Kabardinka is an amazing little resort located just a dozen kilometers from Gelendzhik. Many lovers of a relaxing summer holiday prefer this place to all other villages in the Krasnodar Territory. Kabardinka is the driest place on the coast. Here the season lasts from May to November. Covered on one side by Cape Doob, and on the other by the Markotkh Ridge, Kabardinka hardly knows rainy and inclement weather. Winds are also rare here. The village also attracts with its healing climate: juniper forests enrich the air with substances useful for breathing and heart. All this beauty and ecological grace are combined with a well-developed infrastructure. The sights of Kabardinka in the Krasnodar Territory are known far beyond the boundaries of the village. And there are many interesting places here. Vacationers from all over the coast come to the village: a map of Kabardinka with sights is sold from Sochi to Novorossiysk. The main thing is to have time to see everything.
Kabardinka: sights and interesting places
The most unusual thing evercoast is a house located at the intersection of Peace and Revolution streets. This is a small but very comfortable room suitable for living. Everything is as usual in it: a small kitchen, a bedroom, a guest room. However, this house … is upside down. Chairs and tables, sofas and kitchen utensils, even the bathroom and shower are securely attached to the ceiling. Only the staircase leading to the house has the usual location. Such upside down houses are only in Tennessee, Germany and Kaliningrad. Kabardinka, whose sights are not limited to this house, now stands with them on a par. No less interesting for tourists is the Alley of Civilizations, located in the old park. Bypassing just half a hectare, you can make a trip around the world. There is also the Pyramid of Cheops, and ancient Greek temples, and palaces of the Renaissance, Renaissance. All of them are located among exotic vegetation for Kabardinka. The most attractive architectural structure is considered by many to be the sculpture "The Seven Deadly Sins", standing by the pond and made according to all the canons of medieval art.

Kabardinka: sights and history
Not far from the village, on Cape Doob, there is a memorial dedicated to the memory of those who died on the ship "Nakhimov". The lives of the dead are presented here in the form of torn pipes, and the wave that swept the ship is in the form of a broken circle of concrete. At the highest point of the memorial there is a clock raised from the sunken Nakhimov. Their hands are frozen forever at 11:20 p.m., the time when the tragedy happened. There is also a monument to the Heroes of War. At one time, the battery of Captain Zubkov did not let the fascist fleet into the Tsemess Bay. Flowers are constantly brought to these memorials, where lovers swear allegiance.

Kabardinka: sights and nature
Lovers of outdoor activities can spend one or more days near the Kastalskaya font (the so-called mountain lake located in the gorge of the Markoth Range). Surrounded by juniper thickets, it is rich in carp, crucian carp, carp and other fish. The caught catch can be cooked right there: there is a cafe nearby. True, it is better to book tables in it in advance. St. Panteleimon Church, trips to Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk and Sochi, excursions to mud volcanoes and waterfalls - this is also Kabardinka. Its sights are so diverse that a two-week vacation may not be enough to visit each one.