Alluring and beautiful places in China

Alluring and beautiful places in China
Alluring and beautiful places in China

Tourists, setting out on their journey, are wondering what to see in China. China is a country with an ancient original culture and a rich history, but besides this, there are many different picturesque natural and man-made objects. Here we will share some beautiful places in China.

Great Wall of China

The great Wall of China
The great Wall of China

This grandiose structure is undoubtedly an amazing result of the activity of an ancient civilization. The fortress wall today is a symbol of China. Its total length is 8,851 km. It was built more than one thousand years ago and still throws surprises and questions to scientists to which they cannot find answers.

Yangtze River

what to see in beijing
what to see in beijing

This waterway is the longest river of the Asian continent and deserves to be on the list of what to see in China. It is a kind of line dividing North China and South China. These areas really noticeably differ in cultural traditions, economy, climatic and natural features. The dam of the Three was built on the riverGorges, which is the world's largest hydroelectric power station.

Huangshan Mountains (Yellow Mountains)

Huangshan mountains
Huangshan mountains

One of the most beautiful places in China. They formed about 100 million years ago. Later, when the surrounding landscape was washed out by glaciers, the rocks acquired a greater height. The mountain complex is located 300 km from Shanghai (Anhui Province). Seventy-seven mountain peaks exceed 1000 m, and the highest mountains - Lotus Peak and Light Peak - reach 1800 m. rainbow) and "Cloud Sea".

Danxia Geological Park

Danxia Nature Reserve is located west of Zhangye (Gansu Province, northwest China). In 2010, the territory was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Danxia natural rock landscape is a unique geological phenomenon. The red sandstone rock formed huge colorful hills. They resemble a perfect painting, despite the fact that they were created by nature itself. The surface of the geopark is painted with stripes of different shades: from scarlet to blue. This unique natural phenomenon appeared as a result of the impact of a complex of factors: the movement of the earth's surface, weathering and erosion, which lasted millions of years. Different in color, size and texture, the relief and rocks form fantastic landscapes with numerous cracks and lowlands, grottoes, caves, columns and towers of natural origin. The cost of admission to thisa beautiful place in China for about 6 dollars, an excursion program costs another 3 dollars. Walking alone in the park is prohibited.

Tianzi Mountain

beautiful places in china
beautiful places in china

Tianzi Peak is one of the four famous tourist spots and the most scenic spots in Wulingyuan Nature Reserve. This is an untouched island of nature with primeval forests, mysterious caves, pristine reservoirs, beautiful waterfalls and rich wildlife. From the east, the Suo Xiyu Valley adjoins the mountain, from the south - the National Forest Park of Zhangjiajie City District, and from the north - Sanzhi County. Thus, Tianzi is one of the most beautiful places in China and the center of the "golden triangle". The highest point is the Kunlun peak (1262.5 m), the lowest (at the foot) is the Shilan valley (534 m above sea level). The area of the mountain is 68 sq. m, the perimeter at the foot is 45 km. For those who find it difficult to hike through the forests on their own, there is a cable car to climb to the top.

The most interesting view opens from the Platform of the Emperor or the Platform of the Son of God. The local population leads a traditional way of life. Tourists can get acquainted with life and try simple, but tasty and he althy dishes. Mount Tianzi got its name in honor of the nickname of the rebel Xiang Dakong, who during the reign of Emperor Hongwu (Ming Dynasty), led the local farmers' uprising, he was nicknamed the "son of heaven." There is a legend that the rebel groups pitched their camp on the mountain. Since that time, the peaks of the mountains, distinguishable from Tianji, have been compared to a large cavalry army.


Jiuzhaigou Valley (Valley of Nine Villages) is a nature reserve in the north of Sichuan province (southwest China), formed as a result of tectonic, glacial and hydrological activity. The Jiuzhaigou Valley is three huge lowlands called Rise, Zecheva and Shuzheng, which are also called valleys because of their size. The area is famous for its beautiful cascades of waterfalls, picturesque lakes, protected ancient forest landscape and rare species of animals and plants. The main local attractions are the primeval forest, Grass Lake (completely covered with vegetation), Swan Lake (another name is Long, since its length is more than 2 km), Lake of the Five Flowers (a shallow body of water with water of different shades), Pand Lake and waterfalls (a two-color body of water with three-stage waterfalls), Mirror Lake (with an absolutely smooth surface that reflects the surrounding landscape).

Lake of a Thousand Islands

Qiandiaohu Lake (150 km from Hangzhou) is an artificial reservoir with an area of 573 square meters. km, which appeared in the late 50s of the twentieth century, after the construction of a hydroelectric power station. There are 1078 large and small picturesque islands here. It is the largest freshwater lake in eastern China.

danxia nature reserve
danxia nature reserve


Hemu Village is one of the most beautiful Chinese villages. Since the winter in this area is long, tourists can see local beauty only from June to the end of October. The best time to visit is at the beginning of summer, when nature is just awakening and the meadows are covered with many bright colors. Hemu Village is located in Burchun County in northern Xinjiang, at an altitude of 2 km above sea level. This is the floodplain of two rivers, Khemu and Kanas, surrounded by majestic mountain peaks and dense forests. More recently, this area was almost completely isolated from civilization.

What to see in Beijing

National Museum of China
National Museum of China

If you arrived in the capital of China for a period of a day or a week, it makes sense to limit yourself to acquaintance with the sights of the city. And, believe me, there are a lot of them: the National Museum of China, Tiananmen Square and the mausoleum of Mao Zedong. The museum displays both its own collections of exhibits and various traveling exhibitions from around the world. Entrance to the mausoleum is free. The Gongwangfu palace and park complex, built in the 18th century for one of the princes, also deserves attention. Here you can feel the national flavor and have fun. The Forbidden City will be of interest to everyone who understands the art of Feng Shui.

What else to see in Beijing? Definitely Yonghegun Monastery.

Yonghegun Monastery
Yonghegun Monastery

Great place for fans of kung fu and Tibet. Be sure to visit the Temple of Heaven, a famous complex with a unique sound effect.

Very interesting temple of Awakening, or the Great Bell. The sound of this giant can be heard at a distance of 50 km, in addition, there are many more interesting things in the temple. For example, the brightest show-celebrations are held here during the New Year's week.
