In what cities is a monument to Viktor Tsoi erected?

In what cities is a monument to Viktor Tsoi erected?
In what cities is a monument to Viktor Tsoi erected?

Viktor Tsoi is an outstanding rock musician of the Soviet era, whose songs have not lost their relevance for several decades. It's hard to believe: today, more than 25 years after the tragic death of the leader of the Kino group, many people not only remember him, but also confidently call him their favorite musical artist. In many cities of our country there are sculptures dedicated to this musician. Which monument to Viktor Tsoi is the most interesting and famous?

Memorials in St. Petersburg

B. Tsoi was buried on August 19, 1990 in St. Petersburg at the Theological Cemetery. A laconic tombstone is installed on the grave of the great musician. It is a medium-sized stela topped with a sculptured bas-relief depicting Victor's profile. The grave of the leader of the Kino group is a special place for fans of his talent. People from all over the country come here, to the Theological Cemetery, to pay tribute to the memory of their idol. According to eyewitnesses, even today you can always meet him near the grave of Tsoifans.

monument to Viktor Tsoi
monument to Viktor Tsoi

Another cult place in St. Petersburg is the Kamchatka Boiler Club-Museum. Victor used to work here as a stoker. Today at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Blokhin, house 15 there is a museum of the musician, in which concerts are held from time to time. On the facade of the building there is a standard memorial plaque and a small monument to Viktor Tsoi. This is a bas-relief depicting a musician's head and an acoustic guitar.

Viktor Tsoi on a motorcycle (St. Petersburg, Okulovka)

The most famous and scandalous monument to Viktor Tsoi was created by sculptor Alexei Blagovestnov. The sculpture project was created as a diploma work at the end of the master of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V. I. Surikov. The monument looks quite unusual: Viktor Tsoi, wearing glasses and rolled up his sleeves, is sitting on a Java motorcycle. The “iron horse” has a broken headlight, and the musician himself is depicted barefoot. The sculpture won first place in the P. M. Tretyakov competition for young artists held by the Tretyakov Art Gallery in 2004. This monument to Viktor Tsoi was exhibited in Moscow and Khanty-Mansiysk, and in 2009 it was brought to St. Petersburg and installed near the Avrora cinema. However, the installation of the monument was not agreed with the city authorities, and for this reason it had to be removed soon.

Monument to Viktor Tsoi
Monument to Viktor Tsoi

Initially, it was planned to arrange a "tour" for this monument to V. Tsoi - to exhibit it for a certain period in different cities of Russia. This idea remained unrealized, and only in 2015the sculptural composition has found its permanent residence - in the city of Okulovka, Nizhny Novgorod region.

How many monuments to V. Tsoi are there in Russia?

In addition to official sculptures, there are also informal monuments to the leader of the Kino group in our country. The most famous among them is "Viktor Tsoi's Wall in Moscow". According to the legend, one of the fans of the great musician, having learned about the death of an idol, simply wrote in a fit of despair on the facade of house 37 along Stary Arbat Street the phrase: "Tsoi is alive." Gradually, the entire wall was covered with quotes from songs, drawings and declarations of love to Viktor Tsoi. Grieving fans of the musician gathered here, spontaneous concerts were held. This iconic place has suffered from vandals more than once, and residents of neighboring houses have repeatedly complained about noisy gatherings.

Monument to Viktor Tsoi in Okulovka
Monument to Viktor Tsoi in Okulovka

Today, this work of folk art cannot receive the status of a monument. The Moscow deputies explain their refusals by the fact that it is possible to recognize any object as historical only 40 years after the event with which it is associated. Similar "walls of Tsoi" after the death of the musician appeared in many cities of Russia. Most of them have long been painted over and forgotten, but the Moscow facade is still fighting for its existence.

Monuments to V. Tsoi in Barnaul and Latvia

A beautiful and original monument dedicated to V. Tsoi was installed in the city of Barnaul. The monument was opened in 2010. This is a stele, in the upper part of which there is a sculpture depicting a waist-deep musician. In his hand, the leader of the Kino group holdsguitar, complements the composition with a symbol familiar to every fan - half of Tsoi's sun. According to many, this monument is in many ways reminiscent of the monument to Viktor Tsoi in St. Petersburg, installed in the cemetery.

Monument to viktor tsoi in saint petersburg
Monument to viktor tsoi in saint petersburg

Another memorial dedicated to the cult musician has been erected in Latvia, not far from the place of his tragic death. V. Tsoi died in a car accident that occurred on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway. Fans of Victor came to this place for many years, but only in 2002 a monument appeared here. At a short distance from the road, a stele appeared, crowned with a sculpture of a musician. V. Tsoi is depicted waist-deep, hugging himself with his arms. On the pedestal you can read the lines from the song: “Death is worth living, and love is worth waiting for…”

Monument to Viktor Tsoi in Moscow
Monument to Viktor Tsoi in Moscow

Will new monuments be erected in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

V. Tsoi's fans and various organizations sent official requests many times asking for permission to erect monuments dedicated to the idol. Almost every year in the press there are reports that very soon a monument to Viktor Tsoi will be erected in Moscow or St. Petersburg. And yet, for some reason, things do not go further than projects. The authorities ask to wait "a little more" and remind that at least 30-40 years should pass from the moment of the death of a historical figure.

Dissatisfaction is often expressed by residents of cities where monuments are planned to be erected. Some people think that thissculpture can attract the musician's admirers - informal noisy youth, and for this reason they doubt the need to create such a monument. Most likely, they simply do not know that there is a positive example: let's remember the monument to Viktor Tsoi in Okulovka. The sculpture stands in a busy place, not far from the local train station. The monument is liked by residents and guests of the city, many take pictures with it or look at it with interest.
