar Territory
Lake Sukko (Anapa) - cypresses in the Krasnodar Territory

In the Krasnodar Territory, not far from Anapa, there is an amazing place - the village of Sukko. The settlement itself is positioned as a tourist attraction. There is something for visitors to see here - a castle from the Middle Ages, an African village, etc. However, this is not what made him famous throughout the world.

"What's unique about it?" - you ask. Lake Sukko with swamp cypresses! Surprised?! Yes it's true. Although this tree, by all the laws of nature, should not grow in this area, it has taken root very well and pleases both locals and tourists.

lake sukko
lake sukko

What's in your name?

Many tourists wonder why Lake Sukko got its name. There are many versions. Someone says that it is named after the village, others argue that, on the contrary, the lake gave the name to the village. If you delve into the translation of the word "sukko", it becomes clear that we are talking about a reservoir. For example, from Turkish it is translated as "water dolphin", and from Adyghe - "pond for pigs". Locals call Sukko Cypress Lake, which is quite symbolic.

lake sukko how to get there
lake sukko how to get there

How did cypresses appear?

Currently there are 32 trees growing on the pond. Their wood is absolutely not subject to rotting, therefore it is considered eternal. According to some versions, cypress trees appeared in the lake more than a century ago. They have unique properties, so many people try to come here every year.

This type of tree is not native to this area. They grow in the latitudes of North America. How did cypress trees appear in the Anapa region? The locals tell different stories. According to one, in the 30s of the twentieth century, an experiment was carried out, the purpose of which was to check whether swamp cypresses would take root in an unusual climate. And a miracle happened. Now Lake Sukko has become a local landmark.

But there is another legend. It says that a noble family lived in this territory for a very long time. For some unknown reason, their son died. And cypress trees were planted in memory of him. There is no way to verify the authenticity of this legend, but the more interesting the story, the more mysterious the attraction becomes.

sukko lake with swamp cypresses
sukko lake with swamp cypresses

Sukko Lake - how to get there?

It is recommended to get to Cypress Lake by road transport - a private car or a taxi. First you need to take the direction to the village of Sukko. There, you can ask the locals for directions or find a pointer to the lake on your own (it is located on the outskirts). Entrance toterritory paid - about 500 rubles. There is no organized parking place. If you do not want to pay for the fare, you must take care in advance where to leave the car for the duration of your stay on the lake.

If there is no personal car, you can take bus number 109. Using this transport, you need to get off at the Lukomorye stop. In the summer season, fixed-route taxis often travel from Anapa. They have a route on their windshield.

Sukko Lake is surrounded by forest on one side. You will have to walk along it for about 15 minutes, but it is worth it, since it is from here that you can swim closer to the unique trees. On the other hand, there are places provided for recreation with tents and an excellent beach, equipped with everything necessary for a wonderful pastime.
