What cannot be taken out of Vietnam, all tourists who go on vacation to this exotic country should know. Before the trip, be sure to study the customs rules, as the legislation of this state is quite severe. For some violations, you may face not only a fine, but even imprisonment. From Vietnam, tourists often bring a large number of souvenirs to relatives and friends. However, some gifts are very easy to buy, but not all can be exported from the country, and some are prohibited from being imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. In this article, you will learn about what restrictions exist.
Under strict ban

There is a list of items that cannot be taken out of Vietnam under any pretext. In this regard, the law acts as harshly as possible.
It is worth noting that you will not find anything surprising in this list. Similar rules and restrictions apply inthe vast majority of countries on the planet. Among the things that cannot be exported from Vietnam:
- Weapons, ammunition, ammunition, explosives, technical military equipment. This category also includes metal detectors. Their import and export from the country is prohibited. Please note that if at the entrance, due to an oversight, customs officers can let you through a metal detector, then serious problems may arise on the way back.
- Narcotic and psychotropic substances. Please note that these may include some traditional Vietnamese medicines, which are freely sold in the form of potions, powders, herbal mixtures. At the border, such mixtures are highly likely to arouse suspicion. Therefore, experienced travelers are advised not to buy such funds from their hands, but to export them through customs only in their original packaging.
- Items of historical and cultural value. This includes antiques. Please note that the law does not prohibit the import of antiques, but it is strictly forbidden to export them. Therefore, if you are traveling with antique cigarette cases, jewelry boxes, valuable grandfather clocks, or any other antique valuables, it is best to leave them at home. Another tip: be sure to keep receipts for any purchases if you think that customs officers may suspect that they are of cultural value. These can include any figurines, paintings, almost all works of art.
- Valuable plants and animals, as well as objects made from them. The list of these animals is contained inspecial decree approved by the government. For example, it contains elephants. Therefore, it is forbidden to export products made of ivory. Crocodiles are also included in this list, which leads to another significant limitation. When buying, many do not even think about the fact that crocodile leather bags are also prohibited from being exported from the country.
Post Law

If most of the previous bans are familiar to travelers, the next one will surprise many of them.
The fact is that Vietnam adopted the "Law on Post". If you strictly follow it, it is forbidden to export postage stamps outside the republic. True, this is a little-known law. Even the customs officers themselves often forget about it. Therefore, many stamps are trying to take out. For example, they can be attached to a book as a bookmark, then they will not be visible on the scanner.
However, remember that in this case you act at your own peril and risk. You may well be detained with postal products. Then you can not do without trouble and paying a fine.
Compliance with laws

Of course, many may be surprised by the ban on the export of products made from crocodile skin and ivory. Surely, many could see these items from their friends or acquaintances who brought them from Vietnam.
In this case, it is worth noting that the laws that exist in this country are not always carefully and scrupulously observed, including by representatives of the customs service.
Often tourists without anyor problems are carried by figurines made of ivory, or purses made of crocodile skin. Although they refer to what cannot be taken out of the country.
In Vietnam, a thorough inspection of all tourists leaving the country at the border is not practiced, especially if these are charter flights with several hundred travelers. Local law enforcement is limited to scanning and random control.

So you might get lucky. In addition, if you only have one forbidden crocodile leather wallet with you, then most likely no one will pay attention to it. But if there are a dozen handbags and wallets and ivory cigarette cases in your luggage, then you are guaranteed to have questions. Customs officers will definitely ask what they are made of, where they were bought, why you are carrying so many of them.
Therefore, the main advice from experienced travelers is that, as a rule, it is possible to take such forbidden souvenirs with you, even though they fall into the list of what cannot be taken out of Vietnam. Just do it ste althily and in reasonable quantities. Then you will pass customs control without any problems.
Before you go to this country, be sure to find out thoroughly what you can take home with you and what not, check out the official list of what you can not take out of Vietnam.
This list does not include alcohol. It can be exported in unlimited quantities. However, you need to remember about the import regulations that apply toterritory of Russia.
Without paying customs duty, each tourist can import no more than three liters of alcohol. For each next liter you will have to pay 10 euros.
If Vietnam is not famous for alcohol, it is rarely carried, then cigarettes in the luggage of travelers are much more common. Tobacco prices in this country are much lower than in Russia, especially in Europe. As a result, good American cigarettes can be obtained very cheaply.
The export of tobacco products from Vietnam is also not limited. However, upon arrival in Russia, you should have no more than one block of cigarettes (200 pieces) with you. Alternatively, you can import 250g of tobacco or 50 cigars.
There are restrictions on the export of cash from the country. If you export more than 15 million VND (analogue of 330 thousand Russian rubles), then you will have to prove the legal origin of this money.
If you brought money with you, you will need to declare it upon arrival. If you withdraw from a bank or receive a transfer, be sure to keep your receipts and all relevant documents.

Many domestic tourists like to collect shells on the beaches, take them with them as souvenirs. In many resort states there is a ban on their export from the country. However, Vietnam is not one of them. You can take shells out of here.
In the corresponding decree you will not find any mention of mollusks or crustaceans.
The only thing is that shells must also be carried within reasonable limits.
Popular gifts

There are no problems with the export of most popular gifts from the country.
Coffee and tea you can take in any quantities, the same goes for spices.
Exotic dried fruits, fruits and vegetables are classified as pest risk products. They can be imported into Russia no more than 5 kg per person.
Silk, pearls and pearl jewelry are also allowed if they fall under the "personal use" category.