Ivanovskie lakes are considered to be one of the most picturesque corners of nature in Khakassia. They are located on the border with the Kemerovo Region, at the foot of Mount Bobrovaya, at the mouth of the Sarala River.
Lake complex

Ivanovskie lakes is a cascade of four water bowls. The spectacle that appears before your eyes is simply breathtaking. The bowl of the blue lake, surrounded by mountains, looks very beautiful, and on top is the second pond. A small river flows from it. It flows into the first lake, forming a stunning waterfall forty meters high. At the same time, the droplets scatter, sparkling in the sun's rays, like lenses, and bewitching.
On the slopes of the mountains surrounding the Ivanovskie Lakes, even in the hottest August, there is real snow, when it melts, snowdrops bloom. Ten days later they are replaced by such taiga flowers as frying. And blueberries ripen next to them.

Exact location
Ivanovskie lakes, the photo of which resembles both a taiga forest and alpine meadows, are located near the small village of Priiskovoe,in which about six hundred people live. This is the Ordzhonikidzevsky district of Khakassia, located simultaneously in the subalpine and mountain-taiga climatic zones of Alatau.
Four stunningly beautiful mountain lakes, the largest of which is up to one hundred and forty meters deep, are filled with icy water. They are located at an altitude of more than a kilometer above sea level. Their surroundings attract with pristine nature. Bright colors of alpine meadows, snowfields that do not melt even in summer, mountain streams and waterfalls originating in the upper bowls - all this splendor is within reach even for the most unprepared tourist for hiking conditions. And this heavenly place is known as Ivanovskie Lakes, Khakassia.

How to get there?
By plane, this natural complex can be reached by landing at the airport of Abakan or Krasnoyarsk, and then by intercity bus or train to the village of Priiskovoye. They go twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
From the village of Priiskovy to Ivanovskie lakes can be reached by going up the road, which will lead only to the first of them. And to visit the rest, you definitely need a map or a guide. At the same time, you need to know that there is no road, so you need to walk.

Natural object
Ivanovskie lakes, located on the territory of a high mountain complex, are a regional natural object. A park is also laid out here, the main purpose of which is the protection of alpinebiocenoses, and especially alpine meadows, where rare plants grow. In addition, in the vicinity of the lakes there are thickets of birch, where there are large populations of reindeer. On the slopes of the surrounding mountains, there are plant species that are listed in the Russian Red Book. There are a lot of berries in these places. This makes the natural park even more attractive for tourism.
The snowballs that Ivanovskie Lakes are rich in are also unique. Rest here can be organized all year round. Winter sports in the mountains are popular with tourists.
The upper and lower lakes are considered the largest in size. They are located in the zone of eternal glaciers. That is why they have long been famous among travelers for their snow-covered picturesque shores, which have become a favorite place for many skiers.
From time to time, ice icicles hanging over the water, breaking off into the water, form real icebergs. The shores of the upper lake are strikingly reminiscent of such a structure as a dam. Their top is almost horizontal, smoothed by a glacier. It "oozes" in places, gleaming in the sun with flowing water. On the right, the scree literally "flows" into the upper lake along with the snowball lying on it. From here, the Sarala originates - the river, which, running between the stones for about two hundred meters, rushes into the lower bowl.

According to experts, the depth of the lower lake is one hundred and forty-seven meters, and this becomes obvious if you stand on a steep bank and carefullylook into the dark green abyss, in which even a small rock that goes under water is lost.
Ivanovskie lakes are of karst origin. They are fed by waterfalls and streams, originating from numerous snowfields. The places around them are very beautiful. The slopes of the surrounding mountains are completely covered with thickets of dwarf birch.
The taiga is getting close to the Ivanovskie lakes, but in some places there is also a birch forest. Rocky cliffs are visible along the banks on one side, and kurumniks or stone blocks on the other. Therefore, the descent to some lakes is quite dangerous.
There are a lot of fish in the reservoirs themselves. And mostly grayling. The first lake Ivanovskoye, fishing on which is very popular among lovers of "silent" hunting, is a favorite place for those who combine tourism with active pastime. Overnight in tents, conversations by the fire, the purest mountain air, beautiful emerald ponds - in a word, a good outdoor recreation. For those who prefer comfort, it is better to stay in a boarding house, which, unfortunately, is the only one here so far. But there is a lot of private housing offered for rent, which is rented very inexpensively.

While in the summer walking on the slopes of the mountains and fishing attract tourists here, in the winter it is skiing and snowboarding. The favorable geographical position of the glaciers is excellent for skiing. Since the snowfields near the Ivanovskie lakes do not melt even in the hot summer, extreme sports come here, not only from Russia, but also from abroad.
Khakassia offers visitors eco-tourism on these clean waters. The republic is preparing a new investment mega-project called "Ivanovskie Lakes", within the framework of which this natural complex was created. According to the organizers, the meteorological and climatic conditions of the region are excellent for comfortable outdoor leisure both in summer and winter. Due to the fact that Ivanovskie lakes are fed by glaciers and melt water from snowfields that do not melt even on the hottest summer days, the water in them is always clear and clean.
In the natural complex in Khakassia, tourists enjoy hiking, fishing, skiing and snowboarding. The most optimal time for relaxing on the lakes begins in June and lasts until the end of August. During this season they are visited by up to five thousand travelers. In total, more than fifteen thousand people come to this region of Khakassia every year.