Traditions observed by the people of France

Traditions observed by the people of France
Traditions observed by the people of France

The French nation is one of the oldest on the European continent, it has a rich history and culture. Representatives of the nation are more gallant than polite, quite skeptical and prudent, resourceful and cunning. At the same time, the population of France has such traits as gullibility and generosity; here they like to talk beautifully and a lot. France is rightly called the founder of a large number of traditions around the world.

Population of France
Population of France

The most important thing for any inhabitant of this country is the family in the broadest sense of the word. Traditionally, relatives live close to each other, arrange family councils, at which the presence of everyone is important.

If a baby is born in a family, then the parents light many lamps around him, giving them the names of various saints.

After they burn out, the newborn is given the name that the last extinguished lamp has.

Usually all adult members of the family go to work,however, this does not prevent the French from devoting enough time to their families and spending weekends together.

Residents of this country with their closest relatives prefer to gather at home, and with friends - in a cafe.

Many different customs are associated with eating. Surprisingly, the population of France dine at exactly 20.00. After main courses in

Population of France
Population of France

Desserts include a variety of cheeses to be washed down with red wine.

Despite the fact that nutritionists say that eating cheese after meat is inappropriate, this tradition has remained unchanged for a very long time.

In addition, there are two main concepts in this country that characterize the food-loving population.

France is a country with a rich national cuisine, so there is a gourmet here - a person who understands its intricacies, and a gourmet - someone who loves to eat deliciously. Any Frenchman will be pleased to be called a gourmet.

As in some other countries, in France it is customary to ask for forgiveness even if someone else is to blame. This cultural tradition is especially evident in the subway, when both always apologize in the event of a collision. At the same time, they don’t give up their seats here and don’t ask the person in front

Population of France
Population of France

about the exit, just make their way to the door, saying "Pardon!" The population of France is sensitive to the greeting - when entering the premises, people without fail shake hands with each of those present, and when leaving they always say goodbye. However, it is considereduncivilized to say hello twice in one meeting.

At the same time, the French are convinced that they are the only civilized nation in the world whose main task is to guide other nations. Moreover, the population of France is notoriously biased towards foreigners, especially English speakers. Recently, a law was passed here, which states that citizens of the country can only use French speech in public places, on radio, television. Therefore, if you ask in English how to get to a certain place, then most likely they will not answer you, even if they understand what it is about.

Despite the fact that the population of France is increasing every year, traditions and customs are passed down from generation to generation. Some of them remain unchanged, some change over time. Only by visiting France, you can understand all the features of this nation, plunge into an unfamiliar world for us.
