A good dry cleaning is worth its weight in gold these days. Many have expensive things, sheepskin coats and fur coats, suits and dresses that cannot be washed in a conventional machine. However, giving things to specialists, there is always a chance to run into dishonest work. Moreover, when you receive your things not perfectly clean, but, on the contrary, in stripes and stains, you still need to prove that they were not there. Therefore, be sure to make inquiries.
Today, the dry-cleaner "Chanterelle" came into the field of our attention. For the most part, the reviews emphasize that this is a reliable organization, where each incoming product is treated with care. Therefore, we decided to tell the reader about it in more detail.

Tested quality
Against the background of companies that have just entered the market and are starting to offer their services, it looks very solid. The fact is that Chanterelle dry cleaning, reviews of which we will analyze in detail below, has been operating on the market since 1997. The company was one of the first to open points and express workshops that correspond to worldstandards. Their extremely convenient location in the largest shopping and business centers in Moscow ensured an influx of customers and a rapid growth in popularity.

Equipment and personnel
This is the most important thing a customer should ask when they need to clean expensive items. After all, an ordinary laundry is not able to provide proper care for capricious fabrics, leather and fur. And in this regard, the Chanterelle dry cleaner appears in a favorable light. Feedback from regular customers suggests that when you come here for the first time, you immediately feel that this is a serious company that values the time and money of its customers. There is enough space around - perfect cleanliness, a large reception desk allows you to easily inspect the thing that needs to be cleaned.
The work of employees is another important point. All of them are professionals in their field, they know everything about fabrics and furs and can give a full consultation to the client. So if in doubt, tell the dry cleaner what changes you want to see. He, in turn, will share with you his vision of the situation. Because not every stain can be removed without a trace, and when you come for a thing unprepared, you can be very disappointed.
So, all dry cleaning shops are equipped with the latest European equipment. This acts as a certain guarantee that the ideal result will be achieved. The second step, which allows you to achieve a sparkling cleanliness without harm to products, is the use of the best Western cleaning products.funds. These include powders and stain removers, dry cleaning and polishing products, that is, a whole arsenal of tools that helps to achieve perfect results with a minimum of effort.

Only forward
Technologies do not stand still, and dry cleaning "Chanterelle" does not stop in its development. Feedback from regular customers suggests that she keeps up with the times, and since their first visit, the company has changed a lot for the better. And indeed, if earlier you had to spend a lot of time on the road, now there are 15 express shops located throughout the city in a developed network.
In 2001, the company was one of the first to open a workshop with the latest equipment, which at that time had no analogues in Russia. It works on a hydrocarbon solvent. This allows gentle cleaning of exclusive clothing. Since then, Chanterelle dry cleaning has gained even more popularity. Reviews (Moscow is a metropolis spoiled with offers) say that it is here that you can appreciate a wide range of services and feel the highest quality of service, as well as the professionalism of employees.

Modern technologies
Apparently, the most advanced dry-cleaner in the city is Chanterelle. Feedback from employees emphasizes that each of their ordinary employees is subordinate to one of the technologists who train and observe the correctness of the work. In addition, professional technologists constantlyintroduce new methods of high-quality cleaning of products with minimal tissue damage. These are the famous Alpen Clean, Winter Shine and many others.
In 2012, a new surprise awaited visitors. A new workshop was opened and the latest equipment was installed, which works according to the safest technology in the world, which is called GreenEarth, and in addition, meets all environmental requirements.

Services and prices
And now I would like to say a few words about how affordable the Chanterelle dry cleaning is for the average Russian. Reviews (Russia is a country with a harsh climate, where sheepskin coats and fur coats are not a luxury, but a necessity) emphasize that only professionals can tidy up outerwear, do it delicately enough to preserve its original appearance. The organization provides a wide range of dry cleaning services, from expensive furs, leather and sheepskin coats and fabrics to individual laundry of underwear.
To put in order a short faux fur coat will cost you 1500 rubles. A similar fur coat made of natural fur will require costs from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for a full cleaning. It is worth replacing that after it the product will take its original form. Additionally, a specialist can process it from moths, this will add 15% to the cost of services.
If we consider leather goods, then the cost here can also differ markedly. Cleaning a sheepskin coat - from 3000 to 4000 rubles, and a vest or skirt - 1600. Softening of the leather tissue isan additional service for which you will have to pay 30% of the cost of services. Film resurfacing is the most expensive service and adds 40% of the receipt.
Based on this, we can say that average and quite affordable prices are offered to their customers by dry cleaning "Chanterelle". Reviews (Russia, Moscow are accustomed to impressive amounts for quality service) emphasize that, despite the democratic pricing policy, the quality of work performed remains at its best.

Free services
Customers are pleasantly surprised that the reception of a technologist in the hall is completely free. You will be met by a competent specialist who will consult, inspect things and tell you how much the situation can be corrected within the framework of this dry cleaning. In addition, tinting and applying water-repellent impregnation on leather and suede products is completely free. A water-repellent impregnation is also applied to ski suits free of charge.
How to find
As we have already said, there are several dozens of places in the city where the Chanterelle dry-cleaner is located. Reviews (you can choose the address from the list below) say that it is very convenient, since you do not need to carry heavy clothes through the whole city after a long winter.
- Shopping center "Key", located at: st. Borisovskie Prudy, 6.
- Shopping center "Zig-Zag", st. Lobnenskaya, 4a, 2nd floor.
- Shopping center "Novinsky". It is located on Novinsky Boulevard, 31, ground floor.
Besides this, there are about a dozen more points that are scattered around the capital. Even if you live far from the center, there is your own Chanterelle dry-cleaner for you. Reviews (Butovo, for example, is located quite far from the center, but it also has its own branch at the address: Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, 8) express great gratitude to the administrators for such a developed network with excellent conditions for customers.

Instead of a conclusion
The large network of dry cleaners "Chanterelle" is growing and developing every day. Thanks to the extremely convenient service of free field service, using its offers becomes more and more easy and pleasant. On any day of the week, from 9 am to 9 pm, an employee will come to your home or office and pick up things that need cleaning. In the city, the minimum order amount for free delivery must be 1000 rubles. If you need to travel outside the Moscow Ring Road, then the cost of the order should already be from 1500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the degree of remoteness of the object.