The village of Kamany, Abkhazia

The village of Kamany, Abkhazia
The village of Kamany, Abkhazia

Have any of you heard of a place like Kamany? Abkhazia has many interesting cities and rural settlements, among which there is this village, located 15 km from the city of Sukhum.

kamany abkhazia
kamany abkhazia

The road to Kamany goes through the small local villages of Shroma and Yashtukha, quite badly destroyed during the fierce battles of 1992-1993. Here tourists have a picturesque view of the deep gorges of Western and Eastern Gumista. And between them, Mount Gumbihu proudly rises, on top of which there is a small medieval temple. In Yashtukh, you can visit the old cemetery church and the grave of Father Seraphim, Father Superior of the Glinsk Hermitage.

A bit of history

Kamany is an ancient place with a rich history that goes back many centuries.

abkhazia kamany photo
abkhazia kamany photo

Once upon a time, a rural settlement was called Guma. Until, in 1884, the archaeologist Vrisis from Greece came here. After working here for some time, examining the ruins of the temple, he made an incredible discovery: the place is nothing but the ancient city of Koman, and this place is mentioned in the scrolls! It was on this land that the famous preacher died on his way to exile. John Chrysostom and the holy martyr Basilisk, who is also buried here. Since then, the village of Guma began to be called Kamany. Abkhazia has many places about which there are legends and some legends have developed, but this rural settlement stands out noticeably against their background.

According to legend, at the place where the martyr Basilisk was beheaded, a spring miraculously appeared. Water from it treated various diseases and even healed wounds. However, even today people come to drink the healing water from the source of St. Basilisk. There is also a wooden chapel built in honor of the Christian martyr, which also houses the relics of the saint.

Sights of Kamany settlement

kamany village abkhazia
kamany village abkhazia

In the village there is a temple of St. John Chrysostom. Today, the place where John Chrysostom was buried has become a center of pilgrimage, and his tomb is now in the church. It was built on the site of a destroyed church of the 11th century, and a curious fact is that in the process of erecting a bell tower for a new church, workers accidentally discovered a sarcophagus with the body of a preacher.

Soon the remains of the saint were transferred to Constantinople with full honors.

Is it worth saying how revered the village of Kamany is by Orthodox Christians? Abkhazia is an attractive place for tourists, and this settlement is no exception. People come to the waters of the source of St. Basilisk not only to drink water, but also to plunge into it with their heads. As the ancient legend says, having bathed in this healing water, you can get rid of diseases, improve he alth and even gainthe meaning of life.

Beautiful nature, intoxicating air and many interesting places - Abkhazia has collected all this. Kamany (a photo of the settlement can be seen in this article) impresses with its ancient sights and stunning landscapes. And those who decide to visit this village will be able to see all this beauty with their own eyes.

Kamany as a center of pilgrimage

kamany abkhazia
kamany abkhazia

But still, first of all, this settlement is a place of pilgrimage. Dozens of believers come here to touch the shrines. There is no empty space here. You can always see at least one or two erected tents.

There is another pilgrimage center not far from the Church of St. John Chrysostom, which is revered throughout the Christian world. This is the place of the third finding of the head of John the Baptist. Many centuries ago, this relic was secretly taken from Byzantium and hidden a few kilometers from Kaman.

abkhazia kamany photo
abkhazia kamany photo

After some time, she was found and returned to Constantinople. Today, the Kamansky Grotto is considered a sacred place for all Christians.

Besides all of the above, there are several healing springs that are located in the village of Kamany. Abkhazia is rich in its healing springs, and this village will not be an exception either. Here you can not only take a walk and visit various sights and shrines, but also improve your he alth and relax in nature in this unique place not only with your body, but also with your soul!
