Port Vanino is a seaport. Khabarovsk, Vanino

Port Vanino is a seaport. Khabarovsk, Vanino
Port Vanino is a seaport. Khabarovsk, Vanino

The port of Vanino (on the map given in the article you can see its location) is a Russian seaport of federal significance. It is located in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the deep-water Vanina Bay. It is the second seaport of the Far Eastern basin of Russia in terms of cargo turnover - more than 20 million tons.

port of vanino
port of vanino

General information

Vaninsky District was formed as an independent territorial unit within the Khabarovsk Territory in 1973 according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. It absorbed the northwestern part of the Sovetsko-Gavansky region, which was previously a component of the Primorsky Territory. What were the prerequisites for separating it into a separate administrative-territorial unit? This is explained by the rapid economic growth of this region in the early seventies of the last century. One of the contributing factors was the seaport of Vanino. Already in 1983, the volume of cargo handling reached a little less than nine million tons. The entire load fell on the port of Vanino (photo, given in the article) and on the railway junction. Compared to 1973cargo handling volumes doubled. Noticeable shifts also took place in the woodworking and forestry industries. So, with the commissioning of the Tumninisky timber industry enterprise and the Koshinsky timber processing plant, the total volume of logging reached one million cubic meters per year. The port of Vanino also did not lag behind and was constantly developing; its own well-equipped ferry crossing and a container terminal were opened here. And with the completion of the construction of the railway line (Baikal-Amur), Russia opens a reliable outlet to the Pacific Ocean. Port of Vanino becomes the eastern gate of our country.

Vanino port on the map
Vanino port on the map


This port with a sea ferry railway service serves the delivery of goods to several coastal destinations: Sakhalin, Arctic, Magadan, Kamchatka, Vladivostok, the Kuriles and other ports of the Sea of Okhotsk. In addition, goods are transported from here to the Asia-Pacific countries (China, Korea, Japan and others), the USA, Australia, Canada, India, etc. The port of Vanino is among the top ten ports of our country in terms of cargo transportation.


Vaninsky district is promising not only in terms of transport infrastructure. This region is also interesting from the standpoint of the development of the tourism industry. Attractive for vacationers are the variety of attractions, the richest nature of the area, the culture and traditions of indigenous peoples. In addition, there is a source of thermal radon waters - Tumninskiy "Hot Key". It is located in a unique place - the most beautiful valley of the Chope River.

OnThe following protected natural areas are located on the territory of the district: biological reserves (Mopau and Tumninsky), fishery reserves (Tumninsky and Khutinsky), a natural monument of regional significance (“Stone Grove”).

seaport of vanino
seaport of vanino

Mineral underground waters

The National Natural Park "Goryachiy Klyuch" is located on the territory of the Northern and Tumninskoe forestries. It is located ten kilometers from the Tumin station, which is located on the Khabarovsk-Vanino line. The absolute height of this area is 280 meters above sea level. According to its quality indicators, the source (water temperature + 41 degrees Celsius) is close to the thermal waters of the Belokurikha resort.

Under state protection

In accordance with the decree of the head of the administration of the Khabarovsk Territory dated January 20, 1997 No. 7 “On specially protected natural areas of the Khabarovsk Territory”, Toki Island, which is located in the Tatar Strait, was included in the list of protected natural objects of local importance. It is interesting because there is a rookery of seals here. Many tourists come here to admire these pinnipeds.

sea port
sea port

Excluding fish reserves with protected forest belts on their banks, the total area of prohibited natural areas in this area exceeds 215,000 hectares. There are unique places where the fauna of the south and north, east and west, present and past mixed up. One of such places is the Tumin river basin. Here you can find unique rocky landscapes, glades withrare and exotic vegetation, interesting channels and backwaters.

District center

Vanino is an administrative center with a population of about twenty thousand people. It arose on the site of the Oroch camp. The village has a House of Culture, two hotels and two clinics, a chain of restaurants, cafes and shops. Vanino has its own art gallery, printing house, TV repeater, local history museum, two newspapers, a local radio and television studio, four schools, a vocational technical school, a technical school and an institute. Today's regional center and the seaport form a single whole - they cannot exist without each other.

khabarovsk vanino
khabarovsk vanino

A Brief History

Vanino Bay was discovered in May 1853 by members of the Amur expedition. In the period from 1854 to 1901, various Russian scientists explored this region. The bay got its name in 1878 in honor of the cartographer Vanin V. K. The history of the formation of the region is rich in various transformations. First, the Far Eastern Republic was divided into separate provinces, after which the Sovetsko-Orochsky district with the center in Ust-Orochy stood out from the Primorsky Territory, then another division and reorganization, as a result of which Vaninsky and Sovetsko-Gavansky districts were formed.

Geographic data

Vaninsky District is located in the east of the Khabarovsk Territory. It occupies the territory between 138.5 and 141 degrees east longitude and 49 and 51 degrees north latitude. It is located on the banks of the Tatar Strait, here is the port of Vanino. total areaThe district is 25 thousand square kilometers. The eastern border runs along the shelf of the Tatar Strait, and the western border runs along the central ridge of the Sikhote-Alin massif. In the south it borders on the Sovetsko-Gavansky region, and in the north - on Ulchsky. The area of its territory is comparable to such states as Israel, Belgium or Albania. The climate in the Vanino region is monsoonal, characterized by high humidity, frequent fogs in summer, and dry in winter. The average annual rainfall is 700 mm, of which 75% rain and 25% snow. The average annual air temperature is 22 degrees, the average January temperature is minus 27 degrees.

port of vanino photo
port of vanino photo

Nature and natural resources

In the river and sea waters of the region, the total area of which is 22 thousand square kilometers, many species of fish are found, such as navaga, flounder, pollock, herring, smelt, pelengas, grayling, char, malma, taimen, trout. In addition, there are also migratory salmon breeds: sima, pink salmon and chum salmon. There are ten rivers on the territory of the district, the largest are the Khugu (its length is 230 kilometers) and Tumnin (its length is 400 kilometers).

The animal world of this region is rich and diverse. Thus, upland game and wild animals are found in the forests of the Vanino region: reindeer, elk, bears, wild boars, squirrels, hares, sable, hazel grouse, capercaillie. Local forests are also rich in berries, lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries, and honeysuckle grow here. In addition, there are a lot of mushrooms and cedar trees.

Forest resources of the regionare the most important component of its economy. It belongs to the richly forested regions with 2.5 million hectares of forest plantations. Timber reserves are estimated at 224.8 million cubic meters.
