It's been more than a year since the water park "Karibia" opened in Perovo, in the east of Moscow. Complexes of water attractions of this kind are very popular all over the world. And Moscow is no exception here. This circumstance puts their creators and developers in conditions of fierce competition. They are forced to constantly invent and invent something new to attract the attention of the public and constantly look back at what has already been achieved earlier in the field of designing and building objects of this purpose.

Waterpark "Caribia": reviews of specialists and impressions of visitors
After a year of successful operation of the water attractions complex in Perovo, it is quite possible to sum up some preliminary results of the project. The main thing that favorably distinguishes the water park "Caribia" is the design of the project, sustained in a single style, the unifying artistic image of which is the exotic of the Caribbean Sea. The creators of the water park took into account the world experience in designing such complexes, and the best was taken from it. Everyone here can find entertainment according to their taste. For thrill-seekers, the Caribbean water park has several slideshigh altitude and complex spatial configuration. Already the names of some slides promise those who climb them a good dose of adrenaline ("Free Fall", "Black Hole"). The central element of the entire composition of the complex of water attractions is a large wave pool, in which the trajectories of the descents from all the slides end.

A spacious swimming pool with hydromassage equipment and large Jacuzzi tubs are at guests' disposal. Of course, the smallest guests are not forgotten either, for them the water park "Karibia" has a separate splash pool with a small slide and a variety of floating toys. On the second floor there is a bath complex. It has several departments that correspond to different national traditions in this area. These are Russian, Finnish, Roman and Japanese baths. On the territory of the water park you can find additional services and entertainment: bowling, billiards, rooms with cosmetic and massage treatments. There are several catering establishments with restaurant-level cuisine. You can rent a banquet hall for family and corporate events. During the summer, this can also be done on the roof of the complex.

Karibia water park: prices and opening hours
The complex of water attractions in Perovo operates without days off and holidays. For visitors it is available from ten in the morning until ten in the evening. The pricing policy is quite complex, and the rates vary quite significantly. A full adult ticket for the entire twelve-hour day costs 2,150 rubles on weekdays and 3,040 rubles on weekends. For children up to one and a half meters tall - 1100 rubles on weekdays and 2000 rubles on weekends. You can take a two-hour ticket, it will cost 800 rubles for adults and 465 rubles for children on weekdays. And, accordingly, 1130 rubles for adults and 800 rubles for children in the morning. Billing from six in the evening on Friday is at weekend rates. Children no taller than 120 centimeters have the opportunity to enter the water park for free.