In this article we will tell not only about where Kemer is located, but also about its climate, history, beaches and attractions. Now this city of the Anatolian Riviera, very popular with tourists, is easily accessible. From the airport, the bus will take you to Kemer in just an hour. But did you know that until the 1960s, this city could only be reached by boat? And when the sea was stormy, Kemer's communication with the rest of the world was interrupted. It was only in the 1970s that the D400 highway was built through the impregnable mountains. This ensured the rapid growth of the resort city. Already in the 90s, together with the surrounding villages, it turned into the Kemer conglomeration. The accessibility of the resort increased in 2010, when three tunnels were laid on the D400 road. This reduced the accident rate of the route and reduced travel time. Now Antalya and Kemer are separated by 42 kilometers.

The resort is located at a latitude of 36 degrees tonorth of the equator. This location causes a subtropical Mediterranean type of climate. It has very hot and dry summers and rainy winters. But, despite the proximity to the flat Antalya, the area where Kemer is located has its own climatic features. After all, the city is surrounded by high Taurus Mountains from the north. This causes a decrease in the total amount of precipitation, especially in winter. Summer here remains very hot. In July, the air temperature reaches +40 degrees in the shade. In winter, there are slight night frosts, but snowfalls are extremely rare. The Mediterranean Sea in summer warms up to quite comfortable + 25-26 degrees. In winter, the water temperature in the water area does not fall below +9 C. The sky over Kemer is mostly clear. An exception can only be the winter months, when heavy rain clouds hang over the coast. The tourist season in the Kemer resort conglomerate lasts from early May to late October.

Back in 1917, no one knew where Kemer was, because there was simply no settlement with that name. But the fishing village, which was destined to turn into a resort town, existed in the old days. In ancient times and under the rule of Byzantium, she bore the Greek name Idrios. When the Ottoman Empire took over Anatolia, the village began to be called Eskikoy in Turkish, which means "Old Village". Its inhabitants constantly suffered from mudflows descending from the Taurus Mountains. Huge flows of mud and water formed lakes and swamps around the village, which led to outbreaks of malaria. Onlyin 1910, the government began to build a wall that would save the village from mudflows. This stone belt stretches along the mountain slopes for 23 kilometers. It was then that the old village of Eskikoy turned into Kemer. The Turkish word Kemer translates as "belt".

The area where the city of Kemer is located belonged to the province of Lycia in ancient times. The rule of Alexander the Great, as well as the Romans of Mark Antony, Adrian and others, left traces here. In the city itself, you can also find ancient artifacts. But there are much more of them in the vicinity of Kemer. These are the ruins (quite well preserved) of such ancient cities as Olympos and Phaselis. And in the city itself, it is worth seeing the Uzur Kami Mosque on Dörtyol Street. The region where Kemer is located in Turkey is also rich in natural sights. What is only Mount Chimera worth, from where, as if from the mouth of a dragon, tongues of flame sometimes break out! The longest cable car in Europe (over 4 kilometers) leads to an observation deck located on the highest peak of Southern Turkey - Tahtali (2365 m above sea level). There are also Beldibi caves with Stone Age rock paintings, national natural parks, deserted bays and wild beaches.
When asked where the market is located in Kemer, local passers-by answer with a smile: everywhere. The number of textile stores per square meter is simply huge. But seriously, Liman Boulevard is the best route for a shopaholic. Grocery market with the freshest vegetables andfruit service on Mondays next to the bus station, on Ataturk Boulevard. On Tuesdays, the city center is filled with stalls with bathrobes, towels, leather goods, national ceramics and even carpets. The lion's share of tourists vacationing in Kemer comes from Russia. Therefore, do not be afraid of the language barrier. Many merchants know Russian well. The lowest prices are at the market, which operates on Fridays to the west of the center, in the Aslabunchak area. The choice of food and clothing there is not as huge as on the main one. But since tourists are often unaware of the existence of a market in Aslabunchak, the prices there are “like for their own.”

Even children know where Kemer is, because in one of the districts of the city, the resort village of Tekirova, an eco-park has been opened. Reptiles live there, including the rarest species. Pythons, chameleons, crocodiles - these are all modern fauna. How about seeing reptiles that disappeared from the face of the earth millions of years ago? This can be done in the Dinosaur Park, which is located in the Goynuk area. In addition, Kemer has a small dolphinarium and a large water park "Aquaward".