Sights of Mozyr, Belarus. Description and photo

Sights of Mozyr, Belarus. Description and photo
Sights of Mozyr, Belarus. Description and photo

Are you going on vacation again? Want to visit something new and different from the popular tourist spots? This time attracted by a familiar culture? Then it is best to opt for the city of Mozyr in Belarus, the sights of which are described in this article.

A bit of history

A couple of hours drive from Gomel on the green hills of the Pripyat River is the city of Mozyr, which can safely be called the most ancient in Belarus. The history of its formation goes back to the distant 1155. Then these lands were the possessions of the Kyiv principality, in the XIV century they passed to the principality of Lithuania. In the 17th century, Mozyr survived a strong fire that almost completely destroyed the city. After this tragedy, military attacks fell upon him, preventing the restoration of infrastructure. Mozyr joined the Russian Empire in 1793.

Mound of Glory

To celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the final liberation of the city from fascist aggression, the grand opening of the Memorial complex was timed. The occupation of Mozyr lasted 875 days. Only on January 14, 1944, the courageousBelarusian people managed to liberate the city. This attraction of Mozyr, a photo of which can be found below, is a stele that rushed into the sky to a height of 45 meters. A howitzer of the war years, a mass grave and an eternal flame - all this was combined in the monument of history "The Mound of Glory".

mound of Glory
mound of Glory

The mass grave was created here before the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution. The remains of the soldiers were exhumed and solemnly reburied. The mourning rally, trailing behind the trucks with the dead, gathered almost the entire city.

2012 was marked for the "Mound of Glory" by the installation of a memorial sign to Afghan soldiers. Here they buried a capsule filled with Afghan soil, on which the blood of Soviet soldiers was shed.

Today rallies, parades of combatants, honoring veterans are held here.

Mozyr Castle

This attraction of Mozyr and the Mozyr region was built in the 15th century on the site of an old wooden citadel. The fortresses of the structure survived more than one attack. For many centuries, the palace, household and residential buildings, a well and a temple were hidden behind the walls and defense towers.

In 1576, the expansion of the castle began due to a strong increase in population, there were already 5 towers on it. Residents of the city still continue to divide the castle into “old” and “new”.

Mozyr castle
Mozyr castle

Now this wonderful attraction of the city of Mozyr gathers a large number of young people at festivalsmedieval and ethnic music, as well as during reconstructions. Everyone can go back in time and feel like a real knight. In addition to festivals, various artisan fairs are also held here - another opportunity to experience the whole atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

Local History Museum

On June 18, 1948, a local history museum, originally called Polessky, was opened in the city. In 1977, the building of this attraction of Mozyr was demolished. In the 1980s, archaeological research of the city took place here. Many unique items were found on the territory of the above-described attractions of Mozyr.

The modern united museum of local lore has several branches. In the historical one, ancient household items found in the vicinity and so on are exhibited. You can get acquainted with the national traditions of the inhabitants of the city in the museum "Paleska Veda". Masterpieces of clay sculpture can be seen in the museum-workshop of N. N. Pushkar.

Museum of Local Lore
Museum of Local Lore

Monument to the victims of Chernobyl

Currently, over 2,000 people live in the Mozyr region, who participated in the aftermath of the terrible accident. The Republic does not forget about them, providing material support in the form of pensions and various benefits. Four state programs have been established to help the victims of Chernobyl. On April 26, 2006, a monument to the Victims of Chernobyl was opened in the city, which immediately became a landmark of the city. Various rallies gather at this place every year. The monument is a construction in the form of a conditional white chapel, whichsymbolizes an invisible, barely perceptible danger. Inside there is a memorial sign made of stone with the date of the accident.

Monument to the victims of Chernobyl
Monument to the victims of Chernobyl

Cistercian Monastery

In 1647, thanks to the initiative of the Novogrudok castellan Anton Askerka, a Cistercian monastery was created. The reigning monarchs of the Commonwe alth later repeatedly donated funds for the development of this architectural landmark of Mozyr.

This monastery, like all Cistercian ones, was rather strict and secluded. There were no elements of decor, utensils and ornaments. The Cistercians wore white robes with a black hood, scarpularium and woolen belt.

In 1745, a nunnery and the Church of St. Michael were built here. In 1864 the monastery was closed. In 1893 the same fate befell the women's. The church was given to the Orthodox Church and reconstructed, removing all the decorations of the Baroque style and completely destroying the wall frescoes. At the end of the 19th century, a factory for the production of matches was opened on the site of the monastery. In 1990, the temple was handed over to the Catholics and operates to this day, and the locals call the most beautiful valley near the monastery the Valley of the Angels.

Cistercian monastery
Cistercian monastery

Drama theater

In the 90s, many theatrical traditions were criticized. New trends were created, creative teams were formed. A group of young artists, as an experiment, formed a new theater "Verasen". It grew and developed, in 1994 it was awarded the name of the writer Ivan Melezh. Theater ceased to be experimental and became dramatic. Charity performances are often given in honor of the memory of the liquidators and victims of the accident at the Chernobyl power plant.
