In the Krasnodar Territory, at the entrance to the village of Praskoveevka, there is a very original miraculous monument of nature - the Parus rock. Gelendzhik is only fifteen kilometers away from it.

The rock, the photo of which once again proves the accuracy of its name, really has the shape of a quadrangular sail. This is a vertical sandstone layer that has broken away from the main rock masses as a result of a failure. And the dimensions of this creation of nature are impressive: the thickness is almost 25 meters, the height is more than 20.

The rock stands directly perpendicular to the line of the sea and is three-quarters submerged in water.
There is a lot of controversy about the origin of this miracle of nature. It is not completely clear whether the Sail Rock was once part of the coastal mountain range or always stood alone in the sands in this very place. Geologists say that it was once part of the seabed and was left after the sea washed out the sandy soft rocks and the water level fell.
At a height of almost three meters above sea level, on its surface, the Parus rock has a hole of unknown origin. Local residents say that it was pierced by artillerymen during the years of the Caucasian War, althoughsome memoirs of those times say that the sailors from their battleship tried more than once to break through the rock, but they did not succeed. Numerous footprints on the stone speak in favor of this version.

There are many legends and legends about this natural monument. It is even suggested that the Sail rock is exactly the place where Prometheus was punished. According to ancient Greek myth, indeed, the one who gave fire to mankind was chained to a high rock, standing alone in the sea.
It is not known how true this is, but the fact that people from distant Greece live in nearby Praskoveevka, who settled here, captivated by the local beauty, is a fact.
No one knows how long the Parus rock has been standing at this place, attracting the attention of tourists and travelers, but many who come here to look at this natural monument try to tear off at least a small piece for themselves. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict how long it will stay idle with such a barbaric attitude.

It is also interesting that there are three such geological formations, and all of them are located on the Black Sea coast. The second rock Parus - the sister of Praskoveevskaya - rises in the Crimea region, and the third one - at the foot of the Swallow's Nest.
Although, according to those who have seen all three, Crimean and Y alta are not as unusual and beautiful as Krasnodar.
The road to the rock goes along the coast, in places it is blocked by huge boulders. Sometimes you even needjump over slippery stones in the water, so not many reach its base. But those who do get there try to touch her with their hands, believing in her miraculous power to grant wishes.
In the early seventies of the last century, the Parus rock was declared a state natural monument, but the approaches to it have not been equipped, although this does not stop tourists who annually come here by the thousands. I must say that the coast near the village of Praskoveevka is stunningly beautiful, there is a very blue and clear sea and picturesque surroundings.