Air travel is always very tiring for a person, often it can even be harmful to his he alth. However, there is always the opportunity to take care of additional benefits for yourself. One of those may be the right choice of where to sit in the cabin. To do this, it is important to know the location of the seats on the plane.

It is important to understand that there is no seat that suits every passenger. Everyone focuses on their own needs. Someone likes to sit by the window, someone likes to sit in the aisle, someone likes to be able to stretch their long legs forward.
Seat classes
The aircraft cabin is most often divided into three areas for passengers:
- Inexpensive economy class seats with a minimum of services.
- Comfortable business class seats with additional services that make the flight as convenient as possible.
- Luxurious first class seats, where you can even fly lying down, however, not all airlines have them.
Most people prefer economy class to save money.
Choosing a seat on the plane
As mentioned above, the best place for everyonepassenger is selected individually. You can determine for yourself that by carefully reading this article. For a better understanding of what is at stake, below is a diagram of the aircraft cabin.
Bad Choices
Let's start by identifying inconvenient places during the flight. Armchairs in the middle of the row, when people are sitting to your right and left, are uncomfortable for most. Another bad place is the seat in the tail of the aircraft, in the last row there may not be a window. There are also constantly accumulating passengers who are waiting in line for the toilet. A significant drawback for you may be the fact that at the time of distribution of food and drinks - the rows at the tail end with a variety of products, you will not be able to choose meat, chicken or fish, you will simply be given the type of product that is left.

The bad ones are places right above the wing, since you won't see anything from there. Not everyone will be comfortable seating in the rows before the emergency exit and in the last row, as they do not have the ability to recline the seat.
The most comfortable seats on an airliner
Let's go back to the tail of the plane. An important advantage can be considered that when the aircraft is not fully loaded, you will not have neighbors, and you will go on a flight alone in two or three chairs (this will even allow you to lie down). Seats by the porthole should be attributed to convenient places - you can sleep quite comfortably on them, without fear of being woken up by a neighbor squeezing through your knees. You can admire the lovely views from the window and read in excellent lighting. To the plusesaisle seats include the fact that you can stretch your legs into the aisle and get up to go to the toilet without any problems, as well as be among the first at the exit. By the way, the seats at emergency and regular exits are distinguished by increased legroom.

The best seats in terms of comfort and convenience are those that are in the front row. You can safely stretch your legs, as there will only be a wall in front of you. This is very important for people of high stature (from 180 centimeters). Also, there is less shaking in the front part when the plane enters the turbulence zone. An attractive bonus will be the right to be the first to receive food and drinks. A significant disadvantage for some will be the fact that passengers with babies and children under 7 years old will most likely be nearby.
Airplane seating arrangements
Now that you have decided what to look for when choosing your seat, you need to be sure to find out the seat letter and row number that will suit you.
Airliners come in different sizes, so the number of seats in a row may vary. In any case, there will be aisle and window seats on every plane. You can get information about the layout of the aircraft of interest at the representative office of the carrier's airline. Quite often, schemes are published on sites on the Internet. It is important to consider that vessels of the same model do not always have the same layout. This means that the location of the seats on the aircraft of Transaero and Aeroflot will not always coincide for oneaircraft type.
Seat selection based on vehicle size
When there is a seating chart on the plane you are going to fly, you can accurately understand whether the seat is located near the partition or next to the window, whether the wings will block the view.
Let's give some examples. Consider the location of the seats in the Boeing 737 and similar aircraft, where the seats in the economy class are installed in 2 rows of 3 seats each. With this layout option, the seats in the front row, as well as in the rows near the emergency exits, will be comfortable - there is always enough space to stretch your legs.

The cabin of the Boeing 747 is designed for long-distance flights, it has several economy class cabins, in which there are 3 rows of seats arranged in a 3-4-3 pattern. And on this ship, there will still be good seats in the front row and at the main or emergency exits, but you should pay attention that the toilets are located both in front and in the tail.
How to get the chair you like
Airlines allocate seats on the plane in different ways. First of all, try to find out if you can choose a seat at the time of booking. Often this service is provided by the airline for an additional fee. The second way to get a good seat is to ask during check-in for the flight to show the location of the seats on the plane and choose the right one, if it is free.
Recommendations and useful tips
Be sure to considerthe direction of flight, as the bright rays of the sun can shine directly on your face. Decide which direction you are heading. When flying from east to west, the sun's rays will always fall from the left side, and from west to east - from the right side. When moving from north to south in the morning, the sun's rays will fall on the left, and in the evening on the right. When flying from south to north in the morning - on the right, in the evening - on the left. And don't forget that the opposite is true in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is important to arrive at registration as soon as possible from the moment it opens. The best seats go to those who come first.
The most popular and filled flights are morning and evening. If you do not have any time reference, then it is better to fly during the daytime, since it is during these hours that the flow of passengers is the smallest, and the seats nearby will be empty.
In recent years, airlines have been trying to simplify their system by introducing a variety of innovations to speed up the check-in process several times over. These include terminals for self-check-in at airports and the ability to check in for a flight online on the airline's website. These technologies should not be overlooked, since the layouts of airliners' cabins, the location of seats on the plane, and already occupied seats are clearly visible on the computer screen. Using such services will save you from exhausting queues and early arrival at the airport.

So if you flyoften, then very soon you will figure out which places are better than the rest. Unfortunately, not all airlines have the ability to select seats in advance, so be prepared to fly in any seat you come across.