What is the Novomikhaylovskaya resort area (Tuapse district)? This is a village of the same name and several villages, farms and auls - Psebe, Plyakho, Olginka and Podkhrebtovoye. It is located between Cape Gryaznov and the tract Wide Slit. This place is known throughout the country, because since the time of the Soviet Union there was first a pioneer camp, and then the Orlyonok Children's Recreation Center. By the way, local residents, speaking about their village, prefer the name "Novomikhaylovka".
The name of the future resort was given in the nineteenth century. Prior to that, it was called by the name of the river flowing through it - Nechepsuho, and in its place in ancient times was the Greek settlement of Nikopsia. There are good beaches, open sea and accommodation that will suit different categories of tourists - both budget and accustomed to luxury.

Where is located
Resort Novomikhailovsky (Tuapse district) is located forty kilometers from the city of Tuapse. From the regional center - Krasnodar - it is separated by 135 km. If you are coming here by car, tourists are advised to use the Don highway. You need to go through Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Dzhubga. Another option is the Tuapse-Novorossiysk highway. It is better to arrive in Krasnodar by plane, and then travel by bus. He travels to the village for about three hours. By train, travelers usually come to Tuapse, and then they also follow the bus. Sometimes hotels and private owners offer a transfer to the place of residence. But this needs to be decided in each case with the owners.

You can often hear that the Novomikhailovsky resort in the Tuapse district is located in ideal conditions. It is surrounded by green hills covered with subtropical forest. They protect the village from cold winds from high mountains. Therefore, the climate here is very good, similar to the Mediterranean. Winters are mild and not very cold, summers are not too hot, and you can swim for half a year. Probably, such climatic conditions led to the fact that the village. Novomikhailovsky (Tuapse district) has officially acquired the status of a resort since 1966. The high season here lasts from June to the end of September, although, of course, vacationers come here at other times. The water warms up quickly and stays warm all season long. The sun shines almost 250 days a year.
The shore of the Novomikhailovsky resort (Tuapse district) is suitable for tourists who can swim andlove depth. The beaches are very long and wide. In size, they are somewhat inferior except perhaps to the famous coast in the village of Lazarevsky. The beaches themselves are pebbly, where small pebbles are often mixed with sand. They are comfortable and equipped. There are many water activities - skiing, catamarans, spearfishing, diving, fishing. The sea is not shallow, the depth begins immediately. By the way, doctors believe that small pebbles are he althier than sand. Therefore, the local beaches are good not only for relaxation, but also for recovery. The coast is sometimes steep, and the most convenient descent into the water for children is near the mouth of the Nechepsukho River, around the places where it flows into the sea.

Entertainment and infrastructure
This resort has been known since the sixties of the last century. Then the living conditions and entertainment were quite ascetic. A lot of time has passed since then. Now the village of Novomikhailovsky, Tuapse district, has a whole industry of fun. Both young people and couples come here with pleasure. Despite the remoteness from the big city, the village boasts the presence of bars, discos and nightclubs. They are located on the embankment on the left side of the bay. But there are more than enough ordinary cafes and canteens with Caucasian cuisine here. Here you can have lunch, order dinner and even listen to live music. There are a lot of tour agencies that offer trips, trekking, boat trips and extreme tourism. A beautiful embankment is located on the territory of the tourist complex"Tornado", where there is a well-groomed park and a pond with fish. There is also a diving center here. And from this base you can climb the stone stairs to the observation deck and the church of St. Nicholas.

The village of Novomikhailovsky (Tuapse district) goes to the sea with a small tip. Here are the most luxurious hotels and expensive guest houses. They offer stunning sea views from their balconies and the beach is right outside the room. However, the prices here are appropriate. But the main part of the village stretches from the sea to the mountains along the Nechepsuho River. From its center to the sea a little more than two kilometers. There are housing offers in the private sector, but there are also many multi-storey buildings. Therefore, in the village you can rent a whole separate apartment. This option is especially suitable for those who go on vacation with a large company. The price of housing is mainly determined not so much by amenities as by proximity to the sea. But there are no housing options too far from the water - at most you will have to walk ten to fifteen minutes. In addition to offers for private apartments, houses and rooms, in the village of Novomikhailovsky, Tuapse district, there are also hotels, boarding houses and catering camps. And for budget tourists who come by car, there are special campsites. Prices in this resort for both housing and food, excursions, cafes and canteens are quite low. Obviously, all these factors determined the popularity of Novomikhailovsky among Russian tourists.