The appearance of the road to Vyborg happened even before the founding of St. Petersburg. It originated on Berezovy Island. Further, her path lay through the Bolshaya Nevka. It passed in the area of the current Grenadier Bridge, and then the road went along the mainland towards the north. The modern Vyborg highway received its first name in 1742. Then it sounded like the Vyborg road (or the Great Vyborg road). Its beginning was considered Sampson Cathedral. From about the middle of the 18th century, it was also called Pargolovskaya. This was due to the most famous settlement at that time, through which this road was laid.

In the times of Nikolaev, all over Russia, work was carried out related to the improvement and repair of old roads. A new French word "highway" appeared in the lexicon and was applied to all highways. So, in 1832, the Vyborg road acquired a new sound - the Vyborg highway. During that periodanother option was considered using the word "tract", but it did not take root in Russia.
A year later, the border of the city was determined along the northern edge of the site that belonged to the Forestry Institute (currently Novosiltsevsky lane passes here). This led to the fact that the location of the border separating the Vyborgskoye highway and Sampsonevsky Prospekt changed. In 1917, the city expanded quite a lot, its border moved significantly towards Poklonnaya Hill. Part of the Vyborgskoye Highway became part of the city. This section was renamed Engels Avenue. Due to the fact that this avenue was extended to the north a little later, another section was separated from Vyborgskoye Highway, starting from Poklonnogorskaya Street and ending with Siqueiros Street, and added to Engels Avenue.

Modern Vyborg highway is a high-speed highway, the beginning of which comes from Engels Avenue, namely from Siqueiros Street. Then it passes through Ozerki, Shuvalovo, Pogorelovo and Aspen Grove. Outside the city, the Vyborgskoye highway runs through Simagino and all the way to the concrete road marked A120, which connects Priozerskoye and Primorskoye highways. This section is different in that there is no such heavy traffic as in other sections, due to the fact that the main traffic flow to Vyborg is located on the Scandinavia highway. The highway outside the city is often referred to as the Eastern Vyborg highway.

Places along it are usedespecially popular with tourists.
Vyborgskoye shosse 27 is especially popular. Here, Stroykomplekt IC commissioned a residential complex offering contemporaries housing with increased comfort. Brick new buildings rise in a landscaped area that has a developed infrastructure. In close proximity to the object are the largest supermarkets. The resort area is located nearby. The apartments have a view of the Shuvalovsky forest park or the most picturesque Suzdal lakes.

The residential complex has a number of multi-storey buildings, where there are apartments of different layouts and areas.