Hotbed of green tourism - Medveditsa River

Hotbed of green tourism - Medveditsa River
Hotbed of green tourism - Medveditsa River

More and more people are choosing green tourism. What could be more beautiful than living in the outback, breathing fresh air, watching the sunsets, enjoying fishing and, of course, eating organic homemade food! Recreation in the bosom of nature is to the liking of both children and adults. One of the most beautiful places in Russia is the river Medveditsa (Tver region), or Medvedikha, as the locals call it. The picturesque banks of this river seem to be intended for rest from the bustle of the city and smog. Everyone can choose a holiday according to their taste and budget: from camping to a comfortable hotel. Why is the Medveditsa River so attractive to domestic and even foreign tourists?

bear river
bear river

Where to settle? Choosing accommodation


There are many "wild" tent camps on the banks of the river. This path is quite risky, especially for those who are going on vacation with children. As an alternative, consider local campsites where you can camp. Of course, this method is not free (unlike the wild one), but there is a medical center, drinking water, and security at the service of vacationers. After all, rest in the bosom of nature should not only bring joy, but also be safe.

bear river
bear river

Private housing

There are several villages on the banks of the river, whose residents are ready to receive tourists during the entire holiday season. The price of a home depends on financial capabilities and preferences: you can rent an inexpensive room, or you can also a comfortable house.

Cottage villages

The cost of a cottage is usually higher. But the package of services is different: parking for cars, TV, Internet… On the territory of the villages you can find shopping centers, restaurants with local and European cuisine, as well as a lot of entertainment.

What to do?


One of the most famous and attractive features for tourists is fishing. The Medveditsa River is simply replete with fish. However, both local residents and responsible authorities strictly monitor compliance with current legislation, keeping the fish population at the proper level and preventing poaching. Special places are reserved for fishing, the seasonality of the catch is strictly observed.

bear river tver region
bear river tver region


The forested banks of the Medveditsa River are extraordinarily attractive for hunting enthusiasts as well. The first hunting season opens in April. It lasts only about a month, so many people rush to visit these places in order to hunt for game birds. Autumn is the season for shooting small ungulates and elk. Permitted at this time and hunting for duck, pheasant, quail, black grouse and other birds, which abounds in the Medveditsa River. Photos with trophies will be great souvenirs to remember theselocations.

bear river photo
bear river photo

Horse rides

Stud farm "Bekas" breeds horses of the Bashkir breed. Even children and beginners easily find a common language with these meek and intelligent animals. The package of services is quite wide: from riding lessons with a trainer to long walks in the forest.

Tver bear
Tver bear

"Silent Hunt"

Attract pine forests and mushroom pickers. Many vacationers are happy to go with experienced mushroom pickers to the thicket. Mushroom dryers are at the service of tourists, helping to quickly process and prepare for future use the forest "harvest".
