Lake Donuzlav: description, fishing, reviews

Lake Donuzlav: description, fishing, reviews
Lake Donuzlav: description, fishing, reviews

Not far from the city of Yevpatoriya is an unusually beautiful and mysterious lake Donuzlav, the depth of which reaches 27 meters. The length of the steep banks is 30 km, the width is 5 km.

The uniqueness of this lake lies in the existence of both fresh and s alt water in one reservoir. In 1961, the Black Sea and Donuzlav were connected by a water channel, turning the latter into a bay of the water area. In terms of composition, the water at the mouth of the reservoir is close to s alty sea water. But in the northern part of the reservoir there are many underground springs that desalinate the lake.

Reed, cattail and reeds have grown in the northern part of Donuzlav. In summer and spring, it is impossible to stop looking at water lilies and egg capsules. Waterfowl migratory birds (coot, common teal, water hen, goose) do not fly past, and local inhabitants choose a place for nesting here. Due to the many living birds, this area has been declared a protected area.

Relatively recently, Lake Donuzlav, the photo of which is in the article, became available for tourists. Previously, a Soviet military base was located here, and later a Ukrainian one.

donuzlav lake
donuzlav lake


Numerous crowds of people who are interestedfishing, go to these places to meet with a dream. In the sea water of the mouth of the lake, you can catch sturgeon, flounder, mullet, red mullet and other representatives of the underwater world. Typical representatives of fresh water in such a reservoir as Lake Donuzlav in the Crimea are bream, rudd, silver carp, carp, pike perch. In total, scientists count about 52 species of fish, 30 of which are sedentary, while others are migratory. Rare representatives of the "fish kingdom" listed in the Red Book also live here.

The fauna of Lake Donuzlav is rich in crabs, shrimps, mussels, rapans. Also, the population of the Black Sea oyster is still preserved here.

Analyzing the fertility in the lake for the formation of farms for breeding algae, fish, shellfish, scientists came to the conclusion that Donuzlav is the most promising reservoir of Crimea. Affirmative results have been obtained by studies on the artificial breeding of giant oysters and Black Sea mussels. In relation to the flounder glossa and pilengas mullet, which inhabit the lake Donuzlav, the figure of the probable population of 1.5 thousand tons per year was announced.

donuzlav lake in crimea
donuzlav lake in crimea


From the beginning of summer to September, the attention of anglers is focused on catching carp. The weight of the fish when using high-quality tackle reaches 30 kg! It is best to catch it at dawn and in the evening. The bait can be corn, boilies, potatoes. Fishing on the lake Donuzlav will not leave anyone indifferent. Everything that is necessary for the catch is allowed to be borrowed from the local club. Fishing cost per dayvaries within 700 rubles.

When fishing from the shore, it is necessary to acquire not a spinning rod, but a fishing rod. If you want to feel like sea fishing, then you should take a boat with you. The cry of seagulls, the smell of iodine and the unceasing breeze - all this will remind you of the sea.

Healing properties

Lake Donuzlav (reviews from vacationers about the water area and its surroundings are only positive) has a lot of silt at the bottom, which has a healing effect. The mud of the Saki and Moinak lakes are very similar in their characteristics to this silt. Its use is recommended for softening, toning and whitening the skin of the face and body, as well as eliminating wrinkles and acne.

fishing on the lake donuzlav
fishing on the lake donuzlav

Recreation and sports

Every year, recreation on the lake among athletes is gaining more and more popularity. The surface of the reservoir is closed from sea storms and is an excellent platform for active pastime. Fans of windsurfing and kiting should come to the lake in the afternoon. In this region, these types of recreation are rapidly gaining momentum and are successfully developing.

The coastal area is built up with cottages, mini-hotels. For young people looking for adventure and interesting nightlife, the notorious Kazantip is located 3 kilometers from the spit. And what are the stars! After looking at the evening sky once, you will certainly want to come here again.

On equipped beaches, children will explore the underwater world with interest. Closer to the sea, the water in the lake warms up quickly due to its shallow depth, and you can swim even in cool

donuzlav lake photo
donuzlav lake photo

How to get there?

Where is Lake Donuzlav? To get to this reservoir, you need to get to Evpatoria, then by bus to the village of Mirny. From other cities, you can fly to Simferopol by plane, then use the train to Evpatoria. You can also get to Anapa or Krasnodar in any way possible via the Port-Caucasus-Kerch ferry and the Kerch Strait. Yachts and boats go along the navigable (middle) part of the lake.

Another way is by private car. During the journey, you need to focus on the village of Mirny (you have to follow the signs), and there it is within easy reach to the lake. The wild beach is located 47 kilometers along the Black Sea road from Evpatoria.

donuzlav lake reviews
donuzlav lake reviews

Additional information

Storm on a body of water like Lake Donuzlav is a very rare occurrence. Peace and quiet allow you to consider numerous types of microorganisms even at a long distance from the coast.

Rest here is more suitable for those who love quiet, peaceful places. In the vicinity there are not a huge number of shops or entertainment centers. The coast of the lake is suitable for tourists who love camping and fishing. Connoisseurs of the true beauty of the animal and plant world will appreciate this place, its marvelous landscapes.
