Gloucester Cathedral is an 11th-century English cathedral church, one of the masterpieces of Gothic architecture throughout the world. Prior to the church, the royal abbey of Northumbria was located here in 681. This majestic cathedral in a slightly embellished form can be seen in the famous Harry Potter saga: the shooting of school everyday life of young magicians and sorceresses took place here.

History and architecture of the temple
Gloucester Cathedral also has an official name - the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and the Holy Trinity. The temple was founded in the first century AD, but acquired its cathedral status only in the 16th century. The building has quite impressive dimensions: it is 130 meters long, 44 meters wide, and the height of the tower located in the center reaches 79 meters.
The architectural elements of the church harmoniously combine the Norman direction, as well as signs of later styles, includinggothic. The entrance to the temple from the south side is made in the Gothic style, and the choirs of the church are Gothic elements superimposed on the Norman style.

Gloucester Cathedral, after modernization, has acquired unique, unique features peculiar only to it. At the end of the 19th century, some architectural changes took place in connection with the restoration of the roof and tower of the church. The restoration was carried out under the direction of George Gilbert Scott.

Sights of Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Cathedral (UK) is one of the most ancient temples in the kingdom. Noteworthy sights of the temple are rightfully the monument to Osric, King of Northumbria, the tomb of King Edward II, buried in the walls of the abbey church, and huge stained-glass windows, striking in their splendor.

One of them shows a picture of a golfer dating back to 1350, as well as a carved picture of a medieval ball game. On the painted stained-glass windows you can see scenes from the life of commoners and crowned persons, the reception of guests, the coronation of rulers, as well as other events characteristic of medieval England.

The most beautiful church in England and the Harry Potter movie
Gloucester Cathedral (Hogwarts in the world-famous movie about wizards and wizards "Harry Potter") was rented for a while for filmingsome scenes of the screened film, and the rent cost the producers a tidy sum (one day of filming cost $ 12,000). In the temple, they filmed the moments of the distribution of future wizards by faculties. The scenes of Christmas dinner and Halloween were also filmed here. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry always appears differently, and young heroes have walked along its corridors (cathedral galleries) more than once.

The Royal School of Gloucester is also listed in the credits after the film, and its pupils even took part in crowd scenes. Gloucester Cathedral in England fits perfectly into the magical atmosphere of magic and sorcery. Some parishioners and representatives of the religious community did not want the film about sorcerers and witches to be filmed in sacred walls, but the clergy came to the conclusion that at the heart of the filmed picture, good opposes evil, and this idea does not go beyond the Anglican religion.

Gloucester Cathedral - a magical corner of England
Due to the special atmosphere while staying within the walls of the temple, there is an unusual feeling that you are in a sacred place, where mystery hovers everywhere and smells of a fairy tale and hints of magic. The amazing Gloucester Cathedral embodies power and steadfastness and with its appearance delights and makes the faithful parishioners and inquisitive tourists tremble.
Due to its architectural appeal, the temple is very popular with tourists. The stunning Gloucester Cathedral in England is veryorganically combines the interior design of various eras, from the ancient Norman direction to the present.

Every year the cathedral has approximately 331 thousand visitors and parishioners. And numerous fans of the Harry Potter movie come here to admire the majestic and mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.